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  • Repeated measures ANOVA: Standard errors of estimated marginal means produced by Stata's margins were different from that of SPSS's EMMEANS


    Why the SE's of estimated marginal means differ in this case? And which one should be used if we want to estimate the factor level means?
    (Note: EMMEANS is equivalent to margins, asbalanced when called after fitting other fixed-factor anova models without any repeated factors.)
    Stata/SE 15.1 vs IBM SPSS 22

    Stata code:
    anova y subject time, repeated(time)
    margins time

    SPSS code:
    GLM y.1 y.2 y.3 y.4
    /WSFACTOR=j 4 Polynomial

    Click image for larger version

Name:	example.JPG
Views:	1
Size:	58.9 KB
ID:	1474933

    * Example generated by -dataex-. To install: ssc install dataex
    input float(y subject time)
    20 1 1
    24 1 2
    28 1 3
    28 1 4
    15 2 1
    18 2 2
    23 2 3
    24 2 4
    18 3 1
    19 3 2
    24 3 3
    23 3 4
    26 4 1
    26 4 2
    30 4 3
    30 4 4
    22 5 1
    24 5 2
    28 5 3
    26 5 4
    19 6 1
    21 6 2
    27 6 3
    25 6 4

  • #2
    Hi Keowmani. I don't (think I) have a complete answer for you. But your post did entice me to play around with this problem for a while, and here's what I've come up with thus far!

    * Example generated by -dataex-. To install: ssc install dataex
    clear *
    input float(y subject time)
    20 1 1
    24 1 2
    28 1 3
    28 1 4
    15 2 1
    18 2 2
    23 2 3
    24 2 4
    18 3 1
    19 3 2
    24 3 3
    23 3 4
    26 4 1
    26 4 2
    30 4 3
    30 4 4
    22 5 1
    24 5 2
    28 5 3
    26 5 4
    19 6 1
    21 6 2
    27 6 3
    25 6 4
    anova y subject time, repeated(time)
    margins time
    * Q1. Can I get different SEs for each time point via -mixed-?
    mixed y i.time || subject:, noconstant residuals(un, t(time))
    margins time
    * A1. Yes, I can.  But they do not match the SEs from SPSS GLM.
    * Q2. What if I use REML rather than MLE?
    mixed y i.time || subject:, noconstant residuals(un, t(time)) reml
    margins time
    * A2.  The SEs now match those from SPSS GLM.
    * But note that -mixed- is using the critical z-value when
    * computing the 95% CI, whereas SPSS used the critical t-value.
    * I believe it used t-crit with df = n-1, or 5.
    * Let's see if we can duplicate the CIs reported by SPSS GLM.
    matrix m = r(table)'
    svmat m
    rename (m1 m2) (yhat se)
    generate double lower = yhat - se*invt(5,(1-.05/2))
    generate double upper = yhat + se*invt(5,(1-.05/2))
    list yhat se lower upper if !missing(yhat)
    * These CI's match those from SPSS GLM.
    Output from the last -list- command above:

    . list yhat se lower upper if !missing(yhat)
         |     yhat         se       lower       upper |
      1. |       20   1.527525   16.073372   23.926628 |
      2. |       22   1.290994   18.681394   25.318606 |
      3. | 26.66667   1.085255    23.87693   29.456402 |
      4. |       26   1.064581   23.263407   28.736593 |
    . * These CI's match those from SPSS GLM.
    Bruce Weaver
    Email: [email protected]
    Version: Stata/MP 18.0 (Windows)


    • #3
      That seems to be related to the delta method, explained here.
      Best regards,



      • #4
        The -mean- command can also duplicate the SEs and 95% CIs that SPSS GLM gives. But you have to avoid use of the over() option. If you specify over(time), -mean- uses a critical t-value for df = the total N minus 1. (There's an older thread on this, but I can't find it right now.) What is needed here is df = group n minus 1. This can be achieved by issuing one -mean- command for each level of time with an appropriate -if-. E.g.,

