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  • Dynamic Panel Data

    I have a balanced data of N=26 and T=1. Since I have a dynamic panel data I plan to use the GMM estimator. However, I am not sure whether I should choose the difference- or system-GMM. The existing literature makes extensive use of the system-GMM, but given my sample size and when I use the system-GMM, I get the following:

     xtabond2 patr1 l.patr1 elec_pred elec_end right left electpredright electpredleft elec
    > tendright electendleft l.lngdp l.inflation l.govtexp l.popbelow14 l.pop65andabove, gmm
    > (l.patr1 l.govtexp l.inflation l.lngdp, lag (1 1) collapse eq(diff)) iv(elec_pred elec
    > _end right left electpredright electpredleft electendright electendleft l.popbelow14 l
    > .pop65andabove, eq(diff)) gmm(l.patr1 l.govtexp l.inflation l.lngdp, lag (1 1) collaps
    > e eq(level))twostep robust
    Favoring speed over space. To switch, type or click on mata: mata set matafavor space, p
    > erm.
    Dynamic panel-data estimation, two-step system GMM
    Group variable: country                         Number of obs      =       516
    Time variable : year                            Number of groups   =        26
    Number of instruments = 19                      Obs per group: min =        19
    Wald chi2(14) =   1389.44                                      avg =     19.85
    Prob > chi2   =     0.000                                      max =        20
                   |              Corrected
             patr1 |      Coef.   Std. Err.      z    P>|z|     [95% Conf. Interval]
             patr1 |
               L1. |   .9843186   .1015519     9.69   0.000     .7852805    1.183357
         elec_pred |  -.0005532   .0032641    -0.17   0.865    -.0069507    .0058443
          elec_end |   -.006229   .0091323    -0.68   0.495    -.0241279    .0116699
             right |  -.0003428   .0042954    -0.08   0.936    -.0087616     .008076
              left |   .0015003   .0043135     0.35   0.728     -.006954    .0099546
    electpredright |  -.0001101   .0067846    -0.02   0.987    -.0134077    .0131875
     electpredleft |  -.0065637   .0049074    -1.34   0.181    -.0161821    .0030547
     electendright |   .0050187   .0085232     0.59   0.556    -.0116865    .0217239
      electendleft |   .0100014   .0101061     0.99   0.322    -.0098062    .0298089
             lngdp |
               L1. |   .0036574   .0041362     0.88   0.377    -.0044494    .0117643
         inflation |
               L1. |   .0008939   .0007865     1.14   0.256    -.0006477    .0024354
           govtexp |
               L1. |   .0131019   .0457429     0.29   0.775    -.0765526    .1027564
        popbelow14 |
               L1. |   .1104197   .2028556     0.54   0.586    -.2871701    .5080095
     pop65andabove |
               L1. |  -.1206514   .1884528    -0.64   0.522    -.4900121    .2487093
             _cons |  -.0980632   .1206471    -0.81   0.416    -.3345271    .1384008
    Instruments for first differences equation
        D.(elec_pred elec_end right left electpredright electpredleft
        electendright electendleft L.popbelow14 L.pop65andabove)
      GMM-type (missing=0, separate instruments for each period unless collapsed)
        L.(L.patr1 L.govtexp L.inflation L.lngdp) collapsed
    Instruments for levels equation
      GMM-type (missing=0, separate instruments for each period unless collapsed)
        DL.(L.patr1 L.govtexp L.inflation L.lngdp) collapsed
    Arellano-Bond test for AR(1) in first differences: z =  -2.39  Pr > z =  0.017
    Arellano-Bond test for AR(2) in first differences: z =   0.70  Pr > z =  0.482
    Sargan test of overid. restrictions: chi2(4)    =  12.73  Prob > chi2 =  0.013
      (Not robust, but not weakened by many instruments.)
    Hansen test of overid. restrictions: chi2(4)    =   5.00  Prob > chi2 =  0.288
      (Robust, but weakened by many instruments.)
    Difference-in-Hansen tests of exogeneity of instrument subsets:
      GMM instruments for levels
        Hansen test excluding group:     chi2(0)    =   0.00  Prob > chi2 =      .
        Difference (null H = exogenous): chi2(4)    =   5.00  Prob > chi2 =  0.288
      gmm(L.patr1 L.govtexp L.inflation L.lngdp, collapse eq(diff) lag(1 1))
        Hansen test excluding group:     chi2(0)    =   0.00  Prob > chi2 =      .
        Difference (null H = exogenous): chi2(4)    =   5.00  Prob > chi2 =  0.288
      gmm(L.patr1 L.govtexp L.inflation L.lngdp, collapse eq(level) lag(1 1))
        Hansen test excluding group:     chi2(0)    =   0.00  Prob > chi2 =      .
        Difference (null H = exogenous): chi2(4)    =   5.00  Prob > chi2 =  0.288
    I have also tried to the difference-GMM using the command -xtdpd- and I get the following:

