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  • Why F-test is missing? Could you please help!


    I run some regressions, but the F-test is missing. I read some previous posts related to this issue, but I haven't found the answer for my case. Could you please help?

    The first regression :
    regress w2_uhat  PerFD After AfterFD $control i.year i.ind, robust
    Linear regression                                      Number of obs =     487
                                                           F( 33,   452) =       .
                                                           Prob > F      =       .
                                                           R-squared     =  0.2130
                                                           Root MSE      =   .1115
                 |               Robust
         w2_uhat |      Coef.   Std. Err.      t    P>|t|     [95% Conf. Interval]
           PerFD |  -.0135181    .071665    -0.19   0.850    -.1543561    .1273198
           After |   .0024053   .0176921     0.14   0.892    -.0323637    .0371743
         AfterFD |  -.0413574      .1092    -0.38   0.705    -.2559602    .1732453
          PerInD |    .060242   .0280825     2.15   0.032     .0050536    .1154304
            Dual |  -.0165479   .0160462    -1.03   0.303    -.0480824    .0149866
           bsize |  -.0107742   .0222168    -0.48   0.628    -.0544352    .0328868
            Loss |  -.0273159   .0179308    -1.52   0.128     -.062554    .0079221
        CashOper |  -3.67e-10   8.98e-11    -4.09   0.000    -5.43e-10   -1.91e-10
        Firmsize |    .004892   .0054648     0.90   0.371    -.0058476    .0156316
            blev |   .0426323    .048696     0.88   0.382    -.0530664    .1383311
             ROA |   .2461967   .0673786     3.65   0.000     .1137825    .3786109
              mb |  -.0078885   .0062817    -1.26   0.210    -.0202334    .0044564
            year |
           2001  |  -.0096172   .0599574    -0.16   0.873     -.127447    .1082126
           2002  |  -.0229657   .0646225    -0.36   0.722    -.1499635    .1040321
           2003  |   .0240859    .062535     0.39   0.700    -.0988095    .1469813
           2004  |  -.0127065   .0636559    -0.20   0.842    -.1378047    .1123917
           2005  |  -.0268376   .0602837    -0.45   0.656    -.1453086    .0916335
           2006  |  -.0327154   .0597816    -0.55   0.584    -.1501998    .0847691
           2007  |   -.070418   .0617424    -1.14   0.255    -.1917558    .0509197
           2008  |    -.02034   .0606025    -0.34   0.737    -.1394376    .0987576
           2009  |  -.0192564   .0608335    -0.32   0.752     -.138808    .1002952
           2010  |   -.013746   .0620105    -0.22   0.825    -.1356106    .1081187
           2011  |  -.0190377   .0627831    -0.30   0.762    -.1424208    .1043453
           2012  |  -.0066407   .0626652    -0.11   0.916     -.129792    .1165105
           2013  |   .0156804   .0630179     0.25   0.804    -.1081641    .1395249
           2014  |  -.0057087   .0647463    -0.09   0.930    -.1329498    .1215324
           2015  |  -.0025069    .065502    -0.04   0.969    -.1312332    .1262194
           2016  |  -.0017253    .067764    -0.03   0.980    -.1348968    .1314463
           2017  |  -.0380075   .0643386    -0.59   0.555    -.1644475    .0884325
             ind |
              2  |   .0212005    .020601     1.03   0.304     -.019285    .0616861
              3  |   .0743825   .0270466     2.75   0.006     .0212299    .1275352
              5  |   .0338658   .0205932     1.64   0.101    -.0066045    .0743362
              6  |  -.0557151   .0360526    -1.55   0.123    -.1265665    .0151364
