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  • Method of power calculation- using sampsi command


    I have some older code which used the sampsi command ( and I would like to know what the method(method) option refers to, specifically, what is the difference between "post" "change"? The seem to give very different results. See below for example:

    You can see that the estimated power for post and change is very different results.

    (as an aside, I know what the newer stata command is power, how might I implement this power calculation using the power command?)

    sampsi 351 363, sd1(405) sd2(405) n1(2000) n2(4000) pre(8) post(8) onesided r1
    > (.3)
    Estimated power for two samples with repeated measures
                                          alpha =   0.0500  (one-sided)
                                             m1 =      351
                                             m2 =      363
                                            sd1 =      405
                                            sd2 =      405
                                 sample size n1 =     2000
                                             n2 =     4000
                                          n2/n1 =     2.00
               number of follow-up measurements =        8
     correlation between follow-up measurements =    0.300
                number of baseline measurements =        8
      correlation between baseline measurements =    0.300
       correlation between baseline & follow-up =    0.300
    Method: POST
     relative efficiency =    2.581
        adjustment to sd =    0.622
            adjusted sd1 =  252.110
            adjusted sd2 =  252.110
     Estimated power:
                   power =    0.537
    Method: CHANGE
     relative efficiency =    5.714
        adjustment to sd =    0.418
            adjusted sd1 =  169.424
            adjusted sd2 =  169.424
     Estimated power:
                   power =    0.827
    Method: ANCOVA
     relative efficiency =    6.442
        adjustment to sd =    0.394
            adjusted sd1 =  159.573
            adjusted sd2 =  159.573
     Estimated power:
                   power =    0.865
    I am using Stata SE x64 ver 13.1 with Win 7 x64 and with 8 GB of ram.

  • #2
    I've never actually used that feature, so I'm not certain of this response, but this is my best guess.

    The -method()- option is used with repeated measures data. There are several ways one can analyze changes in a variable in repeated measures study.

    1. You can do an ANCOVA where the second observation is the dependent variable and the baseline value of the observation is a covariate. That's what the ANCOVA method calculates power for.

    2. You can calculate the difference between the first and second observations and do a regression with the difference as the dependent variable. That would be the CHANGE method.

    3. You can have a data set with separate observations for each of the measurements, with an indicator variable distinguishing first from second and regress the measurement against the indicator. That, I think, would be the POST method.


    • #3
      Thanks Clyde,

      So for #3:
      "3. You can have a data set with separate observations for each of the measurements, with an indicator variable distinguishing first from second and regress the measurement against the indicator. That, I think, would be the POST method."

      Would the regression have the form of outcome = post or is it outcome = post*group + post + group?

      Would #3 then be the repeated measure ANOVA?
      I am using Stata SE x64 ver 13.1 with Win 7 x64 and with 8 GB of ram.


      • #4
        Yes, I think it would be outcome = post*group + post + group.

