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  • Constrast of marginal effect of one categorical variable for two categories of another variable

    Dear all,

    In the multilevel logistic regression that appears below there is an interaction between two categorical variables: gender ('female') and father's education ('fisced4'). I am interested in generating the contrast of the marginal effect of gender for the highest and lowest categories of father's education. The dependent variable in the model is the respondent's expectation of university graduation (yes/no)
    HTML Code:
    . xtmelogit expect_ISCED5A immig3 famstruc3 Above_mode Below_mode PV1MATH PV1READ positive_att media_educ media_socio i.female i.fisced4 female#fisced4 if fisced4!
    > =5 & country3==1 || schoolid:, variance
    Refining starting values:
    Iteration 0:   log likelihood = -5389.6352  
    Iteration 1:   log likelihood = -5317.5182  
    Iteration 2:   log likelihood = -5313.6034  
    Performing gradient-based optimization:
    Iteration 0:   log likelihood = -5313.6034  
    Iteration 1:   log likelihood = -5313.5992  
    Iteration 2:   log likelihood = -5313.5992  
    Mixed-effects logistic regression               Number of obs     =     10,951
    Group variable: schoolid                        Number of groups  =        318
                                                    Obs per group:
                                                                  min =          5
                                                                  avg =       34.4
                                                                  max =         50
    Integration points =   7                        Wald chi2(16)     =    2030.96
    Log likelihood = -5313.5992                     Prob > chi2       =     0.0000
         expect_ISCED5A |      Coef.   Std. Err.      z    P>|z|     [95% Conf. Interval]
                 immig3 |   .8634354   .0683085    12.64   0.000     .7295532    .9973176
              famstruc3 |  -.1151503   .0531898    -2.16   0.030    -.2194003   -.0109002
             Above_mode |  -.3661431   .0679251    -5.39   0.000    -.4992739   -.2330123
             Below_mode |   .1379749   .0903702     1.53   0.127    -.0391474    .3150973
                PV1MATH |   .0051991   .0004413    11.78   0.000     .0043342     .006064
                PV1READ |   .0062065    .000444    13.98   0.000     .0053362    .0070768
           positive_att |   .2168908   .0127588    17.00   0.000     .1918841    .2418975
             media_educ |   .3444196   .1223408     2.82   0.005      .104636    .5842032
            media_socio |   .0089023   .0091878     0.97   0.333    -.0091055    .0269101
               1.female |   .5426424   .0962686     5.64   0.000     .3539595    .7313254
                fisced4 |
             Upper sec  |   .1404945   .0878903     1.60   0.110    -.0317673    .3127562
      Upper vocational  |   .4624856   .1193588     3.87   0.000     .2285468    .6964245
            University  |   1.310903   .1008359    13.00   0.000     1.113269    1.508538
         female#fisced4 |
           1#Upper sec  |   .2527055   .1218969     2.07   0.038      .013792    .4916191
    1#Upper vocational  |   .0794333   .1683598     0.47   0.637    -.2505458    .4094124
          1#University  |  -.2824504    .143058    -1.97   0.048    -.5628389   -.0020619
                  _cons |  -11.09274   .4027278   -27.54   0.000    -11.88207   -10.30341
      Random-effects Parameters  |   Estimate   Std. Err.     [95% Conf. Interval]
    schoolid: Identity           |
                      var(_cons) |   .1779039   .0310618      .1263475     .250498
    LR test vs. logistic model: chibar2(01) = 83.24       Prob >= chibar2 = 0.0000
    I am interested in the difference of the marginal effect of gender for the highest (fisced4==1) and lowest (fisced4==1) category of father's education. Here I generate the marginal effect of gender for these two categories of father's education
    HTML Code:
    . margins female, at(fisced4==(1 4)) predict(mu fixedonly) vsquish level(90)
    Predictive margins                              Number of obs     =     10,951
    Expression   : Predicted mean, fixed portion only, predict(mu fixedonly)
    1._at        : fisced4         =           1
    2._at        : fisced4         =           4
