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  • Problems with command esttab

    Dear All,

    I am using the command esttab to export some results in latex.

    I estimate a model like this:

    reg y l.y x1
    est reg1

    Then I use:

    esttab reg1 using "My directory\tab3a.tex", replace star(* 0.10 ** 0.05 *** 0.01) plain nogaps depvars b(%9.3f) legend noabbrev style(tex) title("Baseline model" \label{table3}) label stats(N N_g r2_o r2 F ll, fmt(%9.0g %9.0f %9.3f %9.3f %9.3f %9.3f ) labels(Observations "N. of Observations" Overall-R$^2$ R$^2$ F-test "log(likelihood)")) se keep (l.y x1) order(l.y x1) addnotes("Standard errors in parentheses") numbers lines parentheses nolz substitute(\begin{table}[htbp]\centering \begin{table}[htbp]\centering\footnotesize{ \end{tabular} \end{tabular}})

    Now I get an error message saying that the variable l.y is not found. The only way I can work this out consists of genereting:

    gen lw=l.y

    and use lw instead l.y

    Is there any problem with the command esttab that I am using? By the way, I just installed it through estout package, so I presume it is the last available one.



  • #2
    Use a capital "L" for the lag operator, at least in your esttab command.


    • #3
      Thanks a lot Nils. It works!