              7  |   .0340026   .0215114     1.58   0.115    -.0082721    .0762773
           _cons |  -.1087547   .1122393    -0.97   0.333    -.3293302    .1118209
    end of do-file
    The second regression
    xtreg w2_uhat PerFD After AfterFD $control i.year, cluster(firmid) fe
    Fixed-effects (within) regression               Number of obs      =       487
    Group variable: firmid                          Number of groups   =        59
    R-sq:  within  = 0.2613                         Obs per group: min =         4
           between = 0.0312                                        avg =       8.3
           overall = 0.1466                                        max =        10
                                                    F(28,58)           =         .
    corr(u_i, Xb)  = -0.4773                        Prob > F           =         .
                                    (Std. Err. adjusted for 59 clusters in firmid)
                 |               Robust
         w2_uhat |      Coef.   Std. Err.      t    P>|t|     [95% Conf. Interval]
           PerFD |   .0952295   .1127901     0.84   0.402    -.1305445    .3210035
           After |   .0263845   .0243078     1.09   0.282    -.0222729    .0750418
         AfterFD |  -.1804964    .105972    -1.70   0.094    -.3926225    .0316297
          PerInD |   .0051841   .0516282     0.10   0.920    -.0981609    .1085291
            Dual |  -.0806385   .0333862    -2.42   0.019    -.1474683   -.0138087
           bsize |  -.0183543   .0344244    -0.53   0.596    -.0872623    .0505536
            Loss |  -.0224149     .01964    -1.14   0.258    -.0617286    .0168989
        CashOper |  -6.97e-10   3.27e-10    -2.13   0.037    -1.35e-09   -4.19e-11
        Firmsize |   .0204043   .0234019     0.87   0.387    -.0264397    .0672483
            blev |   .0718019   .0857411     0.84   0.406    -.0998276    .2434314
             ROA |   .3226941   .0745929     4.33   0.000     .1733802     .472008
              mb |  -.0041064   .0073946    -0.56   0.581    -.0189083    .0106955
            year |
           2001  |   .0054016   .0674643     0.08   0.936    -.1296429    .1404461
           2002  |  -.0195736   .0554911    -0.35   0.726    -.1306511     .091504
           2003  |   .0321885   .0661514     0.49   0.628    -.1002279    .1646049
           2004  |  -.0044521   .0637201    -0.07   0.945    -.1320017    .1230976
           2005  |  -.0223795   .0583464    -0.38   0.703    -.1391726    .0944135
           2006  |  -.0362498   .0598186    -0.61   0.547    -.1559897      .08349
           2007  |  -.0724873   .0693725    -1.04   0.300    -.2113513    .0663768
           2008  |  -.0343343   .0671898    -0.51   0.611    -.1688293    .1001607
           2009  |   -.021291   .0662511    -0.32   0.749     -.153907    .1113249
           2010  |  -.0052354   .0680241    -0.08   0.939    -.1414004    .1309296
           2011  |  -.0305103    .071615    -0.43   0.672    -.1738632    .1128427
           2012  |  -.0247793   .0744705    -0.33   0.741    -.1738482    .1242895
           2013  |  -.0030818   .0797583    -0.04   0.969    -.1627355    .1565718
           2014  |  -.0238453   .0772591    -0.31   0.759    -.1784961    .1308056
           2015  |  -.0109596   .0744212    -0.15   0.883    -.1599298    .1380106
           2016  |  -.0030587   .0823633    -0.04   0.971    -.1679267    .1618094
           2017  |  -.0261159   .0806758    -0.32   0.747    -.1876062    .1353743
           _cons |   -.332236    .409316    -0.81   0.420    -1.151571    .4870991
         sigma_u |  .06864986
         sigma_e |  .10383842
             rho |  .30414563   (fraction of variance due to u_i)
    end of do-file