     xtdpd patr1 l.patr1 elec_pred elec_end right left electpredright electpredleft electen
    > dright electendleft l.govtexp l.inflation l.lngdp l.popbelow14 l.pop65andabove, div(el
    > ec_pred elec_end right left electpredright electpredleft electendright electendleft l.
    > govtexp l.inflation l.lngdp l.popbelow14 l.pop65andabove) dgmmiv(patr1) twostep
    Dynamic panel-data estimation                Number of obs         =       516
    Group variable: country                      Number of groups      =        26
    Time variable: year
                                                 Obs per group:    min =        19
                                                                   avg =  19.84615
                                                                   max =        20
    Number of instruments =    204               Wald chi2(14)         =   4326.34
                                                 Prob > chi2           =    0.0000
    Two-step results
             patr1 |      Coef.   Std. Err.      z    P>|z|     [95% Conf. Interval]
             patr1 |
               L1. |  -.1364141   .4727951    -0.29   0.773    -1.063075    .7902473
         elec_pred |   .0036256   .0026501     1.37   0.171    -.0015684    .0088197
          elec_end |   .0185794   .0145694     1.28   0.202    -.0099761     .047135
             right |   .0039098   .0050598     0.77   0.440    -.0060071    .0138268
              left |    .003864   .0034252     1.13   0.259    -.0028494    .0105773
    electpredright |  -.0044389   .0027864    -1.59   0.111    -.0099001    .0010222
     electpredleft |  -.0078717   .0038704    -2.03   0.042    -.0154576   -.0002858
     electendright |  -.0190151   .0144789    -1.31   0.189    -.0473932     .009363
      electendleft |  -.0118486   .0131506    -0.90   0.368    -.0376232    .0139261
           govtexp |
               L1. |   -.613838   .3344723    -1.84   0.066    -1.269392    .0417156
         inflation |
               L1. |  -.0035736   .0040095    -0.89   0.373    -.0114321    .0042848
             lngdp |
               L1. |  -.1978443   .0707709    -2.80   0.005    -.3365528   -.0591359
        popbelow14 |
               L1. |  -1.542465   .4905102    -3.14   0.002    -2.503847   -.5810828
     pop65andabove |
               L1. |  -.2904311   .2420565    -1.20   0.230    -.7648531    .1839909
             _cons |   5.953773   2.118015     2.81   0.005     1.802541    10.10501
    Warning: gmm two-step standard errors are biased; robust standard 
             errors are recommended.
    Instruments for differenced equation
            GMM-type: L(2/.).patr1
            Standard: D.elec_pred D.elec_end D.right D.left D.electpredright
                      D.electpredleft D.electendright D.electendleft LD.govtexp
                      LD.inflation LD.lngdp LD.popbelow14 LD.pop65andabove
    Instruments for level equation
            Standard: _cons
    . estat abond
    Arellano-Bond test for zero autocorrelation in first-differenced errors
      |Order |  z     Prob > z|
      |   1  |-.28245  0.7776 |
      |   2  | .17322  0.8625 |
       H0: no autocorrelation 
    . estat sargan
    Sargan test of overidentifying restrictions
            H0: overidentifying restrictions are valid
            chi2(189)    =   5.92085
            Prob > chi2  =    1.0000
    Given the above two estimations, can somebody please advice me as to how can I decide if I should use the difference- or system-GMM?
