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  • Panel - Loop collapse or egen with condition

    Dear all,

    I googled and tried many command from yesterday and until now it's still unsuccessful. Could you please expert help me on this? Thank you very much in advance.

    My data is like this --->

    6 types
    2 years : 18-19, 19-20
    many districts

    type year district budget Q1 Q2 Q3
    DS 18-19 Love 10 8 1 1
    DS 19-20 Love 6 2 2 4
    EDU 18-19 Chiniot 5 1 1 1
    EDU 19-20 Chiniot 4 3 3 3
    HLT 18-19 Chiniot 10 2 2 2
    HLT 19-20 Chiniot 8 1 1 1
    EDU 18-19 Jhang 4 4 4 4
    EDU 19-20 Jhang 2 2 2 2
    HLT 18-19 Jhang 3 3 3 3
    HLT 19-20 Jhang 1 1 1 1
    DS 19-19 Cute 10 3 3 3
    DS 19-20 Cute 2 1 1 1
    HLT 18-19 Harnai 20 10 10 10
    DS 18-19 Harnai 4 4 4 4
    HLT 19-20 Sibi 2 2 2 2
    DS 18-19 Sibi 5 2 2 3

    1) I want to clone everything if var district aren't these name
    "Chiniot", "Jhang", "Harnai","Sibi", "Lakki" "Bannu" "Nushki" "Chagai"

    2) But if the districts name above: I want to collapse (sum) by each type (DS sum with DS) and each year (18-19 with 19-20) with condition below

    sum of "Chiniot", "Jhang", ------> and using district name "Chiniot"
    sum of "Harnai","Sibi", ------> and using district name "Harnai"
    sum of "Lakki" "Bannu" ------> and using district name "Lakki"
    sum of "Nushki" "Chagai" ------> and using district name "Nushki"

    The result that I expect would be
    ype year district budget Q1 Q2 Q3
    DS 18-19 Love 10 8 1 1
    DS 19-20 Love 6 2 2 4
    EDU 18-19 Chiniot 9 5 5 5
    EDU 19-20 Chiniot 6 5 5 5
    HLT 18-19 Chiniot 13 5 5 5
    HLT 19-20 Chiniot 9 2 2 2
    DS 19-19 Cute 10 3 3 3
    DS 19-20 Cute 2 1 1 1
    HLT 18-19 Harnai 20 10 10 10
    DS 18-19 Harnai 4 4 4 4
    HLT 19-20 Sibi 9 6 6 7

    All experts in STATA: Could you please help me with this?
    I tried foreach, collapse, egen, gen, clonevar, but it didn't work.

    Thank you very much.

  • #2
    I think I have the code you want, but it does not exactly reproduce the results you show. I think the last row of your table is an error: there should be no row for Sibi: it should be for Harnai, and the numbers are also wrong.

    The trick is to split the data set into two pieces. The first contains only those observations you want to "clone" --and you do nothing with them but put them aside for later use. The second piece contains the other ones. Then you change the names of the districts to match the scheme you want in the results, and then use the -collapse- command to add things up.

    The final step is to put the two pieces of the data set back together with -append-.

    * Example generated by -dataex-. To install: ssc install dataex
    input str3 type str5 year str7 district byte(budget q1 q2 q3)
    "DS"  "18-19" "Love"    10  8  1  1
    "DS"  "19-20" "Love"     6  2  2  4
    "EDU" "18-19" "Chiniot"  5  1  1  1
    "EDU" "19-20" "Chiniot"  4  3  3  3
    "HLT" "18-19" "Chiniot" 10  2  2  2
    "HLT" "19-20" "Chiniot"  8  1  1  1
    "EDU" "18-19" "Jhang"    4  4  4  4
    "EDU" "19-20" "Jhang"    2  2  2  2
    "HLT" "18-19" "Jhang"    3  3  3  3
    "HLT" "19-20" "Jhang"    1  1  1  1
    "DS"  "19-19" "Cute"    10  3  3  3
    "DS"  "19-20" "Cute"     2  1  1  1
    "HLT" "18-19" "Harnai"  20 10 10 10
    "DS"  "18-19" "Harnai"   4  4  4  4
    "HLT" "19-20" "Sibi"     2  2  2  2
    "DS"  "18-19" "Sibi"     5  2  2  3
    keep if !inlist(district, "Chiniot", "Jhang", "Harnai","Sibi", "Lakki" "Bannu" "Nushki" "Chagai")
    tempfile clones
    save `clones'
    keep if inlist(district, "Chiniot", "Jhang", "Harnai","Sibi", "Lakki" "Bannu" "Nushki" "Chagai")
    replace district = "Chiniot" if district == "Jhang"
    replace district = "Harnai" if district == "Sibi"
    replace district = "Lakki" if district == "Bannu"
    replace district = "Nushki" if district == "Chagai"
    collapse (sum) budget q1 q2 q3, by(district year type)
    append using `clones'
    sort district type year
    list, noobs clean
    In the future, when showing data examples, please use the -dataex- command to do so. If you are running version 15.1 or a fully updated version 14.2, -dataex- is already part of your official Stata installation. If not, run -ssc install dataex- to get it. Either way, run -help dataex- to read the simple instructions for using it. -dataex- will save you time; it is easier and quicker than typing out tables. It includes complete information about aspects of the data that are often critical to answering your question but cannot be seen from tabular displays or screenshots. It also makes it possible for those who want to help you to create a faithful representation of your example to try out their code, which in turn makes it more likely that their answer will actually work in your data.

