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  • Calculate present value by loanID


    I have a data set that contains loan payments data. I would like to calculate the present value of these payments for each loan by loanID. I tried to use pvvar. However, it does not allow me to calculate by loanID. How should I do this? Many thanks.
    Last edited by Xinruo Wang; 03 Feb 2019, 17:18.

  • #2
    Welcome to Statalist.

    This example based on the example in the output of help pvvar might start you in a useful direction.
    * Example generated by -dataex-. To install: ssc install dataex
    input byte loanID float year long cash_flow float disc_rate
    1 1 10000 .15
    1 2 20000  .1
    1 3 30000 .12
    1 4 40000 .14
    1 5 50000 .15
    2 1  1000 .15
    2 2  2000  .1
    2 3  3000 .12
    2 4  4000 .14
    2 5  5000 .15
    levelsof loanID, local(loans)
    generate d0_cash_flow = .
    foreach loan of local loans {
        pvvar cash_flow disc_rate if loanID==`loan'
        replace d0_cash_flow = cash_flow_d0 if loanID==`loan'
        drop cash_flow_d0
    list, noobs sepby(loanID)) abbreviate(12)
    . list, noobs sepby(loanID) abbreviate(12)
      | loanID   year   cash_flow   disc_rate   d0_cash_flow |
      |      1      1       10000         .15       8695.652 |
      |      1      2       20000          .1       16528.93 |
      |      1      3       30000         .12       21353.41 |
      |      1      4       40000         .14       23683.21 |
      |      1      5       50000         .15       24858.84 |
      |      2      1        1000         .15       869.5652 |
      |      2      2        2000          .1       1652.893 |
      |      2      3        3000         .12       2135.341 |
      |      2      4        4000         .14       2368.321 |
      |      2      5        5000         .15       2485.884 |
    Last edited by William Lisowski; 03 Feb 2019, 18:19.


    • #3
      Hi William,
      Thank you so much for your quick response. I tried the code on partial data, It worked! However, when I ran it on the whole data set, it returned macro length exceeded. I have over 10 million observations, so the local does not work. How can I fix this? Thanks a lot!


      • #4
        Here's a revision that avoids the list of loanIDs, run on the same example data as before. I added quietly before the replace command, you might want to do the same on the pvvar command as well. I would test it by changing the upper limit on the loop to 10000 or so and timing how long that takes before setting it to work on the entire dataset.
        // the following assumes your data is already sorted in by loanID and year
        generate long loanNum = sum(loanID!=loanID[_n-1])
        local maxNum = loanNum[_N]
        generate d0_cash_flow = .
        forvalues num=1/`maxNum' {
            pvvar cash_flow disc_rate if loanNum==`num'
            quietly replace d0_cash_flow = cash_flow_d0 if loanNum==`num'
            drop cash_flow_d0
        list, noobs sepby(loanID) abbreviate(12)
        . list, noobs sepby(loanID) abbreviate(12)
          | loanID   year   cash_flow   disc_rate   loanNum   d0_cash_flow |
          |      1      1       10000         .15         1       8695.652 |
          |      1      2       20000          .1         1       16528.93 |
          |      1      3       30000         .12         1       21353.41 |
          |      1      4       40000         .14         1       23683.21 |
          |      1      5       50000         .15         1       24858.84 |
          |      2      1        1000         .15         2       869.5652 |
          |      2      2        2000          .1         2       1652.893 |
          |      2      3        3000         .12         2       2135.341 |
          |      2      4        4000         .14         2       2368.321 |
          |      2      5        5000         .15         2       2485.884 |


        • #5
          This should work:

          capture program drop one_loan
          program define one_loan
              pvvar cash_flow disc_rate
          runby one_loan, by(loanID) status
          Note: -runby- is written by Robert Picard and me, and is available from SSC.

          You will also find that it is much faster than using a -foreach- loop.


          • #6
            I agree with Clyde, I didn't think as hard as I should have in revising my initial post. The problem with working with easily manageable datasets is that I don't get to exercise my large dataset skills.


            • #7
              If what is needed is just cash_flow_d0 (and present value), instead of using pvvar, direct calculation (using the standard formula) would be much faster for large dataset.
              bys loanID (year): gen double cash_flow_d0 = cash_flow/((1+ disc_rate)^_n)
              * by loanID: gen double present_value = sum(cash_flow_d0)


              • #8
                I thought pvvar was perhaps doing something fancy, perhaps using year-to-year discount rates to compute a year-to-year0 cumulative discount rate, but I guess not.

                In particular, it makes the undocumented assumption that the cash flow occurs at regular intervals with no skipped interval. That is, the variable "year" in the example I took from help pvvar serves no purpose. Romalpa's code shows us how to rectify this situation should it arise.
                * Example generated by -dataex-. To install: ssc install dataex
                input byte loanID float year long cash_flow float disc_rate
                2 1 10000 .15
                2 2 20000  .1
                2 4 30000 .12
                2 7 40000 .14
                2 9 50000 .15
                // data with skipped years
                pvvar cash_flow disc_rate, generate(d0_v1)
                generate d0_v2 = cash_flow/((1+ disc_rate)^_n)
                generate d0_v3 = cash_flow/((1+ disc_rate)^(year-year[1]+1))
                list, noobs abbreviate(12)
                . list, noobs abbreviate(12)
                  | loanID   year   cash_flow   disc_rate   cash_flow~10      d0_v2      d0_v3 |
                  |      2      1       10000         .15       8695.652   8695.652   8695.652 |
                  |      2      2       20000          .1       16528.93   16528.93   16528.93 |
                  |      2      4       30000         .12       21353.41   21353.41   19065.54 |
                  |      2      7       40000         .14       23683.21   23683.21   15985.49 |
                  |      2      9       50000         .15       24858.84   24858.84   14213.12 |


                • #9
                  The direct calculation worked very well. Thank you all so much for the inputs!

