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  • Aggregation Program

    Hello everyone,

    I have a "programming related problem" and would like to kindly ask for your help.
    The issue is the following: I have quarterly data on sales names as: sales_"number of months taken by the nth trimester"_year, so for instance for the first trimester of 2004, we have "sales_03_2004", for the second "sales_06_2004", for the third "sales_09_2004" and for the last "sales_12_2004" and so on for every year until 2015. What I need to do is an yearly, 3-yearly and 4-yearly aggregation of those sales in such a way that changing a single parameter, the user can choose the desired aggregation level. I already have done 3 separate aggregations (yearly, 3-yearly and 4-yearly separately) but what I really need to do is to create a unified program in which the user can possibly choose the desired aggregation. For example something like: if I put the parameter equal to 4 I obtain a 4-yearly aggregation, if I put the parameter equal to 3 a 3-yearly an if I put the parameter equal to 1 an yearly aggregation. Is this possible?

    Thank you in advance!!!

  • #2
    sort internationalproduct
    forvalues i =  2004/2015 {
    gen counter_`i' = 0
    if `i'== 2004 |`i' ==2007 | `i'== 2010 | `i'== 2013{ 
    gen counter_`i'_`=`i'+2' = 0
    if `i'== 2004 | `i' == 2009 | `i'== 2012 {
    gen counter_`i'_`=`i'+3' = 0 
    *#delimit ;
    capture program drop aggregation
    program define aggregation
    noi di " How do you want to aggregate? --> "  _request(answer)   /* noi is the abbreviation for noisily and di for di for display */
    di "Aggregation =$answer "
    if "‘answer’" == "yearly" {
    forvalues i =  2004/2015 {
    gen yearly_sales_`i' = 0
    bysort internationalproduct: replace yearly_sales_`i' = sum_sales_03_`i' + sum_sales_06_`i'+sum_sales_09_`i' + sum_sales_12_`i'
     replace counter_`i'= counter_`i' + 1  if sum_sales_03_`i' + sum_sales_06_`i' == 0
     replace yearly_sales_`i' = 0 if counter_`i' > 0//
    } //
    if "‘answer’" == "threeyearly" {
     foreach i in 2004 2007 2010  2013 { 
    gen triennial_sales_`i'_`=`i'+2' = 0 
    bysort internationalproduct: replace triennial_sales_`i'_`=`i'+2' = yearly_sales_`i' + yearly_sales_`=`i'+1'+yearly_sales_`=`i'+2'
     replace counter_`i'_`=`i'+2' = counter_`i'_`=`i'+2' + 1  if yearly_sales_`i' + yearly_sales_`=`i'+1' == 0
    replace triennial_sales_`i'_`=`i'+2' = 0 if counter_`i'_`=`i'+2' > 0 //
    foreach i in 2004 2009 2012 {
    gen quadriennial_sales_`i'_`=`i'+3' = 0 
    bysort internationalproduct: replace quadriennial_sales_`i'_`=`i'+3' = yearly_sales_`i' + yearly_sales_`=`i'+1'+yearly_sales_`=`i'+2'+yearly_sales_`=`i'+3'
     replace counter_`i'_`=`i'+3' = counter_`i'_`=`i'+3' + 1  if yearly_sales_`i' + yearly_sales_`=`i'+1'+ yearly_sales_`=`i'+2' == 0
    replace quadriennial_sales_`i'_`=`i'+3' = 0 if counter_`i' > 0 //
    This is my attempt btw. It does not of the errors is "program error: code follows on the same line as close brace"
    Thanks again


    • #3
      You need to reshape long and then aggregations will be easy. Your present data layout is not fit for purpose.


      • #4
        While Nick's suggestion is absolutely correct, I suspect your error message comes from
        }// Not having a space after } messes this up.


        • #5
          First of all many thanks for the feedback. So it seems that I have done progress since I post the "help request".
          This is my code. I have not done the reshape and I was wondering whether it works as well. Otherwise I will follow your suggestions and review everything.

          Many thanks again. Here is the code:

          clear all
          set more off
          use "/Users/federiconutarelli 1/Desktop/Pharma_industries/Dataset_Pharma/US_PHARMA_FINAL copia.dta"
          *sort internationalproduct
          *forvalues i =  2004/2015 {
          *gen counter_`i' = 0
          *if `i'== 2004 |`i' ==2007 | `i'== 2010 | `i'== 2013{ 
          *gen counter_`i'_`=`i'+2' = 0
          *if `i'== 2004 | `i' == 2009 | `i'== 2012 {
          *gen counter_`i'_`=`i'+3' = 0 
          *#delimit ;
          capture program drop aggregation
          program define aggregation
          noi di " How do you want to aggregate? --> "  _request(answer)   /* noi is the abbreviation for noisily and di for di for display */
          di "Aggregation =$answer "
          if "${answer}" == "yearly" { 
          forvalues i =  2004/2015 {
          gen counter_`i' = 0
          if `i'== 2004 |`i' ==2007 | `i'== 2010 | `i'== 2013{ 
          gen counter_`i'_`=`i'+2' = 0
          if `i'== 2004 | `i' == 2009 | `i'== 2012 {
          gen counter_`i'_`=`i'+3' = 0 
          gen yearly_sales_`i' = 0
          bysort internationalproduct: replace yearly_sales_`i' = sum_sales_03_`i' + sum_sales_06_`i'+sum_sales_09_`i' + sum_sales_12_`i'
           replace counter_`i'= counter_`i' + 1  if sum_sales_03_`i' + sum_sales_06_`i' == 0
           replace yearly_sales_`i' = 0 if counter_`i' > 0
          forvalues i =  2004/2015 {
          drop counter_`i' 
          if `i'== 2004 |`i' ==2007 | `i'== 2010 | `i'== 2013{ 
          drop counter_`i'_`=`i'+2'
          if `i'== 2004 | `i' == 2009 | `i'== 2012 { 
          drop counter_`i'_`=`i'+3' 
          if "${answer}" == "threeyearly" {
          forvalues i =  2004/2015 {
          gen counter_`i' = 0
          if `i'== 2004 |`i' ==2007 | `i'== 2010 | `i'== 2013{ 
          gen counter_`i'_`=`i'+2' = 0
          *if `i'== 2004 | `i' == 2009 | `i'== 2012 {
          gen counter_`i'_`=`i'+3' = 0 
          gen yearly_sales_`i' = 0
          bysort internationalproduct: replace yearly_sales_`i' = sum_sales_03_`i' + sum_sales_06_`i'+sum_sales_09_`i' + sum_sales_12_`i'
           replace counter_`i'= counter_`i' + 1  if sum_sales_03_`i' + sum_sales_06_`i' == 0
           replace yearly_sales_`i' = 0 if counter_`i' > 0
          foreach i in 2004 2007 2010  2013 { 
          gen triennial_sales_`i'_`=`i'+2' = 0 
          bysort internationalproduct: replace triennial_sales_`i'_`=`i'+2' = yearly_sales_`i' + yearly_sales_`=`i'+1'+yearly_sales_`=`i'+2'
           replace counter_`i'_`=`i'+2' = counter_`i'_`=`i'+2' + 1  if yearly_sales_`i' + yearly_sales_`=`i'+1' == 0
          replace triennial_sales_`i'_`=`i'+2' = 0 if counter_`i'_`=`i'+2' > 0 
          forvalues i =  2004/2015 {
          drop counter_`i' 
          drop yearly_sales_`i'
          if `i'== 2004 |`i' ==2007 | `i'== 2010 | `i'== 2013{ 
          drop counter_`i'_`=`i'+2' 
          *if `i'== 2004 | `i' == 2009 | `i'== 2012 {
          drop counter_`i'_`=`i'+3' 
          if "${answer}" == "fouryearly"{
          forvalues i =  2004/2015 {
          gen counter_`i' = 0
          *if `i'== 2004 |`i' ==2007 | `i'== 2010 | `i'== 2013{ 
          gen counter_`i'_`=`i'+2' = 0
          if `i'== 2004 | `i' == 2009 | `i'== 2012 {
          gen counter_`i'_`=`i'+3' = 0 
          gen yearly_sales_`i' = 0
          bysort internationalproduct: replace yearly_sales_`i' = sum_sales_03_`i' + sum_sales_06_`i'+sum_sales_09_`i' + sum_sales_12_`i'
           replace counter_`i'= counter_`i' + 1  if sum_sales_03_`i' + sum_sales_06_`i' == 0
           replace yearly_sales_`i' = 0 if counter_`i' > 0
          foreach i in 2004 2009 2012 {
          gen quadriennial_sales_`i'_`=`i'+3' = 0 
          bysort internationalproduct: replace quadriennial_sales_`i'_`=`i'+3' = yearly_sales_`i' + yearly_sales_`=`i'+1'+yearly_sales_`=`i'+2'+yearly_sales_`=`i'+3'
           replace counter_`i'_`=`i'+3' = counter_`i'_`=`i'+3' + 1  if yearly_sales_`i' + yearly_sales_`=`i'+1'+ yearly_sales_`=`i'+2' == 0
          replace quadriennial_sales_`i'_`=`i'+3' = 0 if counter_`i' > 0 
          forvalues i =  2004/2015 {
          drop counter_`i'
          drop yearly_sales_`i' 
          *if `i'== 2004 |`i' ==2007 | `i'== 2010 | `i'== 2013{
          drop counter_`i'_`=`i'+2'
          if `i'== 2004 | `i' == 2009 | `i'== 2012 { 
          drop counter_`i'_`=`i'+3' 
          *sort internationalproduct
          *forvalues i =  2004/2015 {
          *drop counter_`i' 
          *if `i'== 2004 |`i' ==2007 | `i'== 2010 | `i'== 2013{ 
          *drop counter_`i'_`=`i'+2' 
          *if `i'== 2004 | `i' == 2009 | `i'== 2012 {
          *drop counter_`i'_`=`i'+3' 

