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  • firthlogit: initial vector: matrix must be dimension 10

    Dear Stataforum

    First, I want to thank all Stataforum contributors for your yeoman service. I have benefited enormously over the years from the forum.

    I have a dataset of retail workers and would like to study the effect of store renovation on their exit, controlling for worker fixed effects. (From interviews, I understand that the renovation affects workers differently.) I tried a duration model (stcox) with worker fixed effects (frailty) but it would not converge, and anyhow, the plot shows that the data do not satisfy proportional hazards.

    Next, I tried clogit with group(worker) but the frequency of exits (about 2.7 percent of the data) is so low that the routine does not converge.

    So then, I tried firthlogit. It worked as follows:
    . firthlogit exit conv age_ln ot_ih i.cashier i.year if $sample & cashier == 1 & sgpr == 1 & new == 1
    where exit = exit, conv = renovated store (time varying), age_ln = ln(worker age), ot_ih = overtime, and $sample, cashier, sgpr, new are restrictions on the sample.

    Not sure how to incorporate the worker fixed effects, I tried,
    . firthlogit exit conv age_ln ot_ih r i.cashier i.year if $sample & cashier == 1 & sgpr == 1 & new == 1

    But firthlogit complained and returned
    "note: 1.cashier omitted because of collinearity
    initial vector: matrix must be dimension 10

    Grateful for your advice.


  • #2
    Maybe try
    ssc install firthlogit, replace
    That ought to work, but if not, then add
    & cashier != 1
    to the condition list.


    • #3
      Many thanks, Dr Coveney. Sorry for my tardiness in acknowledging.

