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  • Generating count based on missing values

    Hi All, I am having a problem in generating the COUNT of missing values. Please see the below table. In the below table, I have the "HAVE" column, and I want a stata command to generate the"WANT" column. In the "WANT" column, I want to count the missing values from "HAVE", however, the count in the "WANT" column should always reset when there is a "5555555" value in the "HAVE" column. I hope that I have explained my problem.

    any help would be much appreciated.

    . 1
    . 2
    5555555 5555555
    . 1
    . 2
    . 3
    5555555 5555555
    5555555 5555555
    . 1
    . 2
    . 3
    . 4
    5555555 5555555

  • #2
    This code is based on ideas from: cumulative sum that restarts at 0, if observe "0" in the original column.

    gen want = have
    replace want = 1 if _n==1
    replace want = 1 if want[_n-1]==5555555 & want==.
    replace want = want[_n-1] + 1 if want==.
    * NOTE: I just manually entered id so that I could make this list look good using sepby(id)
    . list id have want, sepby(id)
         | id      have      want |
      1. |  1         .         1 |
      2. |  1         .         2 |
      3. |  2   5555555   5555555 |
      4. |  2         .         1 |
      5. |  2         .         2 |
      6. |  2         .         3 |
      7. |  3   5555555   5555555 |
      8. |  3   5555555   5555555 |
      9. |  3         .         1 |
     10. |  3         .         2 |
     11. |  3         .         3 |
     12. |  3         .         4 |
     13. |  4   5555555   5555555 |
     14. |  4         .         1 |
     15. |  4         .         2 |
     16. |  4         .         3 |
    Last edited by David Benson; 09 Dec 2018, 23:33.


    • #3
      Thanks alot David. This worked perfectly. Much Appreciated.


      • #4
        david Benson's code is fine. But other takes are possible. One is that you are identifying spells of missing values. You may well have a time or other sequence variable. Even if not you can always create one.

        tsspell from SSC, which must be installed before you can use it, gives a handle on spells.

        input HAVE    WANT
        .    1
        .    2
        5555555    5555555
        .    1
        .    2
        .    3
        5555555    5555555
        5555555    5555555
        .    1
        .    2
        .    3
        .    4
        5555555    5555555
        gen time = _n 
        tsset time 
        tsspell , cond(missing(HAVE))  
        replace _seq = HAVE if _seq == 0 
        list, sepby(_spell) 
             |    HAVE      WANT   time      _seq   _spell   _end |
          1. |       .         1      1         1        1      0 |
          2. |       .         2      2         2        1      1 |
          3. | 5555555   5555555      3   5555555        0      0 |
          4. |       .         1      4         1        2      0 |
          5. |       .         2      5         2        2      0 |
          6. |       .         3      6         3        2      1 |
          7. | 5555555   5555555      7   5555555        0      0 |
          8. | 5555555   5555555      8   5555555        0      0 |
          9. |       .         1      9         1        3      0 |
         10. |       .         2     10         2        3      0 |
         11. |       .         3     11         3        3      0 |
         12. |       .         4     12         4        3      1 |
         13. | 5555555   5555555     13   5555555        0      0 |


        • #5
          Thank you Nick for your help. Much appreciated.

