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  • Help with date range for fiscal year


    I am trying to copy only the year from a column with dates in the format of ddmmyyyy into a new column. The existing date column in the format ddmmyyyy is called GSGiftDate.

    Lets call this new column "fiscal_year".

    However, I cannot simply use the gen fiscal_year = year(GSGiftDate) command. This command works for copying the same year as the column with the full ddmmyyyy date, but the fiscal year depends on the day and month range as well.

    Example: A fiscal year in the way I'm using it is defined as July 1st to June 30th (7/1 - 6/30).

    7/1/2013 to 6/30/2014 is Fiscal Year 2014
    7/1/2014 to 6/30/2015 is Fiscal Year 2015

    How do I give Stata a date range in which it knows to assign the second year in the range 7/1/yyyy - 6/30/yyyy+1 to this new fiscal_year variable? (For instance in range 7/1/2013-6/30/2014, fiscal_year would receive the value of 2014.)

    Thank you

    * Example generated by -dataex-. To install: ssc install dataex
    input long PPidm int GSGiftDate double GIFTSPAYMENTS
    70004539 15487 1925
    70004539 15496   40
    70004539 15630  125
    70004546 17118   88
    70004546 18210   45
    70004546 18574   45
    70004546 18911   45
    70004546 19333   45
    70004546 19737   45
    70004546 20645   75
    70004546 21013   75
    70004546 21063  100
    70004547 20863   20
    70004591 20478   50
    70004605 19415  100
    format %td GSGiftDate

  • #2
    The GSGiftDate did not copy properly but the dates are floats in the format 27may2002.


    • #3
      gen fyear = yofd(GSGiftDate)
      replace fyear = fyear+1 if month(GSGiftDate) >= 7


      • #4
        Thanks again Clyde!


        • #5
          See also


          • #6
            Following Nick's article and also somewhere in this Forum.
            gen fiscal_year = yofd(dofm(mofd(CSGiftDate)-6))


            • #7
              Hi, I am using Stata 16. I am also working on converting the calendar dates to fiscal dates. In my country of observation, the fiscal year ranges as" FY 2008: 1st April 2007 - 31st March 2008. I found post #3 command and #5 document to be quite useful to compute fiscal year for my data:
              gen fyear=yofd(edatevar)
              replace fyear= fyear+1 if month(edatevar)>=4
              However, I also need weeks for my data. At the moment, my data looks like this:

              edatevar    week_id    returns    fyear   co_code
              25mar2009    2009w12    4.97    2009    11
              26mar2009    2009w13    5.01    2009    11
              27mar2009    2009w13    5.01    2009    11
              30mar2009    2009w13    5.01    2009    11
              31mar2009    2009w13    5.01    2009    11
              01apr2009    2009w13    5.01    2010    11
              02apr2009    2009w14    3.07    2010    11
              06apr2009    2009w14    3.07    2010    11
              08apr2009    2009w14    3.07    2010    11
              09apr2009    2009w15    3.14    2010    11
              13apr2009    2009w15    3.14    2010    11
              15apr2009    2009w15    3.14    2010    11
              Here, edatevar: actual calendar date; week_id: week number for the calendar year and fyear: fiscal year

              Is there a way I could generate a variable that allows me to start to assign the 1st April 2009 as 2010w1 in the Fiscal year? Currently week_id variable shows that this 01apr2009 observation is w13 observation, but it will be week 1 observation in fiscal year. I feel that I would need to somehow set 1st April 2009 as a start date locally, but I am not sure about it and don't even know how to do that. I would appreciate any suggestions you have for me? I hope my post is making sense, if not I am more than happy to explain more. Thanks!


              • #8
                I take it that your rules are that week 1 always starts on 1 April, in which case week 2 always starts on 8 April, ..., and there will be a week 53 with either 1 or 2 days at the end of March.

                * Example generated by -dataex-. For more info, type help dataex
                input float edatevar int fyear
                17981 2009
                17982 2009
                17983 2009
                17986 2009
                17987 2009
                17988 2010
                17989 2010
                17993 2010
                17995 2010
                17996 2010
                18000 2010
                18002 2010
                format %td edatevar
                gen wanted = ceil((edatevar + 1 - mdy(4,1,fyear - 1)) / 7)
                     |  edatevar   week_id   returns   fyear   co_code   wanted |
                  1. | 25mar2009   2009w12      4.97    2009        11       52 |
                  2. | 26mar2009   2009w13      5.01    2009        11       52 |
                  3. | 27mar2009   2009w13      5.01    2009        11       52 |
                  4. | 30mar2009   2009w13      5.01    2009        11       52 |
                  5. | 31mar2009   2009w13      5.01    2009        11       53 |
                  6. | 01apr2009   2009w13      5.01    2010        11        1 |
                  7. | 02apr2009   2009w14      3.07    2010        11        1 |
                  8. | 06apr2009   2009w14      3.07    2010        11        1 |
                  9. | 08apr2009   2009w14      3.07    2010        11        2 |
                 10. | 09apr2009   2009w15      3.14    2010        11        2 |
                 11. | 13apr2009   2009w15      3.14    2010        11        2 |
                 12. | 15apr2009   2009w15      3.14    2010        11        3 |


                • #9
                  Hi Nick Cox, thanks so much! This is exactly what I was looking for!

