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  • Recommendation on how to calculate how long it takes someone to leave.


    I am new to stata and generally weak in statistics. I am working on a project for a class exploring affordable housing units and the circumstances that causes tenants to leave affordable housing. i was wondering if someone can help guide me. What analysis would you recommend I use to answer the question, " How long (in years) does it take for tenants to leave" I have variables on the day they move in and move out - I have also worked out a variable on days occupied in unit based on move in and move out dates.

    Sorry if this is not the forum for this kind of questions.

  • #2
    If you have the number of days of occupancy, you can get the number of years by dividing by 365.25. Am I misunderstanding something?


    • #3
      You'll increase your chances of a useful answer by following the FAQ on asking questions - provide Stata code in code delimiters, readable Stata output, and sample data using dataex. How you implement Clyde's correct suggestion depends a little on your data structure.

      This list generally does not help with class assignments - part of the learning process is you trying to solve the problem, and if you really need assistance, that is what professors are paid for.

