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  • Haghish's weaver command and wkhtmltopdf

    Dear Stata users,

    My question is about -weaver- command written by haghish. The problem is that it cannot produce pdf when I typing command -weave close-, which should close Weaver log and print the final pdf dynamic document. I uninstall my original package and reinstall weaver by typing github install haghish/weaver. But the problem is still there. I have installed wkhtmltopdf.exe and run the -weaversetup- command to defines the filepaths to wkhtmltopdf, pdfLaTeX, Pandoc, etc.. So third-party softwares that weaver requires and their paths are valid. (The wkhtmltopdf is version_0.12.1, and installed automatically in the ~/plus/Weaver directory.) And last but not least when I run weave close command, the cmd window produce notice writing "QNetworkAccessFileBackendFactory: URL has no schema set, use file:// for files". Does the wkhtmltopdf cause my problem? Hope someone can give me some instructions. Thank you. Below is a small piece of test code.

    weave using test, replace style(modern)
    div sysuse auto
    div sum
    div tabstat price mpg weight length turn, by(foreign)
    div scatter weight mpg if foreign==0 || scatter weight mpg if foreign==1
    img, title(weight vesus mpg, by foreign) left
    weave close
    Last edited by Chen Samulsion; 22 Mar 2019, 23:15.