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  • Using filelist to import and append several tsv files

    I would like to import and then append a multitude of tsv files which are located within different subfolders of my main folder. I am trying to replicate the example at the end of filelist's help file, with a minor twist (instead of importing a csv I am importing a tsv and I want 3 columns to be read as strings).

    Unfortunately, I get the following error:

    in range not allowed

    Here is my code

    filelist, dir("/Users/emarchesi/Desktop/TEST") pat("*.tsv") save("tsv_datasets.dta")
    use "tsv_datasets.dta", clear
             local obs = _N
             forvalues i=1/`obs' {
               import delimited "tsv_datasets.dta" in `i', stringcols(1 2 3) clear
               local f = dirname + "/" + filename
               insheet using "`f'", clear
               gen source = "`f'"
               tempfile save`i'
               save "`save`i''"
     use "`save1'", clear
     forvalues i=2/`obs' {
         append using "`save`i''"

  • #2
    You messed up the filelist example as you adapted it to your needs. It should go something like this:

    filelist, dir(".") pat("*.tsv") save("tsv_datasets.dta") replace
    use "tsv_datasets.dta", clear
    local obs = _N
    forvalues i=1/`obs' {
        use "tsv_datasets.dta" in `i', clear
        local f = dirname + "/" + filename
        import delimited "`f'", stringcols(1 2 3) clear
        gen source = "`f'"
        tempfile save`i'
        save "`save`i''"
    use "`save1'", clear
    forvalues i=2/`obs' {
        append using "`save`i''"
    Personally, I now prefer to do this using runby (also from SSC):

    clear all
    filelist, dir(".") pat("*.tsv")
    program do1case
        local f = dirname + "/" + filename
        import delimited "`f'", stringcols(1 2 3) clear
        gen source = "`f'"
    runby do1case, by(dirname filename) verbose
    You can see another example of the technique here.

