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  • Propensity score matching with weight

    I try to analyze my data using propensity score matching. So, I used "teffects psmatch" command for that, but I realized I cannot use analyzed weight (aw) for logit or probit.
    With some search, someone recommends that using logit with aweight can be used by "glm, link(logit)". However, teffects psmatch command allows fweight only.
    So, I confused that

    1. Should I analyze my data without aweight? (I think it can be possible because two groups will be almost same after PSM without using weight, but not represent population.)
    2. How can I do propensity score matching with aweight?

    Before I write here, I've searched for a long time, but I couldn't find answers. Does someone help me how to solve my problem?
    Thank you for reading. Have a nice day.