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  • Adjusting the window of a Moving Average

    Dear all,

    I am currently constructing a 5-window and 7-window moving average to smooth out a time-series data I am analysing. As expected, for the first and last 2 observations of the time-series I cannot calculate a moving average as there are no previous year-quarter observations available. Therefore, I would like to make the window smaller for these two observations, i.e. a window of 3 for the 2nd observation, and a window of 1 for the first observation (basically moving average of observation= value observation)

    In theory, I understand this, unfortunately I am not that experienced with Stata so I have no clue how to code this. If someone could help me, I would be very grateful.
    I am aware that there are commands available in Stata that allow me to do this easier, but I am interested in writing it as a code so I am able to understand better the process behind it and improve my knowledge of Stata.

    The command I am using to create the 5-window MA: gen c1 = (l2.earnings_nsa+2 (l1.earnings_nsa+earnings_nsa+f1.earnings_nsa)+f2. earnings_nsa)/8

    My data looks as follows:
     * Example generated by -dataex-. To install: ssc install dataex
    input float(yq earnings_nsa)
    -84       .49
    -83       .49
    -82  .4833333
    -81       .51
    -80       .52
    -79  .5233333
    -78  .5233333
    -77 .54333335
    -76       .56
    -75  .5966667
    -74  .6133333
    -73       .65
    -72  .6866667
    -71       .72
    -70       .76
    -69       .79
    -68       .82
    -67  .8466667
    -66       .87
    -65  .8866667
    -64        .9
    -63       .91
    -62  .9133334
    -61  .9233333
    -60       .93
    -59  .9266667
    -58  .8866667
    -57       .85
    -56  .8666667
    -55  .9333333
    -54       .98
    -53      1.01
    -52 1.0433333
    -51      1.08
    -50      1.11
    -49 1.1433333
    -48      1.16
    -47      1.18
    -46 1.2233334
    -45      1.25
    -44      1.26
    -43 1.2566667
    -42      1.25
    -41 1.2433333
    -40 1.2733333
    -39       1.3
    -38      1.32
    -37 1.3766667
    -36 1.4166666
    -35      1.44
    -34 1.4533334
    -33 1.4833333
    -32 1.5066667
    -31 1.5166667
    -30 1.5233333
    -29 1.5766667
    -28 1.6066667
    -27 1.6233333
    -26 1.6366667
    -25      1.65
    -24      1.66
    -23 1.6633333
    -22 1.6533333
    -21      1.68
    -20 1.7033334
    -19 1.7266667
    -18      1.75
    -17      1.78
    -16 1.7966666
    -15 1.8233334
    -14 1.8366667
    -13      1.89
    -12 1.9133333
    -11 1.9233333
    -10      1.93
     -9 1.9566667
     -8 1.9566667
     -7 1.9733334
     -6 1.9833333
     -5 2.0233333
     -4 2.0566666
     -3 2.0833333
     -2 2.0666666
     -1 2.0866666
      0      2.14
      1      2.14
      2      2.14
      3 2.1566668
      4      2.17
      5 2.1933334
      6 2.1933334
      7 2.2366667
      8 2.2633333
      9      2.27
     10 2.2633333
     11 2.2966666
     12 2.3133333
     13 2.3333333
     14 2.3333333
     15      2.37
    format %tq yq
    Thank you very much in advance!


  • #2
    Rajendra or Ryan or both:

    The recipe you want isn't difficult, although the code you cite is illegal! Presumably you used

    gen c1 = (l2.earnings_nsa+2 * (l1.earnings_nsa+earnings_nsa+f1.earnings_nsa)+f2. earnings_nsa)/8
    so your weights are (1 2 2 2 1) / 8. If that didn't work, we can try (say)

    replace c1 = (l1.earnings_nsa+2 * earnings_nsa+ f1.earnings_nsa))/4 if missing(c1)
    and if that didn't work, we can try

    replace c1 = earnings_nsa  if missing(c1)
    I quite like the general idea of binomial filters, so that I would use (1 4 6 4 1) / 16 for windows of length 5. More at

    SJ-4-4 gr22_1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Software update for bsmplot
    (help bsmplot if installed) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . N. J. Cox
    Q4/04 SJ 4(4):490
    binomial smoothing plot program rewritten so that it now
    produces Stata 8 graphs

    STB-35 gr22 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Binomial smoothing plot
    (help bsmplot if installed) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . N. J. Cox
    1/97 pp.7--9; STB Reprints Vol 6, pp.36--38
    produce a plot of both yvar and the result of smoothing yvar
    by a binomial filter against xvar


    • #3
      Dear Dr. Cox,

      Thank you once again for your clear and helpful answer! the code worked perfectly. I checked out the idea of binomial filters, interesting idea to consider indeed!



