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  • Counting events for continuous years using loops

    Hi Statalisers,

    I have been a frequent user, but this is my first time posting. I'm using Stata 14.2 and I have a dataset of conflict events that contains 14,000 observations with seven variables. I want to create one variable that counts the total events by year for each country. As you see there is already a variable that does this (tot_yr_inc). However, some are multi-year events so I want to count those events as part of the total events for that continuing year (this is what the variable is for new_tot) . For example, in the eight observation the start year (styr) is 2002 but the end year (eyr) is 2004 so the total for 2003 should be 5 (not 4) and the total for 2004 should be 4 (not 3).

    The variables are defined as:
    country - the country the event occurred
    styr - The year the event started
    eyr - The year the event ended
    yr_id - An identifier for the year-country pair
    yr_inc_num - The incident number for that year (Used as a count for the events of the year)
    tot_yr_inc - Total events for that year-country pair
    new_tot - New variable created to account for the continuous events

    The snippet of my data is as follows:

    * Example generated by -dataex-. To install: ssc install dataex
    input long country int(styr eyr) float(yr_id yr_inc_num tot_yr_inc new_tot_yr_inc)
    10 2000 2000 1 1 3 3
    10 2000 2000 1 2 3 3
    10 2000 2000 1 3 3 3
    10 2001 2001 2 1 2 2
    10 2001 2001 2 2 2 2
    10 2002 2002 3 1 4 4
    10 2002 2002 3 2 4 4
    10 2002 2004 3 3 4 4
    10 2002 2002 3 4 4 4
    10 2003 2003 4 1 4 4
    10 2003 2003 4 2 4 4
    10 2003 2003 4 3 4 4
    10 2003 2003 4 4 4 4
    10 2004 2004 5 1 3 3
    10 2004 2004 5 2 3 3
    10 2004 2004 5 3 3 3
    12 1990 1990 6 1 3 3
    12 1990 1990 6 2 3 3
    12 1990 1990 6 3 3 3
    12 1991 1991 7 1 3 3
    12 1991 1992 7 2 3 3
    12 1991 1991 7 3 3 3
    12 1992 1992 8 1 2 2
    12 1992 1992 8 2 2 2
    12 1993 1993 9 1 2 2
    12 1993 1993 9 2 2 2
    label values country country
    label def country 10 "Cote d'Ivoire", modify
    label def country 12 "Democratic Republic of the Congo", modify
    I have been trying to do this using a loop and the code runs without any errors, but nothing changes. I have messed with it and understand why it doesn't work but at this point I am stuck. I am not sure what else to do. I would greatly appreciate your help.

    forval c=1/9 {
                   if styr<eyr & yr_id==`c'{
                   local pair=eyr if yr_id==`c'
                   local group=yr_id if `pair'==`pair' 
                   replace new_tot=new_tot + 1 if yr_id>`c' & yr_id<`group'
                    else {

  • #2
    Welcome to Statalist, and thank you for the clear sample data.

    Starting with the sample data, here's a different approach to counting the number of incidents active in each year. I think it will aim you in a useful direction.
    generate nyr = eyr-styr+1
    rename styr year
    generate seq = _n
    keep country seq year nyr
    expand nyr
    bysort country seq: replace year = year+_n-1
    collapse (count) tot_yr_inc=seq, by(country year)
    list, noobs sepby(country)
    . list, noobs sepby(country)
      |                          country   year   tot_yr~c |
      |                    Cote d'Ivoire   2000          3 |
      |                    Cote d'Ivoire   2001          2 |
      |                    Cote d'Ivoire   2002          4 |
      |                    Cote d'Ivoire   2003          5 |
      |                    Cote d'Ivoire   2004          4 |
      | Democratic Republic of the Congo   1990          3 |
      | Democratic Republic of the Congo   1991          3 |
      | Democratic Republic of the Congo   1992          3 |
      | Democratic Republic of the Congo   1993          2 |


    • #3
      William, thank you so much. This is exactly what I needed. You just saved me days of work. I had not used expand before but I am definitely adding it to my tool box.


