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  • Using Oesch-syntax

    Hi all,

    I am relatively new with using Stata. I am researching the electoral support of liberal parties in Western-Europe. One of the hypotheses I am testing is whether certain occupations are more likely to vote for liberal parties than others. For testing this I want to use the sophisticated class schema of Daniel Oesch (2006). Unfortunately, this class schema is not included in one of the indicators of the European Social Survey that I use as my main dataset. However, there is a Stata-package available by Kaiser (2018) that recodes existing ISCO categories into the class schema of Oesch.

    I installed the module of Kaiser (2018) by typing "scc install oesch" (I uploaded the full syntax below, but it is also accesible through the website link). I ran a very complex and long syntax, provided by the module, but now I am a little bit stuck. Because I would have expected a new variable to be generated called Oesch_16 (16 because Oesch's class schema involves 16 categories), however, there is no new variable to my dataset added after I ran the syntax. Right now it looks like I only installed the program, but that I can't use it as an individual variable for my analysis. My question therefore is: how can I properly use packages in Stata (just like Oesch), whereby I can use it as new variables(s) for my analysis. Is there something I am missing?

    Kind regards,

    Attached Files

  • #2
    As ever, please do as the FAQ advises, and show us exactly what your input commands were and exactly what Stata gave you back. Enclose all this material in CODE delimiters. (Read the FAQ to see how to do this.)
    My quick skim of the ado-file suggests that variables are created, with names depending on what you entered when calling the ado. (Have you given variable names in the program call?) After you have run the command, type describe and see what's there.


    • #3
      Thanks for your response!
      This is the syntax of the Oesch-program I ran in the ado-file. Because I have no experience with using programs, I literally ran this exact syntax. I did not make any changes. However, I suppose that I still have to make some adjustments to the syntax for my specific dataset and variables. Is that correct?
      When I typed describe after I executed the program, there was no single variable added.

      program define iscooesch
        version 7
        syntax newvarname, isco(varname numeric) emplrel(varname numeric) emplno(varname numeric) [sixteen eight five replace]
        if "`sixteen'"=="sixteen" | ("`eight'"!="eight" & "`five'"!="five") {
         capture confirm variable oesch16_`varlist'
         if !_rc & "`replace'"!="replace" {
          display as error "Error: One or multiple of the variables to be generated already exist. Specify option 'replace' to overwrite them."
          exit 110
        if "`eight'"=="eight"{
         capture confirm variable oesch8_`varlist'
         if !_rc & "`replace'"!="replace" {
          display as error "Error: One or multiple of the variables to be generated already exist. Specify option 'replace' to overwrite them."
          exit 110
        if "`five'"=="five"{
         capture confirm variable oesch5_`varlist'
         if !_rc & "`replace'"!="replace" {
          display as error "Error: One or multiple of the variables to be generated already exist. Specify option 'replace' to overwrite them."
          exit 110
        display as text "Converting ISCO08 codes to Oesch classification."
        **** recode occupation variable (isco08 com 4-digit) for respondents
        tempvar tmpisco
        qui gen `tmpisco' = `isco'
        qui recode `tmpisco' (missing=-9)
        **** recode employment status for respondents
        tempvar tmpemplrel
        qui gen `tmpemplrel' = `emplrel'
        qui recode `tmpemplrel' (missing=9)
        tempvar tmpemplno
        qui gen `tmpemplno' = `emplno'
        qui recode `tmpemplno' (0=0)(1/9=1)(10/max=2)(missing=0)
        tempvar selfem_mainjob
        qui gen `selfem_mainjob' = .
