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  • Contrasts of Predictive Margin after GMM

    Dear Statalisters,

    I am trying to plot a constrasts of predictive margins plot after a GMM regression in order to find out at which levels my interaction term is significant.
    My model is specified the following:

    xtabond2 L(0/3).value indep n o industry* i.year c.indep#c.fin, ///
    gmmstyle(L(1/3).value indep n , lag(4 6)) ///
    ivstyle( o c.indep#c.fin industry*) ///
    ivstyle( i.year, eq(level)) ///
    twostep robust orthogonal
    quietly margins r.fin, at(indep= (0.1 (0.1) 2.5))  
    marginsplot, scheme(sj) ytitle(Predicted Company Value)
    where n stands for the endogenous variables and o for exogenous variables to the model. c.indep#c.fin is an interaction term of two continous variables and I now want to plot the marginal effect of fin after finding the very helpful paper of Mr. Richard Williams 'Interpreting Interaction Terms' (2015). . However, I keep receiving the error message: "factor variables may not contain noninteger values".
    Therefore I would like to know if there is another, simple way to find out at which levels of indep the interaction term becomes significant then using the marginal effects graph.
    Last edited by Alisdair Somerset; 18 Aug 2017, 10:53.