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  • Multivariate GARCH models - help needed with implementation and interpretation

    For a research project, I'm investigating the connectedness between major financial markets from an econometric point of view.

    I've identified that using a multivariate GARCH model fits my data and provides the best analysis to my research project. However, I need some help with implementing this model in Stata.

    Using log daily returns of the FTSE 100, S&P 500 and the CSI 300 indices, I've attempted to run a multivariate CCC-GARCH(1,1) model with the following code:
    mgarch ccc (FTSE100 = L.FTSE100) (SP500 = L.SP500) (CSI300 = L.CSI300), arch(1) garch(1)
    Above, I believe I have written each of the mean equations of the 3 variables as the following:

    Then the Stata output:

    Following this, I wanted to know if I have correctly specified the multivariate GARCH model in Stata, and if so, how to interpret the results as the coefficients and constants in the GARCH model.


  • #2
    Posted in different form by "J. Smith" at (no replies to date)

    Please note our cross-posting policy, which is that you tell us about it.


    • #3
      Cross-posted on Stack Overflow -


      • #4
        Cross Validated, but the link tells you that. The advice in #2 was for the future -- but no harm done in being told twice.

        Not my field at all, otherwise I would try to answer.

