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  • How to stack tab tables saved in matrix?

    Hello all,

    My foreach loop will create 6 tables. For each cell, it will display frequencies and %. I'd like to stack those 6 tables together to create a giant table so I can export to excel sheet.
    I was able to create this giant table but only has the frequency info, how can I also add the % info?
    Is there any better solution to make this giant table?
    How can I export the giant table results to excel sheet?
    Thanks a lot for any comments or suggestions. Below is my code (I created categorical variables for trunk, price, mph, and weight just for reproducing the data format of my real dataset) and the giant table I created.
    sysuse auto, clear

    gen trunk2=.
    replace trunk2=0 if trunk <=10
    replace trunk2=1 if trunk > 10 & trunk <=15
    replace trunk2=2 if trunk >15 & !missing(trunk)

    gen price2=0
    replace price2=1 if price <10000

    gen mpg2=0
    replace mpg2=1 if mpg <20

    gen weight2=0
    replace weight2=1 if weight <3000

    foreach var in price2 mpg2 weight2 {
    tab `var' trunk2 if foreign==0, row matcell(dcells`var')
    mat list dcells`var'
    tab `var' trunk2 if foreign==1, row matcell(fcells`var')
    mat list fcells`var'

    mat all = dcellsprice2 \ fcellsprice2 \ ///
    dcellsmpg2 \ fcellsmpg2 \ ///
    dcellsweight2 \ fcellsweight2
    mat list all

    c1 c2 c3
    r1 0 2 6
    r2 11 10 23
    r1 0 2 0
    r2 8 10 2
    r1 10 5 7
    r2 1 7 22
    r1 8 7 2
    r2 0 5 0
    r1 1 9 27
    r2 10 3 2
    r1 0 2 0
    r2 8 10 2

  • #2
    You'll increase your chances of a helpful answer by following the FAQ on asking questions - provide Stata code in code delimiters, readable (fixed space font) Stata output, and sample data using dataex. You also want to present the shortest question that will make your point.

