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  • Instrumental variable analysis: evaluate the strength of instrumental variable in "ivprobit" syntax

    Hello, I've done an instrumental variable analysis using "ivprobit", because the dependent variable in my research is coded in 0 and 1.
    I wonder how to interpret the strength of IV that I used in the equation

    Here is my procedure below:
     ivprobit Heart_disease Height (Weight=rs578776_genotype), twostep first
    Checking reduced-form model...
    first-stage regression
          Source |       SS           df       MS      Number of obs   =     3,509
    -------------+----------------------------------   F(2, 3506)      =   1071.14
           Model |  213791.893         2  106895.947   Prob > F        =    0.0000
        Residual |  349887.519     3,506  99.7967823   R-squared       =    0.3793
    -------------+----------------------------------   Adj R-squared   =    0.3789
           Total |  563679.412     3,508  160.683983   Root MSE        =    9.9898
               Weight |      Coef.   Std. Err.      t    P>|t|     [95% Conf. Interval]
    rs578776_genotype |   .3987121   .2926412     1.36   0.173    -.1750522    .9724765
               Height |   .9997172   .0216051    46.27   0.000     .9573573    1.042077
                _cons |  -99.16142   3.661257   -27.08   0.000    -106.3398   -91.98301
    Two-step probit with endogenous regressors        Number of obs   =      3,509
                                                      Wald chi2(2)    =       2.84
                                                      Prob > chi2     =     0.2414
                 |      Coef.   Std. Err.      z    P>|z|     [95% Conf. Interval]
          Weight |   .2141107   .2000621     1.07   0.285    -.1780039    .6062253
          Height |  -.2218302   .2000962    -1.11   0.268    -.6140115    .1703511
           _cons |   20.92252   19.74899     1.06   0.289    -17.78478    59.62983
    Instrumented:  Weight
    Instruments:   Height rs578776_genotype
    Wald test of exogeneity: chi2(1) = 2.03                   Prob > chi2 = 0.1538
    Does the F=1071.14 represents the strength of instrumental variable, which is the same when we use "ivregress" to obtain the result?
    In addition, does the adjusted R-square=0.3793 represents the multiple determination coefficient between IV and X?
    Or does it have the other statistics about the strength of instrumental vaiable in "ivprobit" syntax

    Thank you for your answer in advance!!!

  • #2
    In ivprobit the reduced form for the endogenous explanatory variable is linear, so you can use the same diagnostics as in the ivreg2. or you can estimate using ivreg2 model ! likewise you can comment on the F - stat. To the best of my knowledge no such study on an F statistic in case where we have a non linear structural model like more on stock-yogo ! cheers


    • #3
      I've installed the "ivreg2" command, and it really works.

      Here's the result I used this command below:
      ivreg2 Heart_disease Height (Weight=rs578776_genotype)
      IV (2SLS) estimation
      Estimates efficient for homoskedasticity only
      Statistics consistent for homoskedasticity only
                                                            Number of obs =     3509
                                                            F(  2,  3506) =     1.34
                                                            Prob > F      =   0.2613
      Total (centered) SS     =  231.3308635                Centered R2   =  -1.1843
      Total (uncentered) SS   =          249                Uncentered R2 =  -1.0293
      Residual SS             =  505.2866901                Root MSE      =    .3795
      Heart_dise~e |      Coef.   Std. Err.      z    P>|z|     [95% Conf. Interval]
            Weight |   .0305102   .0278801     1.09   0.274    -.0241339    .0851543
            Height |  -.0314976   .0278792    -1.13   0.259    -.0861397    .0231446
             _cons |     3.2464    2.75135     1.18   0.238    -2.146148    8.638947
      Underidentification test (Anderson canon. corr. LM statistic):           1.857
                                                         Chi-sq(1) P-val =    0.1730
      Weak identification test (Cragg-Donald Wald F statistic):                1.856
      Stock-Yogo weak ID test critical values: 10% maximal IV size             16.38
                                               15% maximal IV size              8.96
                                               20% maximal IV size              6.66
                                               25% maximal IV size              5.53
      Source: Stock-Yogo (2005).  Reproduced by permission.
      Sargan statistic (overidentification test of all instruments):           0.000
                                                       (equation exactly identified)
      Instrumented:         Weight
      Included instruments: Height
      Excluded instruments: rs578776_genotype
      Surely, it has Cragg-Donald Wald F statistic, does the result "1.856" means that the instrumental variable I used is weak?
      Moreover, the Sargan statistic below is "0.000", does it means that it has overidentification?
      Thus, the IV I chose in this analysis may not be a suitable one?

      Thank you for your help.


      • #4
        I also have a question.

        If I want to do an endogeneous test (eg. Durbin-Wu-Hausman test, or the test similar to this)
        Can I get the statistic in this syntax?

        Thanks a lot!!!


        • #5
          How do you cope with this question?I have the same question while writting my thesis.
          Can u help me with that?
          Thanks a lot!!!


          • #6
            Originally posted by Grace Wan View Post
            I also have a question.

            If I want to do an endogeneous test (eg. Durbin-Wu-Hausman test, or the test similar to this)
            Can I get the statistic in this syntax?

            Thanks a lot!!!
            I finally figured it out,thanks anyway!


            • #7
              Originally posted by Wesley Hon View Post

              I finally figured it out,thanks anyway!
              Hello Wesley, sorry for the late reply
              I'm majoring in Epidemiology, and I use instrumental variable in my thesis


              • #8
                Wesley Hon Could you please share your solution? I am having a hard time interpreting the results from ivprobit.

