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  • Estimating a constrained hackman model


    I'm interested in estimating a Heckman selection model via maximum likelihood (if possible via the "hackman" command), however, I'd also like to impose a constraint on the variables being estimated (specifically on the beta's and the rho being estimated). Is it possible to impose such constraints using the constraints option? If not, is there a work-around?


  • #2
    Hi Ben,

    you don't provide much detail about what you want to do exactly, so since the question is general, the answer is also general: yes the heckman maximum likelihood estimator in Stata allows for linear constraints of the parameters being estimated. See help heckman and scroll down to heckman_ml_options.
    Alfonso Sanchez-Penalver


    • #3
      Hi, my apologies. What I meant was that I want to impose a constraint in the form of a relationship between the variables being estimated -- i.e. I would like to impose the condition that the rho is actually a function of the betas. Is this possible within the heckman command?


      • #4
        Ben, yes. Consider the following:
        clear all
        set more off
        webuse womenwk
        const 1 [athrho]_cons = 0.84 * ([wage]education + [select]education)
        heckman wage educ age, select(married children educ age) const(1)
        di .84*(_b[wage:education] + _b[select:education])
        This produces the following results:
        Heckman selection model                         Number of obs      =      2000
        (regression model with sample selection)        Censored obs       =       657
                                                        Uncensored obs     =      1343
                                                        Wald chi2(1)       =    122.12
        Log likelihood = -5178.305                      Prob > chi2        =    0.0000
         ( 1)  - .84*[wage]education - .84*[select]education + [athrho]_cons = 0
                wage |      Coef.   Std. Err.      z    P>|z|     [95% Conf. Interval]
        wage         |
           education |    .989368   .0511711    19.33   0.000     .8890746    1.089661
                 age |   .2134143   .0193119    11.05   0.000     .1755637    .2512649
               _cons |    .476678   1.051715     0.45   0.650    -1.584646    2.538002
        select       |
             married |    .445116   .0673295     6.61   0.000     .3131526    .5770795
            children |    .438425   .0268442    16.33   0.000     .3858114    .4910386
           education |   .0556047   .0102393     5.43   0.000      .035536    .0756734
                 age |   .0365247   .0041351     8.83   0.000     .0284201    .0446294
               _cons |  -2.489352   .1845662   -13.49   0.000    -2.851095   -2.127608
             /athrho |    .877777   .0463081    18.96   0.000     .7870147    .9685393
            /lnsigma |   1.793242   .0215357    83.27   0.000     1.751033    1.835451
                 rho |   .7053039    .023272                      .6567146    .7480617
               sigma |   6.008901   .1294057                      5.760549    6.267961
              lambda |   4.238102   .1978183                      3.850385    4.625818
        Wald test of indep. eqns. (rho = 0): chi2(1) =   359.30   Prob > chi2 = 0.0000
        . di .84*(_b[wage:education] + _b[select:education])
        I hope this is what you're asking for.
        Alfonso Sanchez-Penalver


        • #5
          Yes, thanks very much. That is exactly what I'm looking for. One more question -- I'm interested in estimating rho and beta's while setting rho equal to a function of the covariances of the estimated beta's and their respective variable vectors, i.e. rho = f(cov(X'b)). Would this be at all possible?


          • #6
            I don't think so. The covariances of the estimated betas are due to sampling they are not population parameters. The reason you want to impose a constraint is because the constraint holds in the population. In the population there are no standard errors of the beta estimates: they are zero. So the constraint you're talking about doesn't make much sense.
            Alfonso Sanchez-Penalver


            • #7
              Thanks. I think I was mistaken when I said I wanted the covariances of the estimated beta's. The constraint I'm attempting to include in my estimation can be expressed as:

              rho = cov(x'b, x'g)/var(x'g)

              where b is the (parameter) vector of coefficients from the main equation and g is the (parameter) vector of coefficients on the selection equation. Just wondering how I might go about including this constraint.

              I realize that the equation is also saying that rho is the projection of x'b onto x'g, so I was wondering if that would be useful knowledge at all.


              • #8
                No, I don't believe that can be done.
                Alfonso Sanchez-Penalver