        qui replace `selfem_mainjob'=1 if `tmpemplrel'==1 | `tmpemplrel'==9
        qui replace `selfem_mainjob'=2 if `tmpemplrel'==2 & `tmpemplno'==0
        qui replace `selfem_mainjob'=2 if `tmpemplrel'==3
        qui replace `selfem_mainjob'=3 if `tmpemplrel'==2 & `tmpemplno'==1
        qui replace `selfem_mainjob'=4 if `tmpemplrel'==2 & `tmpemplno'==2
        * Create Oesch class schema for respondents
        tempvar oesch16
        qui gen `oesch16' = -9
        * Large employers (1)
        qui replace `oesch16'=1 if `selfem_mainjob'==4
        * Self-employed professionals (2)
        qui replace `oesch16'=2 if (`selfem_mainjob'==2 | `selfem_mainjob'==3) & (`tmpisco' >= 2000 & `tmpisco' <= 2162)
        qui replace `oesch16'=2 if (`selfem_mainjob'==2 | `selfem_mainjob'==3) & (`tmpisco' >= 2164 & `tmpisco' <= 2165)
        qui replace `oesch16'=2 if (`selfem_mainjob'==2 | `selfem_mainjob'==3) & (`tmpisco' >= 2200 & `tmpisco' <= 2212)
        qui replace `oesch16'=2 if (`selfem_mainjob'==2 | `selfem_mainjob'==3) & (`tmpisco' == 2250)
        qui replace `oesch16'=2 if (`selfem_mainjob'==2 | `selfem_mainjob'==3) & (`tmpisco' >= 2261 & `tmpisco' <= 2262)
        qui replace `oesch16'=2 if (`selfem_mainjob'==2 | `selfem_mainjob'==3) & (`tmpisco' >= 2300 & `tmpisco' <= 2330)
        qui replace `oesch16'=2 if (`selfem_mainjob'==2 | `selfem_mainjob'==3) & (`tmpisco' >= 2350 & `tmpisco' <= 2352)
        qui replace `oesch16'=2 if (`selfem_mainjob'==2 | `selfem_mainjob'==3) & (`tmpisco' >= 2359 & `tmpisco' <= 2432)
        qui replace `oesch16'=2 if (`selfem_mainjob'==2 | `selfem_mainjob'==3) & (`tmpisco' >= 2500 & `tmpisco' <= 2619)
        qui replace `oesch16'=2 if (`selfem_mainjob'==2 | `selfem_mainjob'==3) & (`tmpisco' == 2621)
        qui replace `oesch16'=2 if (`selfem_mainjob'==2 | `selfem_mainjob'==3) & (`tmpisco' >= 2630 & `tmpisco' <= 2634)
        qui replace `oesch16'=2 if (`selfem_mainjob'==2 | `selfem_mainjob'==3) & (`tmpisco' >= 2636 & `tmpisco' <= 2640)
        qui replace `oesch16'=2 if (`selfem_mainjob'==2 | `selfem_mainjob'==3) & (`tmpisco' >= 2642 & `tmpisco' <= 2643)
        * Small business owners with employees (3)
        qui replace `oesch16'=3 if (`selfem_mainjob'==3) & (`tmpisco' >= 1000 & `tmpisco' <= 1439)
        qui replace `oesch16'=3 if (`selfem_mainjob'==3) & (`tmpisco' == 2163)
        qui replace `oesch16'=3 if (`selfem_mainjob'==3) & (`tmpisco' == 2166)
        qui replace `oesch16'=3 if (`selfem_mainjob'==3) & (`tmpisco' >= 2220 & `tmpisco' <= 2240)
        qui replace `oesch16'=3 if (`selfem_mainjob'==3) & (`tmpisco' == 2260)
        qui replace `oesch16'=3 if (`selfem_mainjob'==3) & (`tmpisco' >= 2263 & `tmpisco' <= 2269)
        qui replace `oesch16'=3 if (`selfem_mainjob'==3) & (`tmpisco' >= 2340 & `tmpisco' <= 2342)
        qui replace `oesch16'=3 if (`selfem_mainjob'==3) & (`tmpisco' >= 2353 & `tmpisco' <= 2356)
        qui replace `oesch16'=3 if (`selfem_mainjob'==3) & (`tmpisco' >= 2433 & `tmpisco' <= 2434)
        qui replace `oesch16'=3 if (`selfem_mainjob'==3) & (`tmpisco' == 2620)
        qui replace `oesch16'=3 if (`selfem_mainjob'==3) & (`tmpisco' == 2622)
