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  • Help needed and very much appreciated! :)

    I have been already working in stata for a while for my thesis, but now I realized that the results would be better if I add some more control variables.
    I added two more coumns in my Control Variables dataset in excel but the new columns dont appear in STATA as new variables.
    What can I do that STATA can import the modified excel? I tried to re run the command I used to import it for the first time but still does not work:

    * add other control variables
    use "$dir2\Control Variables Annual", clear
    rename code reporteriso3
    merge 1:m reporteriso3 year using "$dir1\WITS_Dispute"
    drop _m
    save "$dir1\WITS_Dispute_with_controls", replace

    Any idea of how can I make stata identify the changes in the dataset?

    Thank you very much and have a nice weekend!

  • #2
    Without having more information about your Excel file, your Stata dataset and any error messages of Stata, it is very difficult if not impossible to help you. You also do not show the command that you used to create the Stata dataset from the Excel file. None of the above commands imports Excel files into Stata.


    • #3
      I don't understand your code above and suggest you look at
      help import excel


      • #4
        Thank you very much Rich and Sven-Kristjan! I already fixed it thank to your comments!

