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  • Creating publication ready tables containing a chi square test and expected values

    I am struggeling with creating a publication quality table which contains a chi squared test and the expected values if chi2 would be equal to zero.

    Therefore, I would like to give you an example from the data auto.dta in sysuse. When I use the tab-command with the options chi2 and expected, the Stata output shows me the table I want to compile into a publication quality table via the command esttab. But if I try to store the estimates of the table, Stata stores the table I build before the chi squared test and the chi squared test is missing. My question is now how am I able to store the outcomes of the Stata output containing the chi-square-test and the expected values?

    sysuse auto.dta
    eststo: tab rep78 foreign, chi2 expected
    esttab est1 using filename.rtf
    For your information: I am using Stata 14 and the estout-package from ssc.

    I would be very thankful for your advice.

    Pia Schmidt

  • #2
    Have you taken a look at tabout from SSC? esttab (wrapper for estout from Stata Journal) is suited for regression tables.

    tabout rep78 foreign using filename.rtf, stats(chi2)
    You can also take a look at asdoc from this post. I like formatting my own tables, so I use neither.


    • #3
      Hello Andrew,

      Thank you for your help!
      I already tried the tabout-command, but I have problems to put it into a publication quality table including a nice format. Tabout gives me a very plain table and, as you probably already noticed, since I am new to Stata I failed to implement a nice format as options of tabout. Also, the expected values of the chi-square distribution are still missing and I cannot find any option to implement it.

      I also thought about asdoc, but i failed installing it because unfortunately I cannot install programmes on the server of my university.

      If somebody has any further suggestions, please do not hesitate to post it or to contact me.

