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  • Replace missing values by (copying) non-missing values

    Hi all,

    I have the following situation:

    The variables I have selected for a regression contain values for the years 1999-2011, except for the binary variable "poolacc"(= does the property has a swimming pool?) for which I have only values for the year 2011. I believe I have to copy the same values of 2011 to the other years before (1999-2010).

    How can I fill in the dots for years 1999-2010 of this variable 'poolacc' with the values of this particular year 2011 in an efficient way?

    Here is some data with 3 variables; the id (I generated myself) ; hhmove=year moved into house; poolacc=presence of a pool (1= Yes, 2=No).

    * Example generated by -dataex-. To install: ssc install dataex
    input float id int hhmove byte poolacc
      1 2001 .
      2 1999 .
      3 1999 .
      4 1999 .
      5 1999 .
      6 2000 .
      7 1999 .
      8 2000 .
      9 2000 .
     10 1999 .
     11 2000 .
     12 2001 .
     13 2000 .
     14 1999 .
     15 2001 .
     16 2001 .
     17 1999 .
     18 1999 .
     19 1999 .
     20 1999 .
     21 1999 .
     22 2000 .
     23 2001 .
     24 2000 .
     25 2000 .
     26 1999 .
     27 2000 .
     28 1999 .
     29 1999 .
     30 1999 .
     31 1999 .
     32 2000 .
     33 2001 .
     34 1999 .
     35 2000 .
     36 2000 .
     37 2000 .
     38 2001 .
     39 2000 .
     40 1999 .
     41 2001 .
     42 1999 .
     43 2001 .
     44 2001 .
     45 2000 .
     46 2001 .
     47 2001 .
     48 2001 .
     49 2000 .
     50 1999 .
     51 1999 .
     52 1999 .
     53 2000 .
     54 1999 .
     55 1999 .
     56 2001 .
     57 1999 .
     58 2001 .
     59 1999 .
     60 1999 .
     61 2000 .
     62 1999 .
     63 1999 .
     64 2001 .
     65 1999 .
     66 2000 .
     67 1999 .
     68 2000 .
     69 1999 .
     70 1999 .
     71 2001 .
     72 2000 .
     73 2000 .
     74 2000 .
     75 2001 .
     76 1999 .
     77 2001 .
     78 2000 .
     79 1999 .
     80 1999 .
     81 2000 .
     82 1999 .
     83 2001 .
     84 1999 .
     85 2001 .
     86 2001 .
     87 2000 .
     88 1999 .
     89 2000 .
     90 2000 .
     91 2000 .
     92 2000 .
     93 2000 .
     94 2000 .
     95 2001 .
     96 2000 .
     97 2001 .
     98 2000 .
     99 1999 .
    100 2000 .
    I tried the following code, but the data remained unchanged...:

    bysort id (hhmove): replace poolacc = poolacc[_n -1] if poolacc ==. & hhmove < 2011

    by id (hhmove), sort: replace poolacc= poolacc[_n-1] if poolacc>= . & hhmove<2011
    (retrieved from the Stata website).

    Does anyone know which code I need to put in to solve this issue?

    Thanks in advance!

  • #2
    First posted, with a subsequent response, at


    • #3
      Hi all,

      Slightly different question on this topic. I am working on a trade data set indexed by three variables: exporter, importer and time. Although the panel is defined by the unique combinations of exporter-importer and time, I need to do some preliminary transformations. One of these is to include rows for missing values, i.e. when in a given year there are not recorded observations for a country pair, such as for example country A exporting to B but country B not exporting to A.

      To do this, I use:
      fillin iso3_o iso3_d year
      drop if iso3_o == iso3_d
      Where iso3_o and iso3_d are exporter and importer respectively (Trade with itself is redundant). However, since zero trade needs to enter some models:

      replace exports = 0 if exports == .
      This commands create a strongly balanced panel for each pair with rows of missing values for all variables created with fillin in the data set except export = 0. For instance:

      * Example generated by -dataex-. To install: ssc install dataex
      input str3(iso3_o iso3_d) int year double(gdp_o exports) byte _fillin
      "ABW" "LTU" 2011          . 0 1
      "ABW" "KOS" 2011          . 0 1
      "ABW" "GAB" 2011          . 0 1
      "ABW" "ARG" 2011 2584463616 0 0
      "ABW" "PCN" 2011          . 0 1
      "ABW" "NIU" 2011          . 0 1
      "ABW" "IOT" 2011          . 0 1
      "ABW" "VCT" 2011          . 0 1
      "ABW" "PER" 2011 2584463616 0 0
      "ABW" "BHS" 2011 2584463616 0 0
      "ABW" "HND" 2011 2584463616 0 0
      "ABW" "CYM" 2011          . 0 1
      "ABW" "MAC" 2011          . 0 1
      "ABW" "MEX" 2011 2584463616 0 0
      "ABW" "LBN" 2011          . 0 1
      "ABW" "GIB" 2011          . 0 1
      "ABW" "TTO" 2011 2584463616 0 0
      "ABW" "LBR" 2011          . 0 1
      "ABW" "VUT" 2011          . 0 1
      "ABW" "CXR" 2012          . 0 1

      What I want to do is to replace missing values generated with fillin for the variable gdp_o in non missing values for the same variable for the same year for all iso3_o. Then the same procedure needs to be applied for other variables in the data set. I've tried levelsof in a loop, but it doesn't really work. Also, the command:

      bysort iso3_o (year): replace gdp_o = gdp_o[_n-1] if mi(gdp_o)
      But I want to make sure it doesn't replace gdp_o from a previous year if the nearest observation is in t-1.

      Any thoughts on this?




      • #4
        Are you asking for something like this
        net install fillmissing, from(
        bysort iso3_o year: fillmissing gdp_o
             | iso3_o   iso3_d   year       gdp_o   exports   _fillin |
          1. |    ABW      LTU   2011   2.584e+09         0         1 |
          2. |    ABW      KOS   2011   2.584e+09         0         1 |
          3. |    ABW      GAB   2011   2.584e+09         0         1 |
          4. |    ABW      ARG   2011   2.584e+09         0         0 |
          5. |    ABW      PCN   2011   2.584e+09         0         1 |
          6. |    ABW      NIU   2011   2.584e+09         0         1 |
          7. |    ABW      IOT   2011   2.584e+09         0         1 |
          8. |    ABW      VCT   2011   2.584e+09         0         1 |
          9. |    ABW      PER   2011   2.584e+09         0         0 |
         10. |    ABW      BHS   2011   2.584e+09         0         0 |
         11. |    ABW      HND   2011   2.584e+09         0         0 |
         12. |    ABW      CYM   2011   2.584e+09         0         1 |
         13. |    ABW      MAC   2011   2.584e+09         0         1 |
         14. |    ABW      MEX   2011   2.584e+09         0         0 |
         15. |    ABW      LBN   2011   2.584e+09         0         1 |
         16. |    ABW      GIB   2011   2.584e+09         0         1 |
         17. |    ABW      TTO   2011   2.584e+09         0         0 |
         18. |    ABW      LBR   2011   2.584e+09         0         1 |
         19. |    ABW      VUT   2011   2.584e+09         0         1 |
         20. |    ABW      CXR   2012           .         0         1 |
        More on fillmissing here
        Attaullah Shah, PhD.
        Professor of Finance, Institute of Management Sciences Peshawar, Pakistan
        Check out my asdoc program, which sends outputs to MS Word.
        For more flexibility, consider using asdocx which can send Stata outputs to MS Word, Excel, LaTeX, or HTML.


        • #5
          Thanks a lot Attaullah, that's exactly what I was looking for.

