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  • export excel


    The following program runs fine when there is at least on observation in each sheet. but I don't have any observations in some sheets. I need to save those sheets in the data check_PAH file too.

    So I need to have all named sheets either with observations or without observations in the data check_PAH.

    Any advice on solving this problem please?


    levelsof sheets_name, local(levels)
    local vlname: value label sheets_name
    foreach L of local levels {
    local vl: label `vlname' `L'
    export excel centre studydescription_all Unknown1 using "U:\eDose Monitoring Data\data check_PAH" if centre==5 & Unknown1==`L' ///
    ,sheet("`vl'") sheetreplace firstrow(variables)

  • #2
    Well, I experimented a little and couldn't find any way to force -export excel- to save a blank worksheet. But you can get something almost as good by exporting a worksheet containing only an empty string value to a single cell:

    levelsof sheets_name, local(levels)
    local vlname: value label sheets_name
    gen empty = ""
    foreach L of local levels {
        local vl: label `vlname' `L'
        count if centre==5 & Unknown1==`L'
        if r(N) > 0 {
            export excel centre studydescription_all Unknown1 ///
            using "U:\eDose Monitoring Data\data check_PAH" ///
            if centre==5 & Unknown1==`L' ///
            ,sheet("`vl'") sheetreplace firstrow(variables)
        else {
            export excel empty using "U:\eDose Monitoring Data\data check_PAH", ///
            sheet("`vl'") sheetreplace


    • #3
      Basing on Clyde's excellent answer, if you wanted to maybe save some file space, you could
      export excel empty using "U:\eDose Monitoring Data\data check_PAH" in 1, ///
              sheet("`vl'") sheetreplace
      You could also use -odbc- to create empty (zero-observation) worksheets.


      • #4
        Thanks for all amazing advice.

        If I could have variable names (centre studydescription_all Unknown1) repeated in empty sheets is even better and save me time too.


        • #5
          Originally posted by Masoumeh Sanagou View Post
          If I could have variable names (centre studydescription_all Unknown1) repeated in empty sheets is even better and save me time too.
          Untested, but, assuming that your variable labels do not have spaces.

          levelsof sheets_name, local(levels)
          local vlname : value label sheets_name
          local empty_list
          foreach L of local levels {
              local vl : label `vlname' `L'
              quietly count if centre == 5 & Unknown1 == `L'
              if r(N) > 0 {
                  export excel centre studydescription_all Unknown1 ///
                      using "U:\eDose Monitoring Data\data check_PAH" ///
                          if centre==5 & Unknown1==`L' , ///
                              sheet("`vl'") sheetreplace firstrow(variables)
              else {
                  local empty_list `empty_list' `vl'
          quietly keep in 1
          keep centre studydescription_all Unknown1
          quietly foreach var of varlist _all {
              if substr("`: type `var''", 1, 1) == "s" replace `var' = ""
              else replace `var' = .
          foreach worksheet in `empty_list' {
                  export excel using "U:\eDose Monitoring Data\data check_PAH", ///
                      sheet("`worksheet'") sheetreplace
          If they do have spaces, then use compound double quotes.


          • #6
            Actually, you can save a few lines of code with the following tactic.
            levelsof sheets_name, local(levels)
            local vlname : value label sheets_name
            quietly set obs `=_N + 1'
            foreach L of local levels {
                local vl : label `vlname' `L'
                quietly count if centre == 5 & Unknown1 == `L'
                if r(N) > 0 {
                    export excel centre studydescription_all Unknown1 ///
                        using "U:\eDose Monitoring Data\data check_PAH" ///
                            if centre==5 & Unknown1==`L' , ///
                                sheet("`vl'") sheetreplace firstrow(variables)
                else {
                    export excel centre studydescription_all Unknown1 ///
                        using "U:\eDose Monitoring Data\data check_PAH" ///
                            in l, ///
                                sheet("`vl'") sheetreplace firstrow(variables)


            • #7
              Now, I have two programs and need to combine them in one.

              The result of the first program is a file named frequencies with 5 spreadsheets (name of each spread sheets is `CentreName') and the results of the second program is 5 different files (data check_`CentreName').

              I need to have each sheets in frequencies file in appropriate data check file.

              Any advice on how I can do this?


              quietly sum centre
              local max_centre=r(max)
              local min_centre=r(min)
              local centre1 : value label centre

              quietly sum sheets_name
              local max_sheets_name=r(max)
              local min_sheets_name=r(min)
              levelsof sheets_name, local(levels)
              local vlname : value label sheets_name

              forvalues i=`min_centre'(1)`max_centre' {
              local CentreName : label `centre1' `i'
              forvalues L=`min_sheets_name'(1)`max_sheets_name' {
              local vl : label `vlname' `L'
              version 14.0
              putexcel A1=("Categories") B1=("Freq.") using "U:\UNSCEAR\eDose Monitoring Data\frequencies", sheet("`CentreName'") modify
              local G = `L'+1
              version 14.0
              putexcel A`G'=("`vl'") using "U:\UNSCEAR\eDose Monitoring Data\frequencies", sheet("`CentreName'") modify
              tabcount sheets_name if centre==`i', v1(1/18) v2(1/2) zero missing matrix(x)
              version 14.0
              putexcel b2=matrix(x) using "U:\UNSCEAR\eDose Monitoring Data\frequencies", sheet("`CentreName'") modify

              *data check
              quietly sum centre
              local max_centre=r(max)
              local min_centre=r(min)
              local centre1 : value label centre
              levelsof sheets_name, local(levels)
              local vlname : value label sheets_name
              quietly set obs `=_N + 1'
              forvalues i=`min_centre'(1)`max_centre' {
              local CentreName : label `centre1' `i'
              foreach L of local levels {
              local vl : label `vlname' `L'

              quietly count if centre==`i' & Unknown1 == `L'
              if r(N) > 0 {
              export excel centre studydescription_all Unknown1 ///
              using "U:\UNSCEAR\eDose Monitoring Data\data check_`CentreName'.xlsx" ///
              if centre==`i' & Unknown1==`L' , ///
              sheet("`vl'") sheetreplace firstrow(variables)
              else {
              export excel centre studydescription_all Unknown1 ///
              using "U:\UNSCEAR\eDose Monitoring Data\data check_`CentreName'.xlsx" ///
              in l, ///
              sheet("`vl'") sheetreplace firstrow(variables)

