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  • Plot qreg2 + question about comparing confidence intervals in quantile regression with panel data

    For my thesis, I am conducting quantile regression for panel data using the qreg2 command in Stata 13.0. The Parente-Santos Silva test shows intra-cluster correlation.
    To visualize my results I would like to plot the confidence interval obtained from the quantile regression, but I am also not sure what to plot it against.
    I have two questions:

    1. To plot the results from qreg2 I have tried to use the grqreg command, but that does not work. Is there a similar command for plotting my results from qreg2?

    2. Also, usually the OLS confidence interval is included in the plot to visualize differences between the confidence intervals. Would it not be better to include the confidence interval from a fixed effects regression (I have conducted both LSDV and within estimator). However, in the papers about panel data quantile regression I have read so far OLS confidence intervals are used to make a comparison with the confidence intervals obtained from quantile regression. Could someone explain to me why that is?

  • #2
    Regarding question one, here is one way:

    sysuse auto,clear
    tempname memhold
    tempfile results
    postfile `memhold' q b cilow cihigh using `results'
    forv i = .1(.1).9 {
        qui qreg2 price mpg, q(`i')
        local b = _b[mpg]
        local cilow  = _b[mpg]-_se[mpg]*invttail(e(df_r),.025)    
        local cihigh  = _b[mpg]+_se[mpg]*invttail(e(df_r),.025)    
        post `memhold' (`i') (`b') (`cilow') (`cihigh')
    postclose `memhold'
    use `results'
    twoway rarea cih cil q, color(gs14)  || line b q,  lc(blue) || , legend(off) xlabel(.1(.1).9)


    • #3
      Originally posted by Scott Merryman View Post
      Regarding question one, here is one way:

      sysuse auto,clear
      tempname memhold
      tempfile results
      postfile `memhold' q b cilow cihigh using `results'
      forv i = .1(.1).9 {
      qui qreg2 price mpg, q(`i')
      local b = _b[mpg]
      local cilow = _b[mpg]-_se[mpg]*invttail(e(df_r),.025)
      local cihigh = _b[mpg]+_se[mpg]*invttail(e(df_r),.025)
      post `memhold' (`i') (`b') (`cilow') (`cihigh')
      postclose `memhold'
      use `results'
      twoway rarea cih cil q, color(gs14) || line b q, lc(blue) || , legend(off) xlabel(.1(.1).9)
      Dear Scott,

      I've been having the same question, so thank you for the solution! When I tested the code, however, the graph has no confidence intervals (please see below). Do you know what the problem might be?
      It looks like the confidence intervals are not generated properly
      . su
          Variable |        Obs        Mean    Std. Dev.       Min        Max
                 q |          9          .5    .2738613         .1         .9
                 b |          9   -168.4324    118.5083  -391.5217        -64
             cilow |          0
            cihigh |          0
      Thank you once again for your help!
      Click image for larger version

Name:	image_17415.png
Views:	1
Size:	18.3 KB
ID:	1542491
      Last edited by Michael Foreman; 23 Mar 2020, 10:30.


      • #4
        Dear All,

        Thanks Scott Merryman for providing the code; I am often asked this question and now I can just point people to your code.
        Michael Foreman, I have tested the code in Stata 16 and in Stata 11 and it worked like a charm; maybe you need to update Stata?
        Finally, Verena Balke, if you are using panel data, you may want to consider using xtqreg, which allows for fixed effects.

        Best wishes,



        • #5
          Dear Joao,

          Thank you for your reply. My Stata 13.1 is up to date, relatively speaking (please see the code below, it produces the graphs without CIs as I posted earlier). Is there something else I might be doing wrong?

