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  • Collin and VIF

    Dear statalist, i just tried to find the collinearity between the regressor using "collin" and "vif, uncentered" command after xtreg. the vif value is different between the two. which one is the true vif? Thanks in advance

  • #2
    to jump that issue altogether, you may want to take a look at:
    Kind regards,
    (Stata 18.0 SE)


    • #3
      Hey Carlo, thanks for replying

      i've read this source from your suggestion link , in that writing they just give the example of 2 independent variable, and the result from "vif" and "collin" did not differ. but in my case, if i run "vif uncentered" after xtivreg, the vif value is super high, meanwhile if i try the "collin" command, the vif value change to super small values. which one should i trust? can you help me?

      Here is, my result

      . xtivreg lnPDRBkap lnPMTB GE1 TPT (AHH RLS=Kes1 Pend1 Miskin CRT1), re ec2sls small
      EC2SLS random-effects IV regression             Number of obs      =       231
      Group variable: provnum                         Number of groups   =        33
      R-sq:  within  = 0.8111                         Obs per group: min =         7
             between = 0.3090                                        avg =       7.0
             overall = 0.3202                                        max =         7
                                                      F(5,226)           =    109.97
      corr(u_i, X)       = 0                          Prob > F           =    0.0000
         lnPDRBkap |      Coef.   Std. Err.      t    P>|t|     [95% Conf. Interval]
               AHH |   .0693889   .0439696     1.58   0.116    -.0172538    .1560316
               RLS |   .2334762   .0873845     2.67   0.008     .0612837    .4056688
            lnPMTB |   .0173029   .0088865     1.95   0.053    -.0002081     .034814
               GE1 |   .0031024   .0012392     2.50   0.013     .0006606    .0055442
               TPT |  -.0087449   .0033184    -2.64   0.009    -.0152838    -.002206
             _cons |   3.328132   2.393156     1.39   0.166     -1.38762    8.043884
           sigma_u |  .64496156
           sigma_e |  .06747021
               rho |  .98917496   (fraction of variance due to u_i)
      Instrumented:   AHH RLS
      Instruments:    lnPMTB GE1 TPT Kes1 Pend1 Miskin CRT1
      . vif, uncentered
          Variable |       VIF       1/VIF  
               AHH |    605.17    0.001652
            lnPMTB |    468.83    0.002133
               RLS |    104.31    0.009587
               TPT |      9.53    0.104884
               GE1 |      2.61    0.382566
          Mean VIF |    238.09
      . collin AHH RLS lnPMTB GE1 TPT
        Collinearity Diagnostics
                              SQRT                   R-
        Variable      VIF     VIF    Tolerance    Squared
             AHH      1.84    1.35    0.5447      0.4553
             RLS      1.62    1.27    0.6185      0.3815
          lnPMTB      2.51    1.59    0.3979      0.6021
             GE1      1.98    1.41    0.5053      0.4947
             TPT      1.33    1.15    0.7513      0.2487
        Mean VIF      1.86


      • #4
        anyone who can help me?


        • #5
          Why are you using uncentered? What happens if you don't use that option?

          In any event I am not sure that collin and vif are going to produce identical results when you are using xtivreg.
          Richard Williams, Notre Dame Dept of Sociology
          Stata Version: 17.0 MP (2 processor)

          EMAIL: [email protected]


          • #6
            Hey Richard thanks for replying, because if i just run "vif" there was an error message and i think the "vif" is not suitable after xtivreg. If i run "vif" the error massage is "not appropriate after regress, nocons;
            use option uncentered to get uncentered VIFs"

            any idea what am i supposed to use for checking the multicollinearity? because i really have to did that for my final assignment. Thank you in advance Richard!


            • #7
              anyone who can help me?