        qui replace `oesch16'=3 if (`selfem_mainjob'==3) & (`tmpisco' == 2635)
        qui replace `oesch16'=3 if (`selfem_mainjob'==3) & (`tmpisco' == 2641)
        qui replace `oesch16'=3 if (`selfem_mainjob'==3) & (`tmpisco' >= 2650 & `tmpisco' <= 2659)
        qui replace `oesch16'=3 if (`selfem_mainjob'==3) & (`tmpisco' >= 3000 & `tmpisco' <= 9629)
      * Small business owners without employees (4)
        qui replace `oesch16'=4 if (`selfem_mainjob'==2) & (`tmpisco' >= 1000 & `tmpisco' <= 1439)
        qui replace `oesch16'=4 if (`selfem_mainjob'==2) & (`tmpisco' == 2163)
        qui replace `oesch16'=4 if (`selfem_mainjob'==2) & (`tmpisco' == 2166)
        qui replace `oesch16'=4 if (`selfem_mainjob'==2) & (`tmpisco' >= 2220 & `tmpisco' <= 2240)
        qui replace `oesch16'=4 if (`selfem_mainjob'==2) & (`tmpisco' == 2260)
        qui replace `oesch16'=4 if (`selfem_mainjob'==2) & (`tmpisco' >= 2263 & `tmpisco' <= 2269)
        qui replace `oesch16'=4 if (`selfem_mainjob'==2) & (`tmpisco' >= 2340 & `tmpisco' <= 2342)
        qui replace `oesch16'=4 if (`selfem_mainjob'==2) & (`tmpisco' >= 2353 & `tmpisco' <= 2356)
        qui replace `oesch16'=4 if (`selfem_mainjob'==2) & (`tmpisco' >= 2433 & `tmpisco' <= 2434)
        qui replace `oesch16'=4 if (`selfem_mainjob'==2) & (`tmpisco' == 2620)
        qui replace `oesch16'=4 if (`selfem_mainjob'==2) & (`tmpisco' == 2622)
        qui replace `oesch16'=4 if (`selfem_mainjob'==2) & (`tmpisco' == 2635)
        qui replace `oesch16'=4 if (`selfem_mainjob'==2) & (`tmpisco' == 2641)
        qui replace `oesch16'=4 if (`selfem_mainjob'==2) & (`tmpisco' >= 2650 & `tmpisco' <= 2659)
        qui replace `oesch16'=4 if (`selfem_mainjob'==2) & (`tmpisco' >= 3000 & `tmpisco' <= 9629)
        * Technical experts (5)
        qui replace `oesch16'=5 if (`selfem_mainjob'==1) & (`tmpisco' >= 2100 & `tmpisco' <= 2162)
        qui replace `oesch16'=5 if (`selfem_mainjob'==1) & (`tmpisco' >= 2164 & `tmpisco' <= 2165)
        qui replace `oesch16'=5 if (`selfem_mainjob'==1) & (`tmpisco' >= 2500 & `tmpisco' <= 2529)
        * Technicians (6)
        qui replace `oesch16'=6 if (`selfem_mainjob'==1) & (`tmpisco' >= 3100 & `tmpisco' <= 3155)
        qui replace `oesch16'=6 if (`selfem_mainjob'==1) & (`tmpisco' >= 3210 & `tmpisco' <= 3214)
        qui replace `oesch16'=6 if (`selfem_mainjob'==1) & (`tmpisco' == 3252)
        qui replace `oesch16'=6 if (`selfem_mainjob'==1) & (`tmpisco' >= 3500 & `tmpisco' <= 3522)
        * Skilled manual (7)
        qui replace `oesch16'=7 if (`selfem_mainjob'==1) & (`tmpisco' >= 6000 & `tmpisco' <= 7549)
        qui replace `oesch16'=7 if (`selfem_mainjob'==1) & (`tmpisco' >= 8310 & `tmpisco' <= 8312)
        qui replace `oesch16'=7 if (`selfem_mainjob'==1) & (`tmpisco' == 8330)
        qui replace `oesch16'=7 if (`selfem_mainjob'==1) & (`tmpisco' >= 8332 & `tmpisco' <= 8340)
        qui replace `oesch16'=7 if (`selfem_mainjob'==1) & (`tmpisco' >= 8342 & `tmpisco' <= 8344)
        * Low-skilled manual (8)
        qui replace `oesch16'=8 if (`selfem_mainjob'==1) & (`tmpisco' >= 8000 & `tmpisco' <= 8300)