        * Using the same data as in #2...
        forvalues t = 1/4 {
         display "time = "`t'
         mean y if time==`t'
        Here's the output:
        time = 1
        Mean estimation                   Number of obs   =          6
                     |       Mean   Std. Err.     [95% Conf. Interval]
                   y |         20   1.527525      16.07337    23.92663
        time = 2
        Mean estimation                   Number of obs   =          6
                     |       Mean   Std. Err.     [95% Conf. Interval]
                   y |         22   1.290994      18.68139    25.31861
        time = 3
        Mean estimation                   Number of obs   =          6
                     |       Mean   Std. Err.     [95% Conf. Interval]
                   y |   26.66667   1.085255      23.87693     29.4564
        time = 4
        Mean estimation                   Number of obs   =          6
                     |       Mean   Std. Err.     [95% Conf. Interval]
                   y |         26   1.064581      23.26341    28.73659
        Compare these means, SEs and CIs to the SPSS output in #1. They're the same.
        Bruce Weaver
        Email: [email protected]
        Version: Stata/MP 18.0 (Windows)


        • #5
          Hi Bruce, thank you for your illustration. So, would it be correct for me to say that SPSS assumes unstructured within-subject residuals variance-covariance matrix to estimate the factor level means, whereas Stata assumes exchangeable structure? If it is correct, then, in your opinion, which approach is more appropriate given the repeated-measures study design? Thanks in advance!


          • #6
            Originally posted by Keowmani Thamron View Post
            Why the SE's of estimated marginal means differ in this case? And which one should be used if we want to estimate the factor level means?
            Stata's margins is correct.

            SPSS is giving you the unconditional standard errors of the means, as if they were independent standalone means. Stata's standard errors account for the between-subjects factor in the repeated-measures ANOVA. Under compound symmetry, you get a common residual variance and if you want to estimate the factor level means (i.e., model-based), then you should use the standard error from Stata's margins and not the unconditional ones that SPSS reports.




















            SPSS's EMMEANS ignores the model that it just fit. You should ignore SPSS.


            • #7
              Originally posted by Joseph Coveney View Post
              SPSS's EMMEANS ignores the model that it just fit.
              You don't show the output, but are you fitting a MANOVA with SPSS and not a repeated-measures ANOVA? If so, then I take that back.


              • #8
                You don't show the output, but are you fitting a MANOVA with SPSS and not a repeated-measures ANOVA? If so, then I take that back.
                In SPSS, when repeated measures ANOVA is requested the output include both MANOVA and univariate ANOVA results. My interest is in fitting repeated measures ANOVA, not MANOVA. I will ignore the MANOVA results.


                • #9
                  In #6, Joseph Coveney wrote:
                  Stata's margins is correct.

                  SPSS is giving you the unconditional standard errors of the means, as if they were independent standalone means. Stata's standard errors account for the between-subjects factor in the repeated-measures ANOVA. Under compound symmetry, you get a common residual variance and if you want to estimate the factor level means (i.e., model-based), then you should use the standard error from Stata's margins and not the unconditional ones that SPSS reports.
                  Joseph, this suggests (to me) that one ought to be able to generate the same marginal means and SEs after using -mixed- to estimate the model. But my attempts (thus far) to do so have failed. For example, this code....
                  * Joseph's post (#6) suggests that -mixed- with compound symmetry
                  * should yield the same results (more or less) as RM ANOVA.
                  * Stata has no cs option, but I believe exchangeable is the same thing.
                  mixed y i.time || subject:, noconstant residuals(exch, t(time)) reml
                  margins time
                  gives this table of marginal means:
                  Adjusted predictions                            Number of obs     =         24
                  Expression   : Linear prediction, fixed portion, predict()
                               |            Delta-method
                               |     Margin   Std. Err.      z    P>|z|     [95% Conf. Interval]
                          time |
                            1  |         20   1.256096    15.92   0.000      17.5381     22.4619
                            2  |         22   1.256096    17.51   0.000      19.5381     24.4619
                            3  |   26.66667   1.256096    21.23   0.000     24.20476    29.12857
                            4  |         26   1.256096    20.70   0.000      23.5381     28.4619
                  Do you have any thoughts on how to tweak the -mixed- command to make -margins- yield SEs of .421637, matching what Keowmani got using -anova-?

