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  • Regress at the mean of age


    I am struggling a bit with my regression. My basic regression looks like this:
     svy: regress lnhourlyw_w i.ib9999.arrival if year==2004
    So, I am regressing log wages on immigrants arrival where arrival=9999 is coded as being native. I am looking for cohorts effects here, how is the immigrant log wage of these immigrant arrivals relative to native in the year 2004.

    However, in a second step, I would like to have the age-adjusted wage differential of immigrant to native. So, I am using a third-order polynomial in workers age (bb03a, bb03a2=bb03a^2 and bb03a3=bb03a^3) additionally. Regression looks like:

    svy: regress lnhourlyw_w bb03a bb03a2 bb03a3 c.bb03a##i.ib9999.arrival c.bb03a2##i.ib9999.arrival c.bb03a3##i.ib9999.arrival  i.ib9999.arrival if year==2004
    However, I would like to have estimates on the cohorts predicted at the mean of age of the population. So, the above regression at mean of bb03a. I was thinking on using the code:

    svy: margins, at(bb03a=41 arrival)
    But the output says, last estimates not found...

    Output on the first regression is:

    svy: regress lnhourlyw_w i.ib9999.arrival if year==2004
    (running regress on estimation sample)
    Survey: Linear regression
    Number of strata   =         1                  Number of obs     =    10,726
    Number of PSUs     =    10,726                  Population size   =    1,317,293
    Design df         =    10,725
    F(   6,  10720)   =    99.52
    Prob > F          =    0.0000
    R-squared         =    0.0279
    lnhourlyw_w       Coef.   Std. Err.      t    P>t     [95% Conf.    Interval]
    0    -.1686351   .0151419   -11.14   0.000     -.198316    -.1389543
    1980    -.1678049   .0202635    -8.28   0.000     -.207525    -.1280847
    1985    -.2158353   .0165672   -13.03   0.000    -.2483101    -.1833604
    1990    -.2542113   .0122076   -20.82   0.000    -.2781405    -.2302822
    1995    -.1508089   .0222109    -6.79   0.000    -.1943463    -.1072715
    2000    -.0889885   .0228124    -3.90   0.000     -.133705    -.044272
    _cons    3.689774   .0057737   639.07   0.000     3.678457    3.701092
    Output on second regression:

    . svy: regress lnhourlyw_w bb03a bb03a2 bb03a3 c.bb03a##i.ib9999.arrival
    > rival c.bb03a3##i.ib9999.arrival  i.ib9999.arrival if year==2004
    (running regress on estimation sample)
    Survey: Linear regression
    Number of strata   =         1                  Number of obs     =     10,726
    Number of PSUs     =    10,726                  Population size   =  1,317,293
    Design df         =     10,725
    F(  27,  10699)   =     114.85
    Prob > F          =     0.0000
    R-squared         =     0.2216
    lnhourlyw_w       Coef.   Std. Err.      t    P>t     [95% Conf. Interval]
    bb03a    .1339664   .0152074     8.81   0.000     .1041572    .1637757
    bb03a2   -.0022769      .0004    -5.69   0.000    -.0030609    -.001493
    bb03a3    .0000126   3.33e-06     3.79   0.000     6.09e-06    .0000191
    bb03a           0  (omitted)
    0     26.78865   12.59468     2.13   0.033     2.100745    51.47656
    1980     14.41574   8.178109     1.76   0.078    -1.614872    30.44634
    1985     6.221622   4.590746     1.36   0.175    -2.777089    15.22033
    1990     .4615053   1.790314     0.26   0.797    -3.047841    3.970851
    1995     4.245991   1.883982     2.25   0.024     .5530385    7.938944
    2000    -1.446823   .9976211    -1.45   0.147    -3.402345    .5086989
    0    -1.455179   .6982813    -2.08   0.037    -2.823939   -.0864182
    1980    -.8610379   .4995845    -1.72   0.085    -1.840316    .1182402
    1985    -.3955509   .3064418    -1.29   0.197    -.9962336    .2051318
    1990    -.0196936    .126786    -0.16   0.877    -.2682177    .2288306
    1995    -.3470192   .1477938    -2.35   0.019    -.6367225    -.057316
    2000      .085056   .0853952     1.00   0.319    -.0823344    .2524463
    bb03a2           0  (omitted)
    0     .0258944   .0128356     2.02   0.044     .0007342    .0510546
    1980     .0163834   .0100669     1.63   0.104    -.0033496    .0361163
    1985      .007667   .0067382     1.14   0.255    -.0055412    .0208751
    1990    -.0002907   .0029442    -0.10   0.921    -.0060619    .0054805
    1995     .0087511   .0037584     2.33   0.020      .001384    .0161182
    2000    -.0015658   .0023226    -0.67   0.500    -.0061184    .0029869
    bb03a3           0  (omitted)
    0    -.0001527   .0000782    -1.95   0.051    -.0003061    6.05e-07
    1980    -.0001011   .0000669    -1.51   0.130    -.0002322    .0000299
    1985    -.0000473   .0000488    -0.97   0.332    -.0001429    .0000483
    1990     6.95e-06   .0000224     0.31   0.756     -.000037    .0000509
    1995    -.0000703   .0000309    -2.28   0.023    -.0001308   -9.75e-06
    2000     9.36e-06     .00002     0.47   0.640    -.0000299    .0000486
    _cons    1.260013   .1825066     6.90   0.000     .9022663     1.61776
    * Example generated by -dataex-. To    install:    ssc    install    dataex
    input int bb03a float(bb03a2 bb03a3    arrival)
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    label values bb03a BB03AD