          . update
          Update status
              Last check for updates:  23 Mar 2020
              New update available:    none         (as of 23 Mar 2020)
              Current update level:    16 Dec 2016  (what's new)
          Possible actions
              Check for available updates           (or type -update query-)
          . sysuse auto,clear
          (1978 Automobile Data)
          . tempname memhold
          . tempfile results
          . postfile `memhold' q b cilow cihigh using `results'
          . forv i = .1(.1).9 {
          .     qui qreg2 price mpg, q(`i')
          .     local b = _b[mpg]
          .     local cilow  = _b[mpg]-_se[mpg]*invttail(e(df_r),.025)    
          .     local cihigh  = _b[mpg]+_se[mpg]*invttail(e(df_r),.025)    
          .     post `memhold' (`i') (`b') (`cilow') (`cihigh')
          . }
          . postclose `memhold'
          . use `results'
          . twoway rarea cih cil q, color(gs14)  || line b q,  lc(blue) || , legend(off) xlabel(.1(.1).9)


          • #6
            Dear Michael Foreman,

            Does the code generate the cih, cil, and q variables? If so, maybe you can try different plots or different colours.

            Best wishes,



            • #7
              Dear Joao,

              Thank you for your advice. It looks like the code does not generate confidence intervals (please see below). I am really perplexed because I just copied and pasted exactly the same code. It has something to do with " *invttail(e(df_r),.025) " part. if I replace "e(df_r)" with a value, say "73", the code generates confidence intervals, but if i keep "e(df_r)" as in the original code, i get missing values. Would you have any idea why this might be the case with my Stata? Are there some setting that could have been manually and now cause this issue? Apprently, "e(df_r)" does not work in my case. I am really perplexed by why it works on other machines but not on mine.

              . sysuse auto,clear
              (1978 Automobile Data)
              . tempname memhold
              . tempfile results
              . postfile `memhold' q b cilow cihigh using `results'
              . forv i = .1(.1).9 {
                2.     qui qreg2 price mpg, q(`i')
                3.     local b = _b[mpg]
                4.     local cilow  = _b[mpg]-_se[mpg]*invttail(e(df_r),.025)    
                5.     local cihigh  = _b[mpg]+_se[mpg]*invttail(e(df_r),.025)    
                6.     post `memhold' (`i') (`b') (`cilow') (`cihigh')
                7. }
              . postclose `memhold'
              . use `results'
              . list
                   |  q           b   cilow   cihigh |
                1. | .1   -75.71429       .        . |
                2. | .2         -64       .        . |
                3. | .3         -84       .        . |
                4. | .4        -107       .        . |
                5. | .5   -135.6667       .        . |
                6. | .6   -120.6667       .        . |
                7. | .7   -202.5833       .        . |
                8. | .8   -334.7391       .        . |
                9. | .9   -391.5217       .        . |


              • #8
                Dear Michael Foreman,

                I should have asked this before: do you have the latest version of qreg2?

                Best wishes,



                • #9
                  Dear Joao,

                  Following your advice, I reinstalled qreg2 and now I am getting the confidence intervals! It is a mystery to me what the problem was.. Thank you for your help!


                  • #10
                    Dear Michael Foreman,

                    An earlier version of qreg2 did not save the degrees of freedom.

                    Best wishes,



                    • #11
                      Thank you, Joao, this clarifies it all!


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by Scott Merryman View Post
                        Regarding question one, here is one way:

                        sysuse auto,clear
                        tempname memhold
                        tempfile results
                        postfile `memhold' q b cilow cihigh using `results'
                        forv i = .1(.1).9 {
                        qui qreg2 price mpg, q(`i')
                        local b = _b[mpg]
                        local cilow = _b[mpg]-_se[mpg]*invttail(e(df_r),.025)
                        local cihigh = _b[mpg]+_se[mpg]*invttail(e(df_r),.025)
                        post `memhold' (`i') (`b') (`cilow') (`cihigh')
                        postclose `memhold'
                        use `results'
                        twoway rarea cih cil q, color(gs14) || line b q, lc(blue) || , legend(off) xlabel(.1(.1).9)
                        Dear all,
                        I tried applying this suggestion to visualize my estimation, like below:

                        tempname memhold
                        tempfile results
                        postfile `memhold' q b cilow cihigh using `results'
                        forv i = .1(.1).9 {
                            xi: qreg2 lavprod zip $general i.yy logdeg_t logsz, cluster(new_account_id) quantile(.75) wlsiter(10) q(`i')
                            local b = _b[zip]
                            local cilow  = _b[zip]-_se[zip]*invttail(e(df_r),.025)    
                            local cihigh  = _b[zip]+_se[zip]*invttail(e(df_r),.025)    
                            post `memhold' (`i') (`b') (`cilow') (`cihigh')
                        postclose `memhold'
                        use `results'
                        twoway rarea cih cil q, color(gs14)  || line b q,  lc(blue) || , legend(off) xlabel(.1(.1).9)
                        But I get an error about the q option, as "option q() not allowed". I thought it may be related to using dummy variables and "xi", but I couldn't solve the problem.

                        I am using Stata 16 on a Windows pc, and installed qreg2 just yesterday, I guess it is up to date.

                        Best regards,
                        Last edited by Suna Marasli; 04 Jun 2020, 06:39.


                        • #13
                          You have specified the quantile(#) twice:
                          ...quantile(.75) wlsiter(10) q(`i')


                          • #14
                            Thank you Scott Merryman! Such a beginners' mistake.

                            Yet, I still cannot make it work. My code is as below:

                            tempname memhold
                            tempfile results
                            postfile `memhold' q b cilow cihigh using `results'
                            forv i = .1(.1).9 {
                                qreg2 lavprod zip $general i.yy logdeg_t logsz, cluster(new_account_id) wlsiter(10) q(.50)
                                local b = _b[zip]
                                local cilow  = _b[zip]-_se[zip]*invttail(e(df_r),.025)  
                                local cihigh  = _b[zip]+_se[zip]*invttail(e(df_r),.025)  
                                post `memhold' (0.50) (`b') (`cilow') (`cihigh')
                            postclose `memhold'
                            use `results'
                            twoway rarea cih cil q, color(gs14)  || line b q,  lc(blue) || , legend(off) xlabel(.1(.1).9)
                            After the line " use `results' " I get an error like:
                            "no; dataset in memory has changed since last saved"

                            I am not experienced with coding graphics in Stata. I cannot make sense of this error. Help greatly appreciated.

                            Best regards,
                            Last edited by Suna Marasli; 04 Jun 2020, 07:50.


                            • #15
                              Hi Suna,
                              perhaps the following code may help with what yo need to do
                               clear all
                               use, clear
                               forvalues i=.05(.05).95 {
                                qui:qreg lnwage educ exper tenure female, q(`i')
                                matrix aux=r(table)
                                matrix bqreg=nullmat(bqreg)\aux["b",....]
                                matrix llqreg=nullmat(llqreg)\aux["ll",....]
                                matrix uuqreg=nullmat(uuqreg)\aux["ul",....]
                                qui:qreg2 lnwage educ exper tenure female, q(`i')
                                matrix aux=r(table)
                                matrix bqreg2=nullmat(bqreg2)\aux["b",....]
                                matrix llqreg2=nullmat(llqreg2)\aux["ll",....]
                                matrix uuqreg2=nullmat(uuqreg2)\aux["ul",....]
                               ssc install lbsvmat
                               lbsvmat bqreg
                               lbsvmat llqreg
                               lbsvmat uuqreg
                               lbsvmat llqreg2
                               lbsvmat uuqreg2
                               gen q=_n*5 if  _n*5<=95
                               two rarea llqreg1 uuqreg1 q, color(green%50)  ||  ///
                                  rarea llqreg21 uuqreg21 q, color(blue%50) || line bqreg1 q, ///
                                  legend(order( 1 "qreg CI" 2 "qreg2 CI" 3 "Point estimate"))
                               two rarea llqreg2 uuqreg2 q, color(green%50)  ||  ///
                                  rarea llqreg22 uuqreg22 q, color(blue%50) || line bqreg2 q, ///
                                  legend(order( 1 "qreg CI" 2 "qreg2 CI" 3 "Point estimate"))

