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  • Mimrgns for a GEE model


    This question is about mimrgns, Daniel Klein's great command available on the SSC. I am running a GEE on multiply imputed data in Stata 14. The model includes an interaction term and I would like to obtain the marginal effects of the variables in the interaction. I have read the helpful discussion between Klein and Richard Williams on mimrgns and interaction effects here. However, I am receiving an error when using the mimrgns command after the xtgee model. Here is an example of what I am trying to do:

    mi estimate: xtgee y i.x1##c.x2 x3 x4, i(id) corr(exch) robust
    mimrgns, dydx(x2) at(x1= (0 1))
    The error says "imputations(): invalid numlist".

    When I run the model as a regular OLS, the post-estimation works great. But, because there is a good deal of clustering in the data, I am trying to use xtgee, which is also what has used for the same data in previous research. Is there a way to do this? Should I abandon the MI data so I can do the estimation?

    Many thanks for your help,
    Robbie Dembo

  • #2
    This is a bug in mimrgns; I will fix it in an update. Thanks for reporting.

    For now, Robbie can

    mi xtset id
    the data and get rid of the i(id) option in the xtgee call.



    • #3
      Thank you, Daniel. This worked perfectly!

