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  • Effect size calculator

    Dear Statalist users,

    I am trying to do power analysis with the following, and noted what I think seems to be an anomaly in the calculation of the effect size.

    Here are 2 separate calculations (one to determine the power, and the other to determine the estimated effect size given a power of 0.80). Note that the effect size (delta) is simply the difference between m1 and m2. However, my understanding is that effect size should be a standardized difference, i.e., in terms of how many standard deviations from the mean, and not simply the difference. Is there something wrong with the way the delta has been calculated below? Note that I have also specified the standard deviations of each group (and they are both different from each other and from 1).

    Thank you.

    Group: Variable | Obs Mean Std. Dev. Min Max
    Control Group: EffortMin0 | 52 4.215385 .812738 .1 5.7
    Treatment Group: EffortMin0 | 50 4.486 .5613431 3.4 5.9

    Estimated power for a two-sample means test
    Satterthwaite's t test assuming unequal variances
    Ho: m2 = m1 versus Ha: m2 != m1

    Study parameters:

    alpha = 0.5000
    N = 102
    N1 = 52
    N2 = 50
    N2/N1 = 0.9615
    delta = 0.2706
    m1 = 4.2154
    m2 = 4.4860

    sd1 = 0.8127
    sd2 = 0.5613

    Estimated power:

    power = 0.9050

    Estimated experimental-group mean for a two-sample means test
    Satterthwaite's t test assuming unequal variances
    Ho: m2 = m1 versus Ha: m2 != m1; m2 > m1

    Study parameters:

    alpha = 0.5000
    power = 0.8000
    N = 102
    N1 = 52
    N2 = 50
    N2/N1 = 0.9615
    m1 = 4.2154
    sd1 = 0.8127
    sd2 = 0.5613

    Estimated effect size and experimental-group mean:

    delta = 0.2013
    m2 = 4.4167