  • #2
    svy: margins, at(bb03a=41 arrival)
    But the output says, last estimates not found...
    Why are you typing the prefix svy before margins?
    Best regards,



    • #3
      Because I have survey data, which I have weighted before with:
      svyset [pweight = ixpxh]
      As I am still learning Stata, I thought of reading once, that if I use survey data, each command should have the prefix svy. But it looks like I read it wrong then.


      • #4
        No problem if you feel you are "still learning" Stata.

        I am sure (say, two-tailed p value < 0.05, no overlapping CIs, power = 90%, random sampling, of course) that the majority of this Forum members, even the most stellar ones, even those who keep dealing with Stata on a daily basis for a couple of decades, well, believe me, these hard-core guys previously avowed that they consider themselves as "still learning".

        This remark being made, please type - help svy postestimation - in the Command Window, then read the example 3.

        Hopefully that helps.
        Last edited by Marcos Almeida; 06 Nov 2018, 11:51.
        Best regards,



        • #5
          Thank you, Sir. However If I use this:
          margins arrival, vce(unconditional) at(bb03a=41)
          I got the output:
          margins arrival, vce(unconditional) at(bb03a=41)
          Predictive margins                              Number of obs     =    10,726
          Subpop. no. obs   =    10,725
          Expression   : Linear prediction, predict()
          at           : bb03a           =          41
          Margin   Std. Err.      t    P>t     [95% Conf.    Interval]
          0            .  (not estimable)
          1980            .  (not estimable)
          1985            .  (not estimable)
          1990            .  (not estimable)
          1995            .  (not estimable)
          2000            .  (not estimable)
          9999     3.742419   .0184985   202.31   0.000     3.706159    3.77868


          • #6
            Sorry, the commands in example 3 are slightly different from the one you typed.

            What is more, with regards to the model, specifically, I believe I cannot be of much help, and this is for a couple of reasons: the field of expertise is far from mine; the use of squared and cubic terms, if necessary, could be simplified by using the appropriate notation; the (automatic) omission of these terms (in the regression analysis) posed doubts concerning the necessity of them in the model, let alone the potential (lack of ) improvement; I didn't understand why "arrival" is 9999, I mean, it seems not to be a code, neither a date; getting margins at a specific value, here, one which is not presented in the shared data, might lead to estimations issues; the data you shared seem to have less variables than the ones in the output; svyset was not shown. This is the furtherst I can go. Hopefully you'll get more information | help.
            Best regards,



            • #7
              Sorry Sir, I was not clear about my variables. Arrival is coded as 0, 1980, 1985, 1990, 1995, 2000, 2005, 2010 and 9999. 0 represents immigrant cohort arrival before 1980, 1980 represents immigrants arrival from 1980 to 1984 and so on. 9999 represents natives, I took 9999 for natives just randomly, since I used already 0 for the immigrants arrival before 1980. Since I used for the variable arrival (categorical variable) 9999 as the reference group, I am analyzing the immigrants arrival cohort relative to that of natives. This was the first code

                svy: regress lnhourlyw_w i.ib9999.arrival if year==2004
              However, since I am not controlling for age in that regression, I would like to have age-adjusted wage differential of immigrant to native. Using third polynomial age should allow for non-linear relationship (bb03a represents age). Therefore, I have used the following code:

               svy: regress lnhourlyw_w bb03a bb03a2 bb03a3 c.bb03a##i.ib9999.arrival > rival c.bb03a3##i.ib9999.arrival  i.ib9999.arrival if year==2004
              Since, I am interest on the effects the immigrant cohorts, I would like to have estimates at the mean age (for year 2004, mean age =41).