        qui replace `oesch16'=8 if (`selfem_mainjob'==1) & (`tmpisco' >= 8320 & `tmpisco' <= 8321)
        qui replace `oesch16'=8 if (`selfem_mainjob'==1) & (`tmpisco' == 8341)
        qui replace `oesch16'=8 if (`selfem_mainjob'==1) & (`tmpisco' == 8350)
        qui replace `oesch16'=8 if (`selfem_mainjob'==1) & (`tmpisco' >= 9200 & `tmpisco' <= 9334)
        qui replace `oesch16'=8 if (`selfem_mainjob'==1) & (`tmpisco' >= 9600 & `tmpisco' <= 9620)
        qui replace `oesch16'=8 if (`selfem_mainjob'==1) & (`tmpisco' >= 9622 & `tmpisco' <= 9629)
        * Higher-grade managers and administrators (9)
        qui replace `oesch16'=9 if (`selfem_mainjob'==1) & (`tmpisco' >= 1000 & `tmpisco' <= 1300)
        qui replace `oesch16'=9 if (`selfem_mainjob'==1) & (`tmpisco' >= 1320 & `tmpisco' <= 1349)
        qui replace `oesch16'=9 if (`selfem_mainjob'==1) & (`tmpisco' >= 2400 & `tmpisco' <= 2432)
        qui replace `oesch16'=9 if (`selfem_mainjob'==1) & (`tmpisco' >= 2610 & `tmpisco' <= 2619)
        qui replace `oesch16'=9 if (`selfem_mainjob'==1) & (`tmpisco' == 2631)
        qui replace `oesch16'=9 if (`selfem_mainjob'==1) & (`tmpisco' >= 100 & `tmpisco' <= 110)
        * Lower-grade managers and administrators (10)
        qui replace `oesch16'=10 if (`selfem_mainjob'==1) & (`tmpisco' >= 1310 & `tmpisco' <= 1312)
        qui replace `oesch16'=10 if (`selfem_mainjob'==1) & (`tmpisco' >= 1400 & `tmpisco' <= 1439)
        qui replace `oesch16'=10 if (`selfem_mainjob'==1) & (`tmpisco' >= 2433 & `tmpisco' <= 2434)
        qui replace `oesch16'=10 if (`selfem_mainjob'==1) & (`tmpisco' >= 3300 & `tmpisco' <= 3339)
        qui replace `oesch16'=10 if (`selfem_mainjob'==1) & (`tmpisco' == 3343)
        qui replace `oesch16'=10 if (`selfem_mainjob'==1) & (`tmpisco' >= 3350 & `tmpisco' <= 3359)
        qui replace `oesch16'=10 if (`selfem_mainjob'==1) & (`tmpisco' == 3411)
        qui replace `oesch16'=10 if (`selfem_mainjob'==1) & (`tmpisco' == 5221)
        qui replace `oesch16'=10 if (`selfem_mainjob'==1) & (`tmpisco' >= 200 & `tmpisco' <= 210)
        * Skilled clerks (11)
        qui replace `oesch16'=11 if (`selfem_mainjob'==1) & (`tmpisco' >= 3340 & `tmpisco' <= 3342)
        qui replace `oesch16'=11 if (`selfem_mainjob'==1) & (`tmpisco' == 3344)
        qui replace `oesch16'=11 if (`selfem_mainjob'==1) & (`tmpisco' >= 4000 & `tmpisco' <= 4131)
        qui replace `oesch16'=11 if (`selfem_mainjob'==1) & (`tmpisco' >= 4200 & `tmpisco' <= 4221)
        qui replace `oesch16'=11 if (`selfem_mainjob'==1) & (`tmpisco' >= 4224 & `tmpisco' <= 4413)
        qui replace `oesch16'=11 if (`selfem_mainjob'==1) & (`tmpisco' >= 4415 & `tmpisco' <= 4419)
        * Unskilled clerks (12)
        qui replace `oesch16'=12 if (`selfem_mainjob'==1) & (`tmpisco' == 4132)
        qui replace `oesch16'=12 if (`selfem_mainjob'==1) & (`tmpisco' == 4222)
        qui replace `oesch16'=12 if (`selfem_mainjob'==1) & (`tmpisco' == 4223)
        qui replace `oesch16'=12 if (`selfem_mainjob'==1) & (`tmpisco' == 5230)
        qui replace `oesch16'=12 if (`selfem_mainjob'==1) & (`tmpisco' == 9621)
        * Socio-cultural professionals (13)
