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  • Assign variables labels based on values of other variables

    Dear Statalist,

    I am working on a dataset as below:
    * Example generated by -dataex-. To install: ssc install dataex
    input byte id_country str9 indicator_name byte indicator_code int(year1 year2) byte year3 int year4
    1 "Name of 1" 1 342  43  3   .
    1 "Name of 2" 2  23 526  4  42
    1 "Name of 3" 3   2   3 32 235
    2 "Name of 1" 1   4  52  5   .
    2 "Name of 2" 2   5 865  7   .
    2 "Name of 3" 3  34   3  3 532
    3 "Name of 1" 1   3   2 54   5
    3 "Name of 2" 2 674  32  3  24
    3 "Name of 3" 3  52 342  2   3
    So far I have removed indicator_name in order to reshape from long to wide:
    drop indicator_name
    reshape wide year*, i(id_country) j(indicator_code)
    I would like to use the value in indicator_name as label variable in the new variables. For example, new variable year11 should have a label as "Name of 1 in year 1".
    I would appreciate any help.

    Thank you!

  • #2
    If I understand it correctly, you need the code like this:
    forvalues year=1/4{
      forvalues name=1/3{
      label var year`year'`name' "Name of `name' in year `year'"
    2B or not 2B, that's a question!


    • #3
      Hi Liu,
      Thanks for your response! In my example, I use the same structure for indicator_name to make it simple. In fact, they contain different characters like this:
      * Example generated by -dataex-. To install: ssc install dataex
      input byte id_country str9 indicator_name byte indicator_code int(year1 year2) byte year3 int year4
      1 "XYZ" 1 342  43  3   .
      1 "ABC" 2  23 526  4  42
      1 "DEF" 3   2   3 32 235
      2 "XYZ" 1   4  52  5   .
      2 "ABC" 2   5 865  7   .
      2 "DEF" 3  34   3  3 532
      3 "XYZ" 1   3   2 54   5
      3 "ABC" 2 674  32  3  24
      3 "DEF" 3  52 342  2   3
      Also, I am not sure how to keep the indicator_name when reshaping. I expect to have a new set of variables with labels taken from indicator_name.


      • #4
        Also, I am not sure how to keep the indicator_name when reshaping.
        As a variable?

        reshape wide year* indicator_name, i(id_country) j(indicator_code)
        As part of the variable names

        drop indicator_code
        reshape wide year*, i(id_country) j(indicator_name, string)
        Last edited by Andrew Musau; 21 May 2019, 23:27.


        • #5

          This is a small sample of the data that I am working on:
          * Example generated by -dataex-. To install: ssc install dataex
          input str3 CountryCode str98 SeriesName str17 indicator float(YR2010 YR2011 YR2012)
          "KHM" "Imports of goods and services (% of GDP)"            "Imp"    59.5  59.5  62.7
          "KHM" "Exports of goods and services (% of GDP)"            "Expt"   54.1  54.1  57.9
          "KHM" "Population density (people per sq. km of land area)" "Popdn"  81.1  82.4  83.7
          "THA" "Imports of goods and services (% of GDP)"            "Imp"    60.8  68.8  68.7
          "THA" "Exports of goods and services (% of GDP)"            "Expt"   66.5  70.9  69.8
          "THA" "Population density (people per sq. km of land area)" "Popdn" 131.6 132.2 132.8
          "LAO" "Imports of goods and services (% of GDP)"            "Imp"    49.3  51.4  60.3
          "LAO" "Exports of goods and services (% of GDP)"            "Expt"   35.4  40.3  37.9
          "LAO" "Population density (people per sq. km of land area)" "Popdn"  27.1  27.4  27.8
          I would like to reshape the data from long to wide, which means each country will have multiple indicators from 2010 to 2012:
          drop SeriesName
          reshape wide YR*, i(CountryCode) j(indicator, string)
          Now I am looking for a way to label new set of variables using the value from SeriesName (which has been dropped previously). For example,YR2010Expt should have a variable label as "Exports of goods and services (% of GDP) in yr2010".

          Thank you!


          • #6
            This is what I would do to get a layout suitable for most Stata purposes.

            * Example generated by -dataex-. To install: ssc install dataex
            input str3 CountryCode str98 SeriesName str17 indicator float(YR2010 YR2011 YR2012)
            "KHM" "Imports of goods and services (% of GDP)"            "Imp"    59.5  59.5  62.7
            "KHM" "Exports of goods and services (% of GDP)"            "Expt"   54.1  54.1  57.9
            "KHM" "Population density (people per sq. km of land area)" "Popdn"  81.1  82.4  83.7
            "THA" "Imports of goods and services (% of GDP)"            "Imp"    60.8  68.8  68.7
            "THA" "Exports of goods and services (% of GDP)"            "Expt"   66.5  70.9  69.8
            "THA" "Population density (people per sq. km of land area)" "Popdn" 131.6 132.2 132.8
            "LAO" "Imports of goods and services (% of GDP)"            "Imp"    49.3  51.4  60.3
            "LAO" "Exports of goods and services (% of GDP)"            "Expt"   35.4  40.3  37.9
            "LAO" "Population density (people per sq. km of land area)" "Popdn"  27.1  27.4  27.8
            gen long obs = _n 
            foreach x in Imp Expt Popdn { 
                su obs if indicator == "`x'", meanonly 
                local label`x' = SeriesName[r(min)] 
            drop obs SeriesName 
            reshape long YR, i(CountryCode indicator) j(Year) 
            reshape wide YR, i(CountryCode Year) j(indicator) string 
            rename YR* * 
            foreach v in Imp Expt Popdn { 
                label var `v' "`label`v''" 
            . describe
            Contains data
              obs:             9                          
             vars:             5                          
             size:           153                          
                          storage   display    value
            variable name   type    format     label      variable label
            CountryCode     str3    %9s                   
            Year            int     %9.0g                 
            Expt            float   %9.0g                 Exports of goods and services (% of GDP)
            Imp             float   %9.0g                 Imports of goods and services (% of GDP)
            Popdn           float   %9.0g                 Population density (people per sq. km of land area)
            Sorted by: CountryCode  Year
                 Note: Dataset has changed since last saved.
            . list
                 | Countr~e   Year   Expt    Imp   Popdn |
              1. |      KHM   2010   54.1   59.5    81.1 |
              2. |      KHM   2011   54.1   59.5    82.4 |
              3. |      KHM   2012   57.9   62.7    83.7 |
              4. |      LAO   2010   35.4   49.3    27.1 |
              5. |      LAO   2011   40.3   51.4    27.4 |
              6. |      LAO   2012   37.9   60.3    27.8 |
              7. |      THA   2010   66.5   60.8   131.6 |
              8. |      THA   2011   70.9   68.8   132.2 |
              9. |      THA   2012   69.8   68.7   132.8 |


            • #7
              Hi Nick,
              Thanks so much for your help!

