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  • Differences in results between -metan- and -cc- for the Breslow-Day test

    Dear Statalisters,

    I noticed major differences between -metan- and -cc- for the Breslow-Day test of homogeneity of odds ratio. Apparently, major differences appear when there are some cells from the 2x2 table with zero events. Please, see the code below:

    a = events among exposed persons
    b = non-events among exposed persons
    c = events among non-exposed persons
    d = non-events among non-exposed persons

    input a b c d
    a b c d
    2 43 4 40
    2 35 0 37
    3 36 0 39
    4 34 2 36
    5 40 3 42
    3 45 2 46
    metan a b c d, or breslow nograph
    local bd1 = r(het)
    rename a counts1
    rename b counts2
    rename c counts3
    rename d counts4
    gene strata = _n
    qui reshape long counts, i(strata) j(j)
    gene exposure = cond(j==1|j==2,1,0)
    drop j
    gene event = cond(mod(_n,2),1,0)
    qui expand counts
    cc event exposure, by(strata) bd woolf
    local bd2 = r(chi2_bd)
    */"Breslow-Day's chi-square from -metan-"
    dis `bd1'
    */ "Breslow-Day's chi-square from -cc-"
    dis `bd2'
    If I replace both 0's by any integer >=1, both -cc- and -metan- give nearly identical results. However, with zeros, results are greatly different. Hence, my question is: Which one should we trust for sparse data?

    All the best,


    Last edited by Tiago Pereira; 14 Apr 2017, 16:24.

  • #2
    Just realized that I've been missing a line in my code. Before expanding data, I forgot of adding
    drop if counts==0
    Really sorry for that. Both -cc- and -metan- agree in their results - with -metan- being a little more conservative.