        qui replace `oesch16'=13 if (`selfem_mainjob'==1) & (`tmpisco' >= 2200 &  `tmpisco' <= 2212)
        qui replace `oesch16'=13 if (`selfem_mainjob'==1) & (`tmpisco' == 2250)
        qui replace `oesch16'=13 if (`selfem_mainjob'==1) & (`tmpisco' >= 2261 &  `tmpisco' <= 2262)
        qui replace `oesch16'=13 if (`selfem_mainjob'==1) & (`tmpisco' >= 2300 &  `tmpisco' <= 2330)
        qui replace `oesch16'=13 if (`selfem_mainjob'==1) & (`tmpisco' >= 2350 &  `tmpisco' <= 2352)
        qui replace `oesch16'=13 if (`selfem_mainjob'==1) & (`tmpisco' == 2359)
        qui replace `oesch16'=13 if (`selfem_mainjob'==1) & (`tmpisco' == 2600)
        qui replace `oesch16'=13 if (`selfem_mainjob'==1) & (`tmpisco' == 2621)
        qui replace `oesch16'=13 if (`selfem_mainjob'==1) & (`tmpisco' == 2630)
        qui replace `oesch16'=13 if (`selfem_mainjob'==1) & (`tmpisco' >= 2632 &  `tmpisco' <= 2634)
        qui replace `oesch16'=13 if (`selfem_mainjob'==1) & (`tmpisco' >= 2636 &  `tmpisco' <= 2640)
        qui replace `oesch16'=13 if (`selfem_mainjob'==1) & (`tmpisco' >= 2642 &  `tmpisco' <= 2643)
        * Socio-cultural semi-professionals (14)
        qui replace `oesch16'=14 if (`selfem_mainjob'==1) & (`tmpisco' == 2163)
        qui replace `oesch16'=14 if (`selfem_mainjob'==1) & (`tmpisco' == 2166)
        qui replace `oesch16'=14 if (`selfem_mainjob'==1) & (`tmpisco' >= 2220 & `tmpisco' <= 2240)
        qui replace `oesch16'=14 if (`selfem_mainjob'==1) & (`tmpisco' == 2260)
        qui replace `oesch16'=14 if (`selfem_mainjob'==1) & (`tmpisco' >= 2263 & `tmpisco' <= 2269)
        qui replace `oesch16'=14 if (`selfem_mainjob'==1) & (`tmpisco' >= 2340 & `tmpisco' <= 2342)
        qui replace `oesch16'=14 if (`selfem_mainjob'==1) & (`tmpisco' >= 2353 & `tmpisco' <= 2356)
        qui replace `oesch16'=14 if (`selfem_mainjob'==1) & (`tmpisco' == 2620)
        qui replace `oesch16'=14 if (`selfem_mainjob'==1) & (`tmpisco' == 2622)
        qui replace `oesch16'=14 if (`selfem_mainjob'==1) & (`tmpisco' == 2635)
        qui replace `oesch16'=14 if (`selfem_mainjob'==1) & (`tmpisco' == 2641)
        qui replace `oesch16'=14 if (`selfem_mainjob'==1) & (`tmpisco' >= 2650 & `tmpisco' <= 2659)
        qui replace `oesch16'=14 if (`selfem_mainjob'==1) & (`tmpisco' == 3200)
        qui replace `oesch16'=14 if (`selfem_mainjob'==1) & (`tmpisco' >= 3220 & `tmpisco' <= 3230)
        qui replace `oesch16'=14 if (`selfem_mainjob'==1) & (`tmpisco' == 3250)
        qui replace `oesch16'=14 if (`selfem_mainjob'==1) & (`tmpisco' >= 3253 & `tmpisco' <= 3257)
        qui replace `oesch16'=14 if (`selfem_mainjob'==1) & (`tmpisco' == 3259)
        qui replace `oesch16'=14 if (`selfem_mainjob'==1) & (`tmpisco' >= 3400 & `tmpisco' <= 3410)
        qui replace `oesch16'=14 if (`selfem_mainjob'==1) & (`tmpisco' >= 3412 & `tmpisco' <= 3413)
        qui replace `oesch16'=14 if (`selfem_mainjob'==1) & (`tmpisco' >= 3430 & `tmpisco' <= 3433)
        qui replace `oesch16'=14 if (`selfem_mainjob'==1) & (`tmpisco' == 3435)
        qui replace `oesch16'=14 if (`selfem_mainjob'==1) & (`tmpisco' == 4414)
        * Skilled service (15)