  • #2
    The mechanical answer is that your variance matrix of parameter estimates is not of full rank.

    Why this is so, it is not obvious to me. But it happens sometimes when you have plenty of dummies as you have in your regressions.


    • #3
      Usually it is a matter of one (or more) of the indicators (dummies) being a singleton. That is, it takes on the same value in all but one observation from the estimation sample. So for each of those variables, tabulate it -if e(sample)- and look for a singleton.

      Unsolicited advice: regression coefficients like -3.67e-10 (and the coefficient of the same variable in the other regression) are difficult for people to grasp. From the name of the variable, CashOper, I'm guessing that the variable represents some money. So why not change the units from dollars (or euros or yen or yuan or whatever it is) to billions of dollars (or euros....). That will scale the coefficient up by a factor of 109, which will make it much easier to understand, and also in line with the magnitude of the other model coefficients. Nothing else in the model will be affected by the change.


      • #4
        see also -help j_robustsingular-.
        Kind regards,
        (Stata 18.0 SE)


        • #5
          Clyde Schechter Thank you very much for your suggestions. I try to detect the singleton, but the result comes like this:

          tabstat uhat uhat w2_uhat PerFD After AfterFD $control, s(
          > sum) col (stat)
              variable |       sum
                  uhat | -3.877048
                  uhat | -3.877048
               w2_uhat | -4.810651
                 PerFD |  49.92943
                 After |       247
               AfterFD |  24.25791
                PerInD |  282.0946
                  Dual |        57
                 bsize |  901.9576
                  Loss |       123
              CashOper |  9.93e+09
              Firmsize |  8996.005
                  blev |  80.33136
                   ROA |  10.86872
                    mb |  619.4801
          Also, if I do not choose cluster firmid, the F-test is not missing. So, what should I do?

          xtreg w2_uhat PerFD After AfterFD $control i.year, fe // significant but F-test is missing
          Fixed-effects (within) regression               Number of obs      =       487
          Group variable: firmid                          Number of groups   =        59
          R-sq:  within  = 0.2613                         Obs per group: min =         4
                 between = 0.0312                                        avg =       8.3
                 overall = 0.1466                                        max =        10
                                                          F(29,399)          =      4.87
          corr(u_i, Xb)  = -0.4773                        Prob > F           =    0.0000
               w2_uhat |      Coef.   Std. Err.      t    P>|t|     [95% Conf. Interval]
                 PerFD |   .0952295    .106757     0.89   0.373     -.114647     .305106
                 After |   .0263845   .0256723     1.03   0.305    -.0240855    .0768544
               AfterFD |  -.1804964    .102104    -1.77   0.078    -.3812255    .0202326
                PerInD |   .0051841   .0568521     0.09   0.927    -.1065831    .1169512
                  Dual |  -.0806385   .0395031    -2.04   0.042    -.1582987   -.0029783
                 bsize |  -.0183543   .0379917    -0.48   0.629    -.0930432    .0563345
                  Loss |  -.0224149   .0174635    -1.28   0.200    -.0567468    .0119171
              CashOper |  -6.97e-10   1.25e-10    -5.58   0.000    -9.43e-10   -4.51e-10
              Firmsize |   .0204043   .0164717     1.24   0.216    -.0119778    .0527865
                  blev |   .0718019   .0696703     1.03   0.303    -.0651649    .2087686
                   ROA |   .3226941   .0478992     6.74   0.000     .2285278    .4168604
                    mb |  -.0041064   .0078638    -0.52   0.602    -.0195661    .0113533
                  year |
                 2001  |   .0054016   .0753653     0.07   0.943    -.1427611    .1535643
                 2002  |  -.0195736   .0693735    -0.28   0.778    -.1559568    .1168096
                 2003  |   .0321885    .069036     0.47   0.641    -.1035313    .1679084
                 2004  |  -.0044521   .0682707    -0.07   0.948    -.1386672    .1297631
                 2005  |  -.0223795   .0698613    -0.32   0.749    -.1597218    .1149628
                 2006  |  -.0362498   .0692424    -0.52   0.601    -.1723753    .0998757
                 2007  |  -.0724873   .0708081    -1.02   0.307    -.2116908    .0667163
                 2008  |  -.0343343    .071965    -0.48   0.634    -.1758123    .1071437
                 2009  |   -.021291   .0721139    -0.30   0.768    -.1630617    .1204796
                 2010  |  -.0052354   .0734579    -0.07   0.943    -.1496483    .1391775
                 2011  |  -.0305103   .0771881    -0.40   0.693    -.1822564    .1212359
                 2012  |  -.0247793   .0799958    -0.31   0.757    -.1820452    .1324865
                 2013  |  -.0030818   .0821192    -0.04   0.970    -.1645222    .1583585
                 2014  |  -.0238453   .0828736    -0.29   0.774    -.1867687    .1390782
                 2015  |  -.0109596   .0828348    -0.13   0.895    -.1738067    .1518875
                 2016  |  -.0030587   .0859331    -0.04   0.972     -.171997    .1658797
                 2017  |  -.0261159   .0894776    -0.29   0.771    -.2020225    .1497906
                 _cons |   -.332236   .2964296    -1.12   0.263     -.914995     .250523
               sigma_u |  .06864986
               sigma_e |  .10383842
                   rho |  .30414563   (fraction of variance due to u_i)
          F test that all u_i=0:     F(58, 399) =     2.47             Prob > F = 0.0000
          end of do-file

          Thank you very much in advance !


