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  • Update for SPost 13 for Stata 15

    I am pleased to announce an update to SPost 13 for Stata 15. You can installed updated commands by running -adoupdate, update-. This update resolves problems that occurred with post estimation analysis of models for nominal and ordinal models. Two problems remain that are caused by bugs in Stata 15 that should be fixed in the next maintenance release.

    1. Errors sometimes occur when the dependent variable has value labels. The solution is to remove the value labels for the dependent variable. For example, if the dependent variable is class, add the command -label val class-.

    2. The varlabel option for -estimates tables- causes an error. The solution is to remove the varlabel option.

    Stata 15 changed the default random number generator from the 32-bit KISS generator to the 64-bit Mersenne Twister. Results from tests using random numbers can change dramatically. This is not a bug.

    If you encounter a problem, please send me a detailed description ([email protected]). If possible, send a do-file that illustrates the problem using sample datasets from SPost or Stata.

    With best regards, Scott Long