        qui replace `oesch16'=15 if (`selfem_mainjob'==1) & (`tmpisco' == 3240)
        qui replace `oesch16'=15 if (`selfem_mainjob'==1) & (`tmpisco' == 3251)
        qui replace `oesch16'=15 if (`selfem_mainjob'==1) & (`tmpisco' == 3258)
        qui replace `oesch16'=15 if (`selfem_mainjob'==1) & (`tmpisco' >= 3420 & `tmpisco' <= 3423)
        qui replace `oesch16'=15 if (`selfem_mainjob'==1) & (`tmpisco' == 3434)
        qui replace `oesch16'=15 if (`selfem_mainjob'==1) & (`tmpisco' >= 5000 & `tmpisco' <= 5120)
        qui replace `oesch16'=15 if (`selfem_mainjob'==1) & (`tmpisco' >= 5140 & `tmpisco' <= 5142)
        qui replace `oesch16'=15 if (`selfem_mainjob'==1) & (`tmpisco' == 5163)
        qui replace `oesch16'=15 if (`selfem_mainjob'==1) & (`tmpisco' == 5165)
        qui replace `oesch16'=15 if (`selfem_mainjob'==1) & (`tmpisco' == 5200)
        qui replace `oesch16'=15 if (`selfem_mainjob'==1) & (`tmpisco' == 5220)
        qui replace `oesch16'=15 if (`selfem_mainjob'==1) & (`tmpisco' >= 5222 & `tmpisco' <= 5223)
        qui replace `oesch16'=15 if (`selfem_mainjob'==1) & (`tmpisco' >= 5241 & `tmpisco' <= 5242)
        qui replace `oesch16'=15 if (`selfem_mainjob'==1) & (`tmpisco' >= 5300 & `tmpisco' <= 5321)
        qui replace `oesch16'=15 if (`selfem_mainjob'==1) & (`tmpisco' >= 5400 & `tmpisco' <= 5413)
        qui replace `oesch16'=15 if (`selfem_mainjob'==1) & (`tmpisco' == 5419)
        qui replace `oesch16'=15 if (`selfem_mainjob'==1) & (`tmpisco' == 8331)
        * Low-skilled service (16)
        qui replace `oesch16'=16 if (`selfem_mainjob'==1) & (`tmpisco' >= 5130 & `tmpisco' <= 5132)
        qui replace `oesch16'=16 if (`selfem_mainjob'==1) & (`tmpisco' >= 5150 & `tmpisco' <= 5162)
        qui replace `oesch16'=16 if (`selfem_mainjob'==1) & (`tmpisco' == 5164)
        qui replace `oesch16'=16 if (`selfem_mainjob'==1) & (`tmpisco' == 5169)
        qui replace `oesch16'=16 if (`selfem_mainjob'==1) & (`tmpisco' >= 5210 & `tmpisco' <= 5212)
        qui replace `oesch16'=16 if (`selfem_mainjob'==1) & (`tmpisco' == 5240)
        qui replace `oesch16'=16 if (`selfem_mainjob'==1) & (`tmpisco' >= 5243 & `tmpisco' <= 5249)
        qui replace `oesch16'=16 if (`selfem_mainjob'==1) & (`tmpisco' >= 5322 & `tmpisco' <= 5329)
        qui replace `oesch16'=16 if (`selfem_mainjob'==1) & (`tmpisco' == 5414)
        qui replace `oesch16'=16 if (`selfem_mainjob'==1) & (`tmpisco' == 8322)
        qui replace `oesch16'=16 if (`selfem_mainjob'==1) & (`tmpisco' >= 9100 & `tmpisco' <= 9129)
        qui replace `oesch16'=16 if (`selfem_mainjob'==1) & (`tmpisco' >= 9400 & `tmpisco' <= 9520)
        * Output the Variables
        qui mvdecode `oesch16', mv(-9)
        if "`sixteen'"=="sixteen" | ("`eight'"!="eight" & "`five'"!="five") {
         capture confirm variable oesch16_`varlist'
         if !_rc & "`replace'"=="replace" {
          drop oesch16_`varlist'
         qui gen oesch16_`varlist' = `oesch16'
         display as text "Created 16-class variable:"
         ds oesch16_`varlist'
         label variable oesch16_`varlist' "`varlist' Oesch class position - 16 classes"
         label define oesch16_`varlist' ///
