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  • How to use loop to compute total of observations in the same group across alphabet variables

    I want to create columns that sum up values along each column of the table according to their Invested type (EUR/CHF/USD/...). I was about to use the following code:

    bysort id Invested: egen float Year2001 = total(G)
    order Year2001, after(G)
    then I supposed to see a column "Year2001" with many dublicated values, I would remove these dublicate values:

    sort Invested Year2001
    by Invested Year2001:  gen dup = cond(_N==1,0,_n)
    drop if dup>1
    to have a column with expected values.

    But the code just gave me a column just exactly the same as column G. I do not know why and how to fix it.

    Also, I tried to use a loop to do this procedure for the variables H, I, J,... but I refered to some threads and it seems to me that I only can do if my variables are from A, B, C,...

    Many thanks for your help.

    I hope my pic attached is fine.
    Attached Files

  • #2
    I just figured out how to fix total(). Many thanks for the loop.


    • #3
      Please read FAQ Advice #12 on why screenshots are less helpful than you hope. Here I can read the image but I don't see any variable Year2001

      That said, there is a general question here. I would not particularly recommend removing all but one duplicate. For example, that could be awkward if you wanted to use a total in further calculations and you needed the same total in a group of observations.

      I would suggest rather using the
      egen function tag() which is designed for this purpose. Here is a small example:

      . sysuse auto, clear
      (1978 Automobile Data)
      . egen totalwt = total(weight), by(rep78)
      . egen tag = tag(rep78)
      . list rep78 totalwt if tag
           | rep78   totalwt |
        1. |     3     98970 |
        5. |     4     51660 |
       12. |     2     26830 |
       20. |     5     25550 |
       40. |     1      6200 |
      The effect of tag() is to tag just one of several observations identical on a particular variable. See also the help for egen. In this example, sorting would be a good idea but that's a different point.
      Last edited by Nick Cox; 24 May 2018, 03:59.


      • #4
        Thank you very much. I just read FAQ#12.
        Tag helps. I don't have to use dublicate anymore. Thanks a lot.

        Just still about the loop. I am trying to rename all alphabets into Year#2001/2012. The following code does not work. Stata said: k not found, so I am stuck here.

        display `"`c(ALPHA)'"'
        forval j = 2001/2012 {
            foreach k in `c(ALPHA)' {
            if k>="B" {egen Year`j'= total(`k')
        Last edited by Giang Dao; 24 May 2018, 04:37.

