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  • Problems with estadd : some statistics do not appear on a output table

    Dear Statalist,

    I would like to ask for some help regarding the use of -estadd-. I run a dynamic panel regression and use -lincom- to produce an estimate and standard error of a linear combination of some coefficients. After using -estadd- to store scalars and -esttab- to produce a regression table, the standard error appears finely on the table, but the scalar for the coefficient does not. Can anyone give me a clue why this is such a case? Thank you!

    My code is:

    eststo: qui xtreg qoq_consumerloan L(1/4).qoq_consumerloan L(0/4).MaP ///
    L.TA_r L.LR L.CR L.FC ///
    qoq_rgdp REER qoq_polrate creditgap i.flood i.crisis qr*, fe cluster(ficode)

    lincom MaP + L1.MaP + L2.MaP + L3.MaP + L4.MaP
    estadd scalar se = r(se)
    estadd scalar coeff = r(estimate)
    esttab , stats (coeff se, fmt(%9.3f %9.3f))

    The regression table I get is (Please note that the number for "coeff" from estadd command does not appear on the table:

    L.qoq_cons~n 0.299*
    L2.qoq_con~n 0.119
    L3.qoq_con~n 0.198**
    L4.qoq_con~n -0.00717
    MaP -0.000168
    L.MaP 0.0167
    L2.MaP -0.00746
    L3.MaP 0.0117
    L4.MaP 0.000335
    L.TA_r -0.0207
    L.LR -0.000000277
    L.CR -0.000000737
    L.FC -0.0252
    qoq_rgdp 0.112
    REER -0.00143
    qoq_polrate 0.000571
    creditgap 0.000584
    0.flood 0
    1.flood -0.0127
    0.crisis 0
    1.crisis -0.00907
    qr2 0.0123
    qr3 0.0250***
    qr4 0.0349***
    _cons 0.327
    se 0.018
    t statistics in parentheses
    * p<0.05, ** p<0.01, *** p<0.001