         1 "Large employers" ///
         2 "Self-employed professionals" ///
         3 "Small business owners with employees" ///
         4 "Small business owners without employees" ///
         5 "Technical experts" ///
         6 "Technicians" ///
         7 "Skilled manual" ///
         8 "Low-skilled manual" ///
         9 "Higher-grade managers and administrators" ///
         10 "Lower-grade managers and administrators" ///
         11 "Skilled clerks" ///
         12 "Unskilled clerks" ///
         13 "Socio-cultural professionals" ///
         14 "Socio-cultural semi-professionals" ///
         15 "Skilled service" ///
         16 "Low-skilled service", replace
         label value oesch16_`varlist' oesch16_`varlist'
         tab oesch16_`varlist'
        if "`eight'"=="eight"{
         capture confirm variable oesch8_`varlist'
         if !_rc & "`replace'"=="replace" {
          drop oesch8_`varlist'
         qui recode `oesch16' (1 2=1)(3 4=2)(5 6=3)(7 8=4)(9 10=5)(11 12=6)(13 14=7)(15 16=8), gen(oesch8_`varlist')
         display as text "Created 8-class variable:"
         ds oesch8_`varlist'
         label variable oesch8_`varlist' "`varlist' Oesch class position - 8 classes"
         label define oesch8_`varlist' ///
         1 "Self-employed professionals and large employers" ///
         2 "Small business owners" ///
         3 "Technical (semi-)professionals" ///
         4 "Production workers" ///
         5 "(Associate) managers" ///
         6 "Clerks" ///
         7 "Socio-cultural (semi-)professionals" ///
         8 "Service workers", replace
         label value oesch8_`varlist' oesch8_`varlist'
         tab oesch8_`varlist'
        if "`five'"=="five"{
         capture confirm variable oesch5_`varlist'
         if !_rc & "`replace'"=="replace" {
          drop oesch5_`varlist'
         qui recode `oesch16' (1 2 5 9 13=1)(6 10 14=2)(3 4=3)(7 11 15=4)(8 12 16=5), gen(oesch5_`varlist')
         display as text "Created 5-class variable:"
         ds oesch5_`varlist'
         label variable oesch5_`varlist' "`varlist' Oesch class position - 5 classes"
         label define  oesch5_`varlist' ///
         1 "Higher-grade service class" ///
         2 "Lower-grade service class" ///
         3 "Small business owners" ///
         4 "Skilled workers" ///
         5 "Unskilled workers", replace
         label value oesch5_`varlist' oesch5_`varlist'
         tab oesch5_`varlist'


      • #4
        You have showed us the contents of the ado-file, not the command you gave to Stata that called the file.

        What you should have typed into Stata is something like:

        iscooesch newvarname, isco(varname) emplrel(varname) emplno(varname)
        where the 'newvarname' is the new variable to be created, and the other 'varname's in the options are what are doing the work of conversion -- they need to be variables already existing in your dataset. The other options shown in the syntax line of the ado-file may also be relevant for you. Is there no help-file for the command? If there is one, it should show the syntax to use for the command, and also example of it being used.

