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  • biprobit for Bivariate Probit: Change in parameter naming convention since v13

    I noticed today that a Mata program I developed that calls the -biprobit- procedure and that is reported in must be modified to run in Stata v15.

    The basic issue is that the way the -athrho- parameter is named in -biprobit- has changed (the change may have occurred in v14, but I jumped immediately from v13 to v15). This code shows the difference
    . version 13
    . biprobit y1 y2 x
    [results suppressed]
    . matrix list e(b)
                y1:         y1:         y2:         y2:     athrho:
                 x       _cons           x       _cons       _cons
    y1  -.08699015   .05623618   .08124519  -.03078105  -.10348424
    . version 15
    . biprobit y1 y2 x
    [results suppressed]
    . matrix list e(b)
                y1:         y1:         y2:         y2:          /:
                 x       _cons           x       _cons      athrho
    y1  -.08699015   .05623618   .08124519  -.03078105  -.10348424
    The smaller issue is that anyone wanting to use the method I proposed in the aforelinked Stata Journal paper should add a "version 13" to the top of the code. The larger issue is to alert anyone using -biprobit- to this change.

    P.S. I may have missed a general update statement regarding parameter names in v15 (or possibly v14), and apologize if the information provided here is redundant.

  • #2
    P.S. I just checked and the change must have occurred between v14 and v15, as specifying -version 14- results in the same naming convention as does -version 13-.