                 |            Delta-method
                 |     Margin   Std. Err.      z    P>|z|     [90% Conf. Interval]
      _at#female |
            1 0  |    .510501   .0139698    36.54   0.000     .4875226    .5334793
            1 1  |   .6098038   .0123391    49.42   0.000     .5895078    .6300999
            2 0  |   .7360576   .0114656    64.20   0.000     .7171983    .7549169
            2 1  |   .7730081    .011907    64.92   0.000     .7534228    .7925933
    The following command allows to get the contrast of the marginal effect of female for each category of father's education. It is easy to see that 0.0993029 (below) is the difference between 0.510501 and 0.6098038 (above), and so 0.0369504 is the difference between 0.7360576 and 0.7730081. But what I really want is the contrast between these two contrasts.
    HTML Code:
    . margins r.female, at(fisced4==(1 4)) predict(mu fixedonly) vsquish level(90)
    Contrasts of predictive margins
    Expression   : Predicted mean, fixed portion only, predict(mu fixedonly)
    1._at        : fisced4         =           1
    2._at        : fisced4         =           4
                 |         df        chi2     P>chi2
      female@_at |
     (1 vs 0) 1  |          1       31.95     0.0000
     (1 vs 0) 2  |          1        5.57     0.0183
          Joint  |          2       36.19     0.0000
                 |            Delta-method
                 |   Contrast   Std. Err.     [90% Conf. Interval]
      female@_at |
     (1 vs 0) 1  |   .0993029   .0175684      .0704054    .1282003
     (1 vs 0) 2  |   .0369504     .01566       .011192    .0627089
    Quite unfortunately, I have not been able to see how I can get this contrast of contrasts. The closest I have got to my objective is the order the output below. But what appears there as the contrast between the difference in the marginal effect of gender for the two categories I am interested in (University and Lower secondary education or less) is -0.0755766, which is not the exactly the same as the difference between .0993029 and .0369504 in the output above, which is is -0,0623525
    HTML Code:
    . margins, dydx(female) over(r.fisced4) predict(mu fixedonly) vsquish level (90) post
    Contrasts of average marginal effects
    Expression   : Predicted mean, fixed portion only, predict(mu fixedonly)
    dy/dx w.r.t. : 1.female
    over         : fisced4
                                             |         df        chi2     P>chi2
    0b.female                                |
                                     fisced4 |
           (Upper sec vs Lower sec or less)  |  (omitted)
    (Upper vocational vs Lower sec or less)  |  (omitted)
          (University vs Lower sec or less)  |  (omitted)
                                      Joint  |  (omitted)
    1.female                                 |
                                     fisced4 |
           (Upper sec vs Lower sec or less)  |          1        4.13     0.0422
    (Upper vocational vs Lower sec or less)  |          1        0.04     0.8326
          (University vs Lower sec or less)  |          1       12.88     0.0003
                                      Joint  |          3       47.43     0.0000
                                             |   Contrast Delta-method
                                             |      dy/dx   Std. Err.     [90% Conf. Interval]
    1.female                                 |
                                     fisced4 |
           (Upper sec vs Lower sec or less)  |   .0464048   .0228389      .0088381    .0839715
    (Upper vocational vs Lower sec or less)  |   .0063775   .0301635      -.043237     .055992
          (University vs Lower sec or less)  |  -.0755766    .021062     -.1102204   -.0409327
    Note: dy/dx for factor levels is the discrete change from the base level.
    I would appreciate your help in guiding me to what I am doing wrong. Or just to tell me how could I proceed to generate the contrast of contrasts that I am looking for.

    At any rate, many thanks for your attention

    And my apologies for this post/question, if it sounds too silly

    Kind regards


  • #2
    Even your calculation of the marginal effects is unnecessarily complicated. I think what you are looking for is just

    margins female, dydx(fisced4) pwcompare(effects)

