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  • Interpretation of coefficient using standard deviation

    Dear Statalist members,

    As of today, I registered on this forum because I can not figure out one particular item within my research. I sincerely hope someone is able to help me and that I did not violate any forum rules while requesting help. My issue is as follows.
    First, I calculate the monthly average of the number of negative words within newspaper articles. This score is then 'normalized' between 0 and 100. After, I log-transform this variable to interpret changes as percentages.
    The coefficient I find is very small, but significant: 0,009. Because I wish to also give the coefficient a more meaningful economic interpretation, I searched and came across an article describing listcoef. After running this command, it turns out my std deviation (SDofX) is 0,89 for this variable. My question is: how to interpret a one standard deviation change? Is it correct to simply multiple the two and infer that the effect is minor?

    Thanks in advance!


  • #2
    Welcome to the Stata Forum / Statalist,

    I am not sure if you really need to logtransform your dependent variable. That being said, the user-written program listcoef under SDofX indicates the coefficient related to the increase of 1 SD of the Xvar. In the case you mentioned, for the increase of 1 SD of xvar, the coefficient of Yvar increases 0.89.

    To end, since you mention moving average - hence I gather you are perfoming some sort of time-series approach - please take in mind that listcoef is useful for the following models:

    listcoef can be used with clogit, cloglog, cnreg, intreg, logistic, logit,
    mlogit, mprobit, nbreg, ologit, oprobit, poisson, probit, regress,
    rologit, slogit, tobit, zinb, zip, ztnb, and ztp
    Hopefully that helps.
    Best regards,



    • #3
      Clear. Thank you very much!


      • #4
        hello Martijn Burgers
        Could you please guide me how can i normalize my data between 0 and 100 in stata, as you mentioned in # 1
        [QUOTE]]This score is then 'normalized' between 0 and 100 [/QUOTE
        Best regards

