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  • Stata: Panel regression with sample selection

    I am trying to reproduce in stata a similar model of Blinder and Bluhm (2010) (you can find online the working paper: ).
    They develop a panel model with sample selection and endogeneity.
    In page 8, they define their basic equations:

    \[ y^*_{it}= \mu_i + d_{it} \theta +x'_{it} \beta + e_{it} , \] ("participation effects equation") (1),
    \[ \]
    \[ y_{it} = y^*_{it} \ if \ d_{it}>0 \]and "unspecified" otherwise.
    \[ \]
    \[ d^*_{it} = a_i + z'_{it} \gamma +u_{it} ,\] ("participation effects equation") (2),
    \[ \]
    \[ d^*_{it} = d^*_{it} \ if \ d^*_{it}>0 \] and \[0\] otherwise.

    \[ x_{it} \ is \ a \ subset \ of \ z_{it}\]

    They suggest a tobit fe estimation of (2) and panel fe for (1).
    My first question is if they use a heckman tobit or just a tobit for estimating equation (2).
    Then, then I would like to suggest me about the commands I should use, (e.g. for equation (1) an xtreg with fe is ok , or I have to use something else...)
    Thanks a lot!
    Last edited by John Economou; 22 Mar 2018, 01:05.