          • #6
            The -tabstat- command you ran does not check for singletons. I said to -tab- (not -tabstat-) the "dummy" variables (not the continuous ones); and be sure use -if e(sample)- in the -tab- command. I think you will find that one of them is a singleton.

            And yes, the problem goes away if you abandon the cluster robust standard errors--singleton dummies are not a problem for ordinary variance estimators.


            • #7
              Clyde Schechter Thank you very much. In my regression, the dummy variables are After, Dual and Loss. And here is the result
              tab After if e(sample)
                    After |      Freq.     Percent        Cum.
                        0 |        240       49.28       49.28
                        1 |        247       50.72      100.00
                    Total |        487      100.00
              . tab Dual if e(sample)
                     Dual |      Freq.     Percent        Cum.
                        0 |        430       88.30       88.30
                        1 |         57       11.70      100.00
                    Total |        487      100.00
              . tab Loss if e(sample)
                     Loss |      Freq.     Percent        Cum.
                        0 |        364       74.74       74.74
                        1 |        123       25.26      100.00
                    Total |        487      100.00
              As I understand, there is not any singleton variables in my regression. However, F-Test is still missing ( I am really confused. Whether other reasons results in the missing F-test?

              Also, in the case of missing F-test ( because I must be use cluster firmid) , are estimated coefficients biased? I mean could I use these results?



              • #8
                What about the year indicators? Are any of them singletons? Another possibility here is that within some of the firm clusters one of the dummies is a singleton. Since some of your clusters only have 4 observations, that could easily happen just by chance.

                In any case, the missing F-test is not anything to be concerned about. Unless your research goals specifically require a test of the omnibus null hypothesis that all of the coefficients in your model are zero, you don't need that F-test. And it is a very unusual research goal that requires that omnibus test.

                There is no issue of bias in your coefficients. (In fact, if you look at the results you got when you used the ordinary VCE, the coefficients are exactly the same.) And the standard errors and tests of all the individual coefficients are fine as well. Everything you see there is perfectly usable. The only issue is that your VCE matrix is not of full rank and so the number of coefficients that can be tested simultaneously is smaller than the full number of coefficients. But any tests of groups of coefficients that are small enough to produce a non-missing result are perfectly OK.


                • #9
                  Clyde Schechter Thank you. However, for year indicators, I use i.year, so that I can not use - tab i.year if e(sample). Could I generate year dummy and test whether one of them is singleton?


                  • #10
                    quoting -help j_robustsingular-:
                    Are you using a svy estimator or did you specify the vce(cluster clustvar) option?

                    The VCE you have just estimated is not of sufficient rank to perform the model test. As discussed in [R] test, the model test with clustered or survey data is distributed as
                    F(k,d-k+1) or chi2(k), where k is the number of constraints and d=number of clusters or d=number of PSUs minus the number of strata. Because the rank of the VCE is at most d and
                    the model test reserves 1 degree of freedom for the constant, at most d-1 constraints can be tested, so k must be less than d. The model that you just fit does not meet this

                    To simplify the remaining discussion, let's consider the case of clustered data. This discussion applies to survey estimation in general by substituting, "PSUs - strata" for

                    There is no mechanical problem with your model, but you need to consider carefully whether any of the reported standard errors mean anything. The theory that justifies the
                    standard error calculation is asymptotic in the number of clusters, and we have just established that you are estimating at least as many parameters as you have clusters.

                    That concern aside, the model test statistic issue is that you cannot simultaneously test that all coefficients are zero because there is not enough information. You could test a
                    subset, but not all, and so Stata refuses to report the overall model test statistic.

