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  • Export Table of Conditional Means

    Hi I was hoping to get some guidance on how to produce a specific kind of table that I have been unable to figure out.
    I would like to create a table in which each column is a sub group of a categorical variable. Then each row would be a variable and its average value for each sub group. So for instance if I were trying to find the conditional means of variables x, y, z by educational attainment the table would look like:
    Did not graduate HS Graduated HS Some Col College Grad
    x (av x if did not grad hs) (av x if did grad hs) (av x if started col) (av x if grad col)
    y (av y if did not grad hs) (av y if did grad hs) (av y if started col) (av y if grad col)
    z (av z if did not grad hs) (av z if did grad hs) (av z if started col) (av z if grad col)
    I would then like to export the table to put into latex. I have read through the documentation for tabout, esttout, and tabulate twoway and been unable to figure out what to do. Any assistance would be deeply appreciated!

  • #2
    You can consider the asdoc program for this task. asdoc can be downloaded from ssc and can be used with almost all Stata commands. For highly customized tables, asdoc offers the option row. Further details and examples can be found here
    Attaullah Shah, PhD.
    Professor of Finance, Institute of Management Sciences Peshawar, Pakistan
    Check out my asdoc program, which sends outputs to MS Word.
    For more flexibility, consider using asdocx which can send Stata outputs to MS Word, Excel, LaTeX, or HTML.


    • #3
      Is there an easy way to convert this from a word format into a latex format?

