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  • Can I run newer commands like -levpet- and/or -prodest- in Stata 9?

    In a few weeks I have to do analysis in a safe room where the most recent version available is STATA 9. I want to perform productivity analysis with the -levpet- or -prodest- commands. I wonder if -ssc install levpet- and/or -ssc install prodest- will work in STATA 9.

    Can anyone provide any insight?

    Many thanks in advance

  • #2
    ssc will work in Stata 7 up and should be part of your Stata. If a safe room rules out installation of community-contributed commands using ssc nothing can be done any way but perhaps you are going to install manually.

    If you are going to copy levpet (Stata Journal) and prodest (SSC) it is at first sight no go for prodest as it requires Stata 10 but seemingly OK for levpet

    Please see (telling us about community-contributed commands) (Stata, not STATA please)

    and more specifically (it's more complicated than explained above).


    • #3
      Thanks Nick,

      Apologies for stating Stata wrongly.

      I think levpet (Stata Journal) is indeed my best option as its latest version requires at least Stata 7 and still works in Stata 15.

      The safe room has access to the web so if ssc is enabled I should be fine. If not, I am aware of manual installation but have not tried it yet myself.

