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  • Cross sectional regression over time looping and saving intercept and residuals

    Dear community,

    I am trying to generate a cross-sectional regression for multiple industries and through time.
    However, I can't seem to find a way to obtain a column with the constant of each regression and I only get the intercept of the last regression.
    This is what I have so far:
    foreach i of varlist Oil Util Telcm PerSv BusSv Hardw Chips LabEq Boxes Trans Whlsl Rtail Meals Banks Insur RlEst Fin Other {
    eststo: reg `i' MktRF
    display [#2]_b[_cons]
    predict newvar`i', residuals
    gen coefficient`i'=.
    replace coefficient `i'= _b[_cons]

    Stata keeps giving me the error that the second equation couldn't be found.
    Does someone know what I am doing wrong??

  • #2
    Welcome to Statalist.

    I cannot quite follow your logic, but I can point out two syntax errors in your code.
    foreach i of varlist Oil Util ... {
    eststo: reg `i' MktRF 
    display [#2]_b[_cons]
    predict newvar`i', residuals
    gen coefficient`i'=.
    replace coefficient `i'= _b[_cons]
    Your reg command estimates a single equation, not a system of equations, so the equation number prefix [#2] is incorrect and should be removed from the third line.

    In the sixth line, there is a space in coefficient `i' that must be deleted.


    • #3
      Hi William,

      Thank you for your feedback.
      Now I finally understand why the display command isn't working.
      My loop was not working because the space between coefficient and `i'.
      Now it works!
      Thank you again.


      • #4
        I am also trying to regress the data over a window of three year.
        I created different dummies.
        However, then I would have to run the loop 21 times
        Is there an easier way to do this?
        the attached file shows the regression that I have to run over different industries i and the last 36 months (s)
        **creation of dummies
        gen D1=.
        replace D1=1 if Date>=195201 & Date<=195412
        gen D2=.
        replace D2=1 if Date>=195501 & Date<=195712
        gen D3=.
        replace D3=1 if Date>=195801 & Date<=196012
        gen D4=.
        replace D4=1 if Date>=196101 & Date<=196312
        gen D5=.
        replace D5=1 if Date>=196401 & Date<=196612
        gen D6=.
        replace D6=1 if Date>=196701 & Date<=196912
        gen D7=.
        replace D4=1 if Date>=197001 & Date<=197212
        gen D8=.
        replace D8=1 if Date>=197301 & Date<=197512
        gen D9=.
        replace D9=1 if Date>=197601 & Date<=197812
        gen D10=.
        replace D4=1 if Date>=197901 & Date<=198112
        gen D11=.
        replace D11=1 if Date>=198201 & Date<=198412
        gen D12=.
        replace D12=1 if Date>=198501 & Date<=198712
        gen D13=.
        replace D13=1 if Date>=198801 & Date<=199012
        gen D14=.
        replace D14=1 if Date>=199101 & Date<=199312
        gen D15=.
        replace D15=1 if Date>=199401 & Date<=199612
        gen D16=.
        replace D16=1 if Date>=199701 & Date<=199912
        gen D17=.
        replace D17=1 if Date>=200001 & Date<=200212
        gen D18=.
        replace D18=1 if Date>=200301 & Date<=200512
        gen D19=.
        replace D19=1 if Date>=200601 & Date<=200812
        gen D20=.
        replace D20=1 if Date>=200901 & Date<=201112
        gen D21=.
        replace D21=1 if Date>=201201 & Date<=201512
        oreach i of varlist Oil Util Telcm PerSv BusSv Hardw Chips LabEq Boxes Trans Whlsl Rtail Meals Banks Insur RlEst Fin Other {
        reg `i' MktRF if D1==1
        predict newvar`i', residuals
        gen coefficient`i'=.
        replace coefficient`i'= _b[_cons]
        Attached Files


        • #5
          Your image is too much like hard work for me to decode if you don't even define your notation. This isn't a code-breaking forum!

          Turning to the Stata side: First, your dates are more awkward then they need to be.


          gen mdate = ym(floor(Date/100), mod(Year, 100))
          gen year = floor(Date/100)
          format mdate %tm
          Now you want disjoint three-year windows 1952-1954, 1955-1957, .... (except that the last window is 4 years!) .