                  Bruce Weaver
                  Email: [email protected]
                  Version: Stata/MP 18.0 (Windows)


                  • #10
                    Hi Bruce,

                    is correct.

                    SPSS is giving you the unconditional standard errors of the means, as if they were independent standalone means. Stata's standard errors account for the between-subjects factor in the repeated-measures ANOVA. Under compound symmetry, you get a common residual variance and if you want to estimate the factor level means (i.e., model-based), then you should use the standard error from Stata's
                    and not the unconditional ones that SPSS reports.
                    To get the SE similar to that produced by anova, you can use the following code below. However, please note that the CI is calculated based on z-distribution not t-distribution.

                    . xtset subject
                           panel variable:  subject (balanced)
                    . quietly xtreg y i.time, fe
                    . margins time
                    Adjusted predictions                            Number of obs     =         24
                    Model VCE    : Conventional
                    Expression   : Linear prediction, predict()
                                 |            Delta-method
                                 |     Margin   Std. Err.      z    P>|z|     [95% Conf. Interval]
                            time |
                              1  |         20    .421637    47.43   0.000     19.17361    20.82639
                              2  |         22    .421637    52.18   0.000     21.17361    22.82639
                              3  |   26.66667    .421637    63.25   0.000     25.84027    27.49306
                              4  |         26    .421637    61.66   0.000     25.17361    26.82639


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by Bruce Weaver View Post
                      Do you have any thoughts on how to tweak the -mixed- command to make -margins- yield SEs of .421637, matching what Keowmani got using -anova-?
                      Think of repeated-measures ANOVA as like an extended paired t-test. It has the subject effect subtracted out, leaving the conditionally independent residuals. If you want to think of the situation in terms of a variance-covariance matrix, you'd have the residual variance σ2e on the diagonal and zeroes off-diagonal. It’s basically a scalar, the one (MSerror) that you see at the bottom of the ANOVA table. (You compute the subject variance σ2u via expected mean squares.) The standard errors for margins after repeated-measures ANOVA uses this σ2e, as illustrated in #6.

                      When you use mixed to fit the same model, the compound-symmetric variance-covariance matrix has on the diagonals not the residual variance σ2e, but rather σ2e plus the subject variance σ2u, and has σ2u off-diagonal as the covariance. (That "var(e)" that mixed prints out after you use the noconstant option to force the random effects equation to be empty isn't what you'd otherwise think it is—it's not the variance of the residuals.) The standard errors for margins uses this combined variance as shown below. To recover the residual variance, you have to subtract it out, also shown below.

                      To answer your question, I don’t know how to coax margins after mixed to use this fixed effects residual variance, other than to cynically fit a fixed effects model (shown last).
                      version 15.1
                      clear *
                      quietly input byte(y subject time)
                      20 1 1
                      24 1 2
                      28 1 3
                      28 1 4
                      15 2 1
                      18 2 2
                      23 2 3
                      24 2 4
                      18 3 1
                      19 3 2
                      24 3 3
                      23 3 4
                      26 4 1
                      26 4 2
                      30 4 3
                      30 4 4
                      22 5 1
                      24 5 2
                      28 5 3
                      26 5 4
                      19 6 1
                      21 6 2
                      27 6 3
                      25 6 4
                      // Repeated-measures ANOVA
                      anova y subject time, repeated(time)
                      margins time , df(`=e(df_r)')
                      // -mixed- with exchangeable residual correlation (compound symmetric variance-covariance matrix)
                      mixed y i.time || subject: , noconstant ///
                          reml dfmethod(satterthwaite) residuals(exchangeable) ///
                          nolrtest nolog
                      margins time , df(`=e(ddf_m)')
                      /* Recovering residual variance for time (subject variance removed) */
                      estat wcorrelation, covariance
                      tempname R n res_var
                      matrix define `R' = r(Cov)
                      matrix define `n' = e(N_g)
                      scalar define `res_var' = `R'[1, 1] - `R'[1, 2] // <= here is the crux
                      /* Compare below with Post #6 above in the thread */
                      display in smcl as text "Residual variance = " %09.7f `res_var'
                      display in smcl as text "Standard error based on residual variance alone = " %08.6f sqrt(`res_var' / `n'[1, 1])
                      /* Compare below with -margins- after -mixed- just above */
                      display in smcl as text "Standard error based on sum residual and subject variances, " ///
                          "i.e., -margins- after -mixed- = " %08.6f sqrt(`R'[1, 1] / `n'[1, 1])
                      // How to use -mixed- to do repeated-measures ANOVA
                      mixed y i.time i.subject, reml dfmethod(residual) nolog
                      testparm i.subject, df(`=e(ddf_m)')
                      testparm i.time, df(`=e(ddf_m)')
                      margins time , df(`=e(ddf_m)')


