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  • IVREG2H interpretation

    Dear all,

    I have the following model:


    pc is assumed to be endogenous and, hence, also its squared values is. I have an instrument, say lnrain for pc. Therefore, I squared it to be used as an instrument for pc^2. Moreover, I supplement additional instruments by using ivreg2h. I got the following result:

    First-stage regression of pc:
    Statistics robust to heteroskedasticity
    Number of obs =                    103
                 |               Robust
              pc |      Coef.   Std. Err.      t    P>|t|     [95% Conf. Interval]
       distcap_a |  -.8690289   2.608417    -0.33   0.740    -6.051898     4.31384
      distcap2_a |  -.2637774   1.518992    -0.17   0.863    -3.281982    2.754428
          lnrain |   5.456346   3.071147     1.78   0.079    -.6459571    11.55865
         lnrain2 |  -.3542422   .2269273    -1.56   0.122    -.8051419    .0966574
        __00000I |  -.8333196   .2995012    -2.78   0.007    -1.428422   -.2382171
        __00000J |  -3.034087   1.542979    -1.97   0.052    -6.099953      .03178
        __00000K |   3.948176   2.788783     1.42   0.160    -1.593076    9.489428
        __00000M |   .0694718   .0309836     2.24   0.027     .0079079    .1310356
        __00000N |   .3397004   .1392292     2.44   0.017      .063055    .6163458
        __00000O |   -.321525   .1891878    -1.70   0.093     -.697437     .054387
             y75 |   .3166252   .2388304     1.33   0.188    -.1579258    .7911762
            lnwi |   2.079096   .8233567     2.53   0.013     .4431036    3.715088
           lnnda |  -5.388118   1.376801    -3.91   0.000    -8.123792   -2.652444
           _cons |   -10.8495   12.59887    -0.86   0.391    -35.88318    14.18418
    First-stage regression of pc2:
    Statistics robust to heteroskedasticity
    Number of obs =                    103
                 |               Robust
             pc2 |      Coef.   Std. Err.      t    P>|t|     [95% Conf. Interval]
       distcap_a |  -20.69817   26.05677    -0.79   0.429    -72.47241    31.07607
      distcap2_a |   2.320504   15.36639     0.15   0.880    -28.21218    32.85319
          lnrain |   64.82141   34.28991     1.89   0.062    -3.311907    132.9547
         lnrain2 |  -4.411558   2.597482    -1.70   0.093      -9.5727    .7495845
        __00000I |  -8.413202   3.152297    -2.67   0.009    -14.67675   -2.149655
        __00000J |  -45.33625   17.37461    -2.61   0.011    -79.85923   -10.81326
        __00000K |   35.29904   28.10461     1.26   0.212    -20.54423    91.14231
        __00000M |   .7177471   .3269092     2.20   0.031     .0681856    1.367309
        __00000N |   5.177699   1.568982     3.30   0.001     2.060166    8.295232
        __00000O |  -3.441723   1.948233    -1.77   0.081    -7.312821    .4293759
             y75 |   4.775427   2.450612     1.95   0.054    -.0938861     9.64474
            lnwi |   26.11898   9.252734     2.82   0.006     7.733993    44.50396
           lnnda |    -73.228   15.34604    -4.77   0.000    -103.7203   -42.73574
           _cons |   -135.822    127.899    -1.06   0.291    -389.9546    118.3106
    IV (2SLS) estimation
    Estimates efficient for homoskedasticity only
    Statistics robust to heteroskedasticity
                                                          Number of obs =      103
                                                          F(  5,    97) =   811.02
                                                          Prob > F      =   0.0000
    Total (centered) SS     =  201.1464811                Centered R2   =   0.9519
    Total (uncentered) SS   =  7996.542283                Uncentered R2 =   0.9988
    Residual SS             =  9.685026275                Root MSE      =    .3066
                 |               Robust
           wlnyw |      Coef.   Std. Err.      z    P>|z|     [95% Conf. Interval]
              pc |   -.334632   .1004371    -3.33   0.001     -.531485    -.137779
             pc2 |   .0302291   .0090812     3.33   0.001     .0124303    .0480279
             y75 |   .8019289   .0450266    17.81   0.000     .7136784    .8901795
            lnwi |   .5945961   .1610648     3.69   0.000      .278915    .9102772
           lnnda |   -.328347   .2901876    -1.13   0.258    -.8971044    .2404103
           _cons |   1.448079   .8995337     1.61   0.107    -.3149743    3.211133
    I have two questions:

    1) Suppose that the theory predicts that lnrain has a positive impact on pc. Now, obviously in the equation for pc I have both lnrain and lnrain2 (the squared of lnrain). This makes me difficult to provide an interpretation. In this case the squared values is not significant, but in some other estimations it is. Which interpretation should I provide for that instrument and its squared values? Clearly, the same difficulty arises when I look at the equation for pc2, where both the linear and the quadratic term are significant;

    2) Which interpretation should I provide for the additional instruments that ivreg2h generates (by the way, is there a way to understand to which of the exogenous variable each of those instruments refers?)

    Thanks in advance for your help.