                    Here note the degrees of freedom reported for the chi2 or F. You might see chi2(6) or F(6, 5). If you were to count the number of coefficients that would be constrained to 0 in a
                    model test in this case, you would find that number to be greater than 6. You could find out what that number is by reestimating the model parameters without the vce(robust) and
                    vce(cluster clustvar) options (or, for the survey commands, using the corresponding non-svy estimator). In any case, the 6 reported is the maximum number of coefficients that
                    could be simultaneously tested.
                    Kind regards,
                    (Stata 18.0 SE)


                    • #11
                      To second what Clyde Schechter said in #9, Celine Tran there is no problem with the situation that you have encountered. You are spending your time on digging into the details of a particular data configuration, and these details are not interesting at all.

                      This "overall test of regression significance" is an anachronism of the past. This test used to make lots of sense when econometricians were running regressions with 10 observations and 2 non-constant regressors. Then you would like to know whether your overall regression explains anything...

                      But you are running a regression with 500 observations and 30 regressors, of course your regression explains a lot. Look at your R-squares, they are on the order of magnitude of 20%, and this by the way is not any big deal of news either with 500 observations and 30 regressors.

                      You should focus on testing interesting hypotheses motivated by economic theory, and these hypotheses almost never have anything to do with the "overall significance" of a kitchen sink regression with a full set of time and industry dummies. For such interesting hypotheses the rank deficiency of the estimates variance is typically not a problem. E.g., as you see the t-statistics for individual significance of your regressors are all fine.


                      • #12
                        I fully endorse what Joro Kolev says in #11.

                        While I think it is a waste of your time to pursue this issue any farther, for future reference note that while you cannot -tab i.year-, you can do
                        forvalues y = 2000/2017 {
                            tab `y'.year if e(sample)


                        • #13
                          Clyde Schechter Joro Kolev thank you very much for your help. I believe your explanation. However, I am afraid that reviewers maybe rebut my result when the missing F-test is reported.

                          Clyde Schechter when I use the code as your suggestion, the result is :

                          forvalues y=2000/2017{
                            2. tab `y'.year if e(sample)
                            3. }
                          factor variables and time-series operators not allowed
                          Could you please help me/

                          Thank you very much in advance.


                          • #14
                            Sorry, I thought -tab- accepted factor variable notation. But I'm wrong. You can still get what you need by doing
                            tab year if e(sample)
                            and look for a year where the frequency comes up as 1.

                            Regarding your concern about reviewers, you can never predict what reviewers will do. Some are very sharp; there are others who are both ignorant and unaware of their ignorance. Suffice it to say that unless the omnibus hypothesis test of all coefficients equaling 0 (a very bizarre hypothesis in your context, I think) is part of your research goal, there is no legitimate reason for a reviewer to challenge it. If you encounter that problem, I would recommend appealing to the editor to either override the reviewer on the matter or get another opinion.

                            Even assuming you chase down the source of this "problem," how will you fix it? You can omit the offending variable from your model. If it's one of the year indicators then you could combine that year with one of the adjacent years. But clearly both of these involve doing substantive mutilation of your model in order to "solve" what is, in reality, a non-issue. In fact, if I were reviewing a paper that did one of those things, I would criticize it for that!


                            • #15
                              Clyde Schechter Thank you very much. I am agree with your explanation. However, the code you gave me still do not work through. Could you please have a look? I would like to learn for further research.

                               tab year if e(sample)
                              no observations
                              . tab year
                                     year |      Freq.     Percent        Cum.
                                     2000 |          3        0.56        0.56
                                     2001 |          6        1.12        1.67
                                     2002 |         15        2.79        4.46
                                     2003 |         18        3.35        7.81
                                     2004 |         23        4.28       12.08
                                     2005 |         33        6.13       18.22
                                     2006 |         40        7.43       25.65
                                     2007 |         51        9.48       35.13
                                     2008 |         46        8.55       43.68
                                     2009 |         52        9.67       53.35
                                     2010 |         54       10.04       63.38
                                     2011 |         42        7.81       71.19
                                     2012 |         41        7.62       78.81
                                     2013 |         34        6.32       85.13
                                     2014 |         30        5.58       90.71
                                     2015 |         27        5.02       95.72
                                     2016 |         14        2.60       98.33
                                     2017 |          9        1.67      100.00
                                    Total |        538      100.00
                              Thank you.