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by Joseph Coveney View Post
                        It has the subject effect subtracted out
                        The residual actually has both terms factored out.


                        • #13
                          Thanks Joseph. I can duplicate the output from your final -margins- command in SPSS using either of the following commands:

                          UNIANOVA Y BY time id
                            /DESIGN=time id.
                          MIXED Y BY time id
                            /FIXED=time id | SSTYPE(3)
                          Here are the EMMEANS results from those models (UNIANOVA first, then MIXED):
                          Dependent Variable:   Y
                          time    Mean    SE    95% Confidence Interval    
                                      Lower    Upper
                          1    20.000    .421637    19.1013    20.8987
                          2    22.000    .421637    21.1013    22.8987
                          3    26.667    .421637    25.7680    27.5654
                          4    26.000    .421637    25.1013    26.8987
                          time    Mean    SE    df    95% Confidence Interval    
                                          Lower     Upper
                          1    20.000    .421637    15    19.1013    20.8987
                          2    22.000    .421637    15    21.1013    22.8987
                          3    26.667    .421637    15    25.7680    27.5654
                          4    26.000    .421637    15    25.1013    26.8987
                          a Dependent Variable: Y.
                          And here is the output from Joseph's final -margins- command in #11:

                                       |            Delta-method
                                       |     Margin   Std. Err.      t    P>|t|     [95% Conf. Interval]
                                  time |
                                    1  |         20    .421637    47.43   0.000      19.1013     20.8987
                                    2  |         22    .421637    52.18   0.000      21.1013     22.8987
                                    3  |   26.66667    .421637    63.25   0.000     25.76797    27.56536
                                    4  |         26    .421637    61.66   0.000      25.1013     26.8987
                          Bruce Weaver
                          Email: [email protected]
                          Version: Stata/MP 18.0 (Windows)


                          • #14
                            Hi Keowmani. I missed your -xtreg- example in #10 until now. Thanks.
                            Bruce Weaver
                            Email: [email protected]
                            Version: Stata/MP 18.0 (Windows)


                            • #15
                              One consequence of using -margins- following repeated measures -anova- (as in #1) is that any pairwise contrasts of means will also use a pooled error term. Some authors (e.g., Maxwell, 1980) recommend using a separate error term for each pairwise contrast (i.e., an ordinary paired t-test), and applying a Bonferroni correction. (Nowadays, one might prefer to use Bonferroni-Holm, I suppose.) One of the reasons, I gather, is that the nature of the Treatment x Subjects interaction can vary quite a lot across all possible pairs of treatments.

                              Here are a couple links for Maxwell (1980). See also this excerpt from Thom Baguley's book, Serious Stats: A Guide to Advanced to Advanced Statistics for the Behavioral Sciences (p. 642).


                              Bruce Weaver
                              Email: [email protected]
                              Version: Stata/MP 18.0 (Windows)

