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  • Biprobit postestimation predicted probability table using esttab command


    I am using biprobit command and then trying to estimate joint probabilities. However, when I try to esttab the joint probabilities, I am getting the coefficients, not the probabilities.

    I saw some posts and suggestions using mfx command but it is no longer part of stata. Here is the example of what I am doing:

    biprobit depvar1 depvar2 indepvar1 indepvar2 indepvar3
    estimates store biprob
    predict biprob11, p11
    estimates store biprob11
    esttab biprob11 using "biprob11.rtf", append cells(b(star fmt(%9.3f)) se(par fmt(%9.3f))) scalars (ll chi2 df_m p chi2_exog p_exog) legend compress collabels(none)

    Using the above code I am getting the coefficients of biprobit and not the joint probabilities. I read online that I should use the 'post' command but I am not sure how to incorporate it in the predict code. Can somebody please help? Thank you for your time.