              Hope, I could formulate it a bit more clearer.


              • #8
                It seems unclear maybe what I am asking. In short, I have a multiple regression (age is also a variable in that regression). Now I would like to have the model evaluated at the age of 40. I was thinking on using the command predict. However, predict does not allow to use option at().


                • #9
                  Hi Anshul,

                  I am not sure what exactly you re trying to do, but it seems related to the following regression trick:

                  Say I have fitted the following regression of wages on age and age^2 (E is the expectation operator):

                  (1) Ew = a + b*age + c*age^2.

                  The marginal effect here is

                  (2) (d Ew)/(d age) = b + c*age.

                  Therefore the marginal effect depends on age, as age entered non-linearly the original regression. Note also that the marginal effect is

                  (d Ew)/(d age) = b, when evaluated at age=0.

                  To have the marginal effect evaluated at 40, you do generate age*=age - 40, and you fit the original regression in eq(1) however using age* instead of age. Then the marginal effect from eq(2) evaluated at 40 will be simply again (d Ew)/(d age) = b. If you want to have the marginal effect evaluated at the sample mean of age, you fit the regression using age*= age - mean(age), then your marginal effect evaluated at the mean will be simply b.


                  • #10
                    Hey Joro,

                    What I am exactly doing is this: I have a wage regression which should measure the relative wage of immigrant relative to native. In that regression, I am considering the cohort effects, so I am splitting immigrant population into immigrant arrival waves. This is my first regression which has the aim to show that considering different cohort is important if we want talk about immigrant-native wages. However, this regression is not a age-adjusted wage differential. Therefore I am additionally including a third polynomial of age in that regression where I am regressing immigrant arrival relative to native on log wages. Now I would like to see the effects of immigrant arrival evaluated on the mean age of the population.

                    I will try your trick, thanks for the support!!


                    • #11
                      Sorry, I am not sure if this is what I exactly need. I try it again with more information. Please dont read my earlier posts.

                      I am regressing log wages on immigrant dummy. Basically, I want to know the wage differential between natives and immigrants.

                      Now, I have splitted the immigrant population into immigrant cohort. So my regression looks like this for the year 2004 which compares log wages
                      of immigrant cohort to that of natives I do this also for the year 2009 and 2014 (only for 2004 displayed here):
                      svy: regress lnhourlyw_w i.ib9999.arrival if year==2004
                      (running regress on estimation sample)
                      Survey: Linear regression
                      Number of strata   =         1                  Number of obs     =    10,726
                      Number of PSUs     =    10,726                  Population size   =    1,317,293
                      Design df         =    10,725
                      F(   6,  10720)   =    99.52
                      Prob > F          =    0.0000
                      R-squared         =    0.0279
                      lnhourlyw_w       Coef.   Std. Err.      t    P>t     [95% Conf.    Interval]
                      pre 1980    -.1686351   .0151419   -11.14   0.000     -.198316    -.1389543
                      1980-84    -.1678049   .0202635    -8.28   0.000     -.207525    -.1280847
                      1985-89    -.2158353   .0165672   -13.03   0.000    -.2483101    -.1833604
                      1990-94    -.2542113   .0122076   -20.82   0.000    -.2781405    -.2302822
                      1995-99    -.1508089   .0222109    -6.79   0.000    -.1943463    -.1072715
                      2000-04    -.0889885   .0228124    -3.90   0.000     -.133705    -.044272
                      _cons    3.689774   .0057737   639.07   0.000     3.678457    3.701092
                      The paper I am using as reference for this analysis does in a second step look at the age-adjusted wage differential. It says: The age-adjusted wage
                      differential are calculated from a regression estimated in each census cross-section (in my case: 2004, 2009, 2014) which includes an intercept and
                      a third-order polynomial in the worker's age and interacts all variables with an immigrant dummy. The log wage differentials are then evaluated at the
                      age of 40
                      . In my case, the regression for this second step is:

                      svy: regress lnhourlyw_w age age2 age3    foreign    foreign2 foreign3 i.ib9999.arrival    if    year==2
                      > 004
                      (running regress on estimation sample)
                      Survey: Linear regression
                      Number of strata   =         1        Number of obs     =     10,726
                      Number of PSUs     =    10,726        Population size   =  1,317,293
                              Design df         =     10,725
                              F(  12,  10714)   =     244.61
                              Prob > F          =     0.0000
                              R-squared         =     0.2189
                      lnhourlyw_w       Coef.   Std. Err.    t    P>t     [95% Conf. Interval]
                      age    .1339665   .0152074    8.81    0.000     .1041572    .1637757
                      age2   -.0022769      .0004    -5.69    0.000    -.0030609    -.001493
                      age3    .1261596    .033307    3.79    0.000     .0608718    .1914474
                      foreign    .1088957   .0338962    3.21    0.001     .0424529    .1753385
                      foreign2   -.0024298   .0008359    -2.91    0.004    -.0040683   -.0007913
                      foreign3    .1797601   .0657533    2.73    0.006     .0508716    .3086487
                      pre 1980    -1.962534   .4349641    -4.51    0.000    -2.815144   -1.109924
                      1980-84    -1.930812   .4371311    -4.42    0.000    -2.787669   -1.073954
                      1985-89    -1.942779   .4417473    -4.40    0.000    -2.808686   -1.076872
                      1990-94    -1.943912   .4435777    -4.38    0.000    -2.813407   -1.074418
                      1995-99    -1.743931   .4441677    -3.93    0.000    -2.614582   -.8732798
                      2000-04    -1.600682   .4372272    -3.66    0.000    -2.457728   -.7436355
                      _cons    1.260013   .1825067    6.90    0.000     .9022659     1.61776
                      The foreign, foreign2 and foreign3 are calculated as following, where immigrant is dummy (1 for immigrant, 0 for native):
                      gen foreign=immigrant*age
                      gen foreign2=immigrant*age2
                      gen foreign3=immigrant*age3
                      My question is, how can I evaluate the second regression at the age of 40? I hope I could write it more clear (sorry since my English is not so good).
                      In the attachment, I upload the table of regression from the paper. There we can see the effects evaluated at the age of 40.

                      I thought of using the command predict. However, there I can't use the option at().
                      Attached Files


                      • #12
                        would the following method work (40 is the mean age)?
                        margins, dydx(arrival) at(age=(40))
                        Average marginal effects                        Number of obs     =     10,726
                        Subpop. no. obs   =     10,725
                        Model VCE    : Linearized
                        Expression   : Linear prediction, predict()
                        dy/dx w.r.t. : 0.arrival 1980.arrival 1985.arrival 1990.arrival 1995.arrival 2000.arrival
                        at           : age             =          40
                        dy/dx   Std. Err.      t    P>t     [95% Conf. Interval]
                        pre 1980    -1.962534   .4349641    -4.51   0.000    -2.815144   -1.109924
                        1980-84    -1.930812   .4371311    -4.42   0.000    -2.787669   -1.073954
                        1985-89    -1.942779   .4417473    -4.40   0.000    -2.808686   -1.076872
                        1990-94    -1.943912   .4435777    -4.38   0.000    -2.813407   -1.074418
                        1995-99    -1.743931   .4441677    -3.93   0.000    -2.614582   -.8732798
                        2000-04    -1.600682   .4372272    -3.66   0.000    -2.457728   -.7436355
                        Note: dy/dx for factor levels is the discrete change from the base level


                        • #13
                          would the following method work (40 is the mean age)?
                          It would, except that your regression was not done properly for the purpose of using -margins- afterward. Your polynomial terms and interactions were not done using factor-variable notation, so -margins- has no way of knowing that age2 means age^2 and age3 means age^3. It also has no way to know that foreign, foreign2 and foreign3 are the interactions between immigrant status and age, age^2, and age^3, respectively. Consequently the results you got from -margins- are incorrect.

                          But you are on the right track now. So the thing to do is re-do the regression properly.

                          svy: regress lnhourlyw_w i.foreign##c.age##c.age##c.age   ib9999.arrival if year==2004
                          After that,-margins arrival, at(age = (40))- will give you the expected values of lnhourlyw_w at age 40 in each category of arrival. Your own margins command in #12 is written to calculate the marginal effects of arrival in each category instead. Maybe that is what you mean by log wage differential?" Perhaps that is what you want.