          A little experimentation gives you a way to get those windows in a variable:

          . mata: round((1952, 1953, 1954, 1955, 1956, 1957), 3)
                    1      2      3      4      5      6
            1 |  1953   1953   1953   1956   1956   1956  |
          Consider then

          gen year3 = round(year, 3)
          replace year3 = 2013 if year3 == 2016 
          Now what you want is perhaps more like

          foreach i of varlist Oil Util Telcm PerSv BusSv Hardw Chips LabEq Boxes Trans Whlsl Rtail Meals Banks Insur RlEst Fin Other {
                gen intercept`i' = .
                gen residual`i'  = .
                forval y = 1953(3)2013 { 
                      reg `i' MktRF if year3 == `y'
                      replace intercept`i'= _b[_cons] if year3 == `y'
                      predict work, residual
                      replace residual`i' = work if year3 == `y'
                      drop work
          I am guessing here and there. Don't you want to save your slope coefficients?

          Consider also using a program like rangestat (SSC). This is what you could with one of your predictors:

          rangestat (reg) Oil  MktRF, int(year3 0 0)
          gen residualOil = Oil - b_cons - b_Oil * Oil
          So, you could call up rangestat in a loop over predictors, but you would need to ensure distinct variable names.
          Last edited by Nick Cox; 18 Apr 2018, 07:07.


          • #6
            Dear Nick,

            Thank you very much for the code.
            However, my regression needs to be a rolling window. I apologize for not being specific about it.
            I need a rolling window of the last 36 months, so the first regression needs to start at time j=36 and then move further.
            I think that I need a double loop, like the one you showed above.
            Do you know the command for a rolling window?

            Thank you in advance,


            • #7
              Your code in #4 seemed clearly intended for disjoint windows. No matter.

              This works and can be checked yourself:

              webuse grunfeld , clear
              foreach v in mvalue  kstock {
                  rangestat (reg) `v' invest, int(year -2 0)
                  gen `v'_residual = `v' - b_cons - b_invest * invest
                  rename (reg_* b_* se_*) (`v'_=)

              From that I guess that you want something like this:

              local Y Oil Util Telcm PerSv BusSv Hardw Chips LabEq Boxes Trans Whlsl Rtail Meals Banks Insur RlEst Fin Other  
              foreach y of local Y  {      
                  rangestat (reg) `y' MktRf, int(year -2 0)    
                  gen `v'_residual = `v' - b_cons - b_MktRf * MktRf      
                  rename (reg_* b_* se_*) (`v'_=)  

              I explained how to get
              year in #5. Nothing stops you using a monthly date variable instead, but your Date variable is not fit for purpose.

              You may not want all the results. Just
              drop whatever you don't want.

              As mentioned in #5 rangestat is from SSC and must be installed before you can use it.

               ssc install rangestat


              • #8
                Thank you much.
                I think it worked.
                I changed my Date variable to fit the regression with the following commands:

                tostring Date, replace
                gen newdate = date(Date,"YM")
                format newdate %tm
                g mydate=date(Date, "YM")
                format mydate %td
                g dm=mofd(mydate)
                format dm %tm

                then I used the following commands in the loop by replacing "v" with "y" and "year" with "dm"

                local Y Oil Util Telcm PerSv BusSv Hardw Chips LabEq Boxes Trans Whlsl Rtail Meals Banks Insur RlEst Fin Other

                foreach y of local Y {
                rangestat (reg) `y' MktRF, int(dm -36 0)
                gen `y'_residual = `y' - b_cons - b_MktRF * MktRF
                rename (reg_* b_* se_*) (`y'_=)

                so I changed int(dm -36 0), since it is a rolling window regression using data from the last 36 months.

                Do you think this is correct?


                • #9
                  Looks OK. On the date conversion side: I suggested a method in #5 (but there is a bad typo in the code). Let's check on that method (corrected), your method and yet another method.

                  * data like this 
                  input Date 
                  * for later use 
                  clonevar Date2 = Date 
                  * what I suggested in #5 but with a bad typo fixed 
                  gen mdate = ym(floor(Date/100), mod(Date, 100))
                  format mdate %tm 
                  * what you did in #8 
                  tostring Date, replace 
                  gen newdate = date(Date,"YM") 
                  format newdate %tm
                  g mydate=date(Date, "YM")
                  format mydate %td
                  g dm=mofd(mydate)
                  format dm %tm
                  * another way 
                  gen another = mofd(daily(string(Date2), "YM")) 
                  format another %tm 
                  * are the results the same? 
                  list  Date dm mdate another 
                       |   Date        dm     mdate   another |
                    1. | 195201    1952m1    1952m1    1952m1 |
                    2. | 195412   1954m12   1954m12   1954m12 |
                    3. | 195501    1955m1    1955m1    1955m1 |
                    4. | 195712   1957m12   1957m12   1957m12 |
                  So, what you did was correct. There are shorter ways to do it.

                  Pointers for the future: Please always

                  * give data examples

                  * use CODE delimiters

