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  • new plot schemes from Daniel Bischof are nice!

    I've been trying the new plotting schemes from Daniel Bischoff recently. The plottig and plottigblind are especially helpful and nice looking. The number of color blind affected men of Northern European ancestry always surprises me (8%). It should be a built in option to Stata.

  • #2
    Dave Airey
    the broader issue is addressed in brewschemewiththe- brewproof : - prefix command. Internally, brewscheme and brewtheme both generate copies of the theme/scheme file for each of the four types of color sight impairments and brewproof takes any graph command and generates the same graph for each type of color sight impairment using the created scheme file. The final result is a combined graph that shows a simulation of how that one graph would appear to others with color sight impairments so it can be proofed prior to publication. There are also internal tools that allow arbitrary specification of colors to test whether or not the colors will be sufficiently distinct to others with color sight impairments.

    I’ve been trying to work on some of the suggestions that I received when I submitted the paper to the Stata Journal as well as adding some additional features (e.g., testing if the color contrast ratio of two RGB values is sufficient for WCAG accessibility standards, etc...), but have had some challenges implementing some of the suggestions from the reviewer. Additionally, at the request of someone else, there is also a repository on GitHub that is intended to serve as a hub for user defined schemes created with brewscheme.

