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  • Difference-in-difference coding/syntax


    Just a quick question regarding the Stata code. I’m running a difference in difference analysis and I have two models, one where the treatment is if a woman has given birth to a son, and the other is if a woman has had any additional children. I have two dummy variables, one is whether a woman has given birth, the other whether a woman has a son or not. I also have another variable that counts the total number of children a woman has. To generate the variables for the first model I run the following code:

    **Time period= 2006 pre 2012 post**
    ***treatment= has a child and that child is a boy***
    *** Difference in Difference estimations with individuals ***
    *Generate a dummy variable to indicate when the treatment started:2006*
    gen time=(round>2006) &!missing(round)
    *Generate a dummy variable to identify the group exposed to treatment*
    gen treated =(birthstat==1 & sondum2==0)
    * Generate an interaction term between time and treated
    gen did=time*treated
    For the second model where the treatment is if a woman has had any additional children I am not quite sure how to generate my treatment variable (total child + any number of additional children).

    Any help with the code is greatly appreciated. Thanks.