                          • #14
                            I have taken your advise with respect to using factor-variable notation.
                            svy: regress lnhourlyw_w c.age c.age#c.age c.age#c.age#c.age  i.is051#c.age i.is051#c.age#c.
                            > age i.is051#c.age#c.age#c.age i.ib9999.arrival if year==2004
                            (running regress on estimation sample)
                            Survey: Linear regression
                            Number of strata   =         1                  Number of obs     =     10,726
                            Number of PSUs     =    10,726                  Population size   =  1,317,293
                            Design df         =     10,725
                            F(  12,  10714)   =     244.61
                            Prob > F          =     0.0000
                            R-squared         =     0.2189
                            lnhourlyw_w       Coef.   Std. Err.      t    P>t     [95% Conf. Interval]
                            age    .1339664   .0152074     8.81   0.000     .1041572    .1637757
                            c.age#c.age   -.0022769      .0004    -5.69   0.000    -.0030609    -.001493
                            c.age#c.age#c.age    .0000126   3.33e-06     3.79   0.000     6.09e-06    .0000191
                            foreign     .1088956   .0338962     3.21   0.001     .0424528    .1753384
                            foreign    -.0024298   .0008359    -2.91   0.004    -.0040683   -.0007913
                            foreign      .000018   6.58e-06     2.73   0.006     5.09e-06    .0000309
                            pre 1980    -1.962532    .434964    -4.51   0.000    -2.815142   -1.109922
                            1980-84     -1.93081   .4371309    -4.42   0.000    -2.787668   -1.073952
                            1985-89    -1.942777   .4417472    -4.40   0.000    -2.808684   -1.076871
                            1990-94    -1.943911   .4435775    -4.38   0.000    -2.813405   -1.074417
                            1995-99    -1.743929   .4441675    -3.93   0.000     -2.61458   -.8732785
                            2000-04     -1.60068    .437227    -3.66   0.000    -2.457726   -.7436342
                            _cons    1.260013   .1825066     6.90   0.000     .9022663     1.61776
                            Now using -margins, dydx(arrival) at(age=(40)), I get:

                            margins, dydx(arrival) at(age=(40))
                            Average marginal effects                        Number of obs     =     10,726
                            Subpop. no. obs   =     10,725
                            Model VCE    : Linearized
                            Expression   : Linear prediction, predict()
                            dy/dx w.r.t. : 0.arrival 1980.arrival 1985.arrival 1990.arrival 1995.arrival 2000.arrival
                            at           : age             =          40
                            dy/dx   Std. Err.      t    P>t     [95% Conf. Interval]
                            pre 1980    -1.962532    .434964    -4.51   0.000    -2.815142   -1.109922
                            1980-84     -1.93081   .4371309    -4.42   0.000    -2.787668   -1.073952
                            1985-89    -1.942777   .4417472    -4.40   0.000    -2.808684   -1.076871
                            1990-94    -1.943911   .4435775    -4.38   0.000    -2.813405   -1.074417
                            1995-99    -1.743929   .4441675    -3.93   0.000     -2.61458   -.8732785
                            2000-04     -1.60068    .437227    -3.66   0.000    -2.457726   -.7436342
                            Note: dy/dx for factor levels is the discrete change from the base level.
                            So, the coefficients on arrival remains same, therefore I guess this is not the margins code I am searching.

                            However, If I use -margins arrival, at(age = (40))-, I get:

                            margins arrival, at(age=(40))
                            Predictive margins    Number of obs     =    10,726
                                Subpop. no. obs   =    10,725
                            Model VCE    : Linearized
                            Expression   : Linear prediction, predict()
                            at           : age             =          40
                            Margin   Std. Err.      t    P>t     [95% Conf.    Interval]
                            pre 1980     2.116585   .3538278     5.98    0.000     1.423017    2.810153
                            1980-84     2.148307   .3558714     6.04    0.000     1.450733    2.845881
                            1985-89      2.13634   .3604157     5.93    0.000     1.429858    2.842821
                            1990-94     2.135206   .3622118     5.89    0.000     1.425204    2.845209
                            1995-99     2.335188   .3629064     6.43    0.000     1.623824    3.046551
                            2000-04     2.478437   .3560442     6.96    0.000     1.780524    3.176349
                            9999     4.079117   .0816198    49.98    0.000     3.919127    4.239107
                            Now, is it possible from this output to test, whether the difference of lnhourlyw_w for the arrival (e.g. 1990-94) to natives (9999) is significant? I think I am looking for this because this would show me the difference of log wages between immigrant cohorts and natives evaluated at age=40.


                            • #15
                              margins arrival, at(age = (40)) pwcompare

