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  • summing observations over a date range; not equally spaced dataset; using forvalues and bysort


    I have a dataset and I am trying to sum observations over a time interval of 365 days in not equally spaced data. My data set includes a person, center, date and events. I am trying to sum the number of events that occur at each center over the next 365 days for each person. Not every observation/person has an event, sometimes it is 2 events, sometimes 1 event, sometimes 0. The dates are not equally spaced. When I use the code below, what results is the number of persons or the count over the 365 day period rather than the sum of events.

    sort ctr Date
    generate sum_events =.
    local N = _N
    quietly forvalues i = 1/`N' {
    sum(events) if ctr == ctr[`i'] & inrange(Date, Date[`i'], Date[`i']+365),
    replace sum_events = r(N) in `i'

    This returns the count of persons/observations over 365 days rather than the number of events over 365 days

    input double person_code str8 ctr float Date double events
    89 "0009" 19947 0
    49 "0009" 20048 2
    24 "0009" 20198 2
    809 "0009" 20262 0
    550 "0009" 20328 2
    336 "0009" 20376 2
    330 "0009" 20402 2
    709 "0009" 20429 2
    586 "0021" 16560 0
    301 "0021" 16560 1
    891 "0021" 16560 2
    612 "0021" 16560 0

    I have tried this code as well

    sort ctr Date
    by ctr: gen sum_events = sum(events) if inrange(Date, Date[`i'], Date[`i']+365)

    The r(111) message returns and it says "Date not found"

    I am pretty new to stata. I appreciate any help/assistance greatly. I hope my question is clear.

    Thank you.


  • #2
    I'm a little confused by your description of the problem. But if I do understand what you want, it can be done with:

    rangestat (sum) total_events = events, interval(Date 0 365) by(ctr)
    Note: -rangestat- is not part of official Stata. It was written by Robert Picard, Nick Cox, and Roberto Ferrer. You can get it from SSC.


    • #3
      I agree with Clyde. If the counts are desired for each person and center combination you need

       rangestat (sum) total_events = events, interval(Date 0 365) by(ctr person)
      but if it is just each center then Clyde's code is fine.

      In your original code you need r(sum) not r(N).


      • #4
        Thank you Nick and Clyde. Clyde's code worked perfectly for my problem

        Also as Nick stated changing r(N) to r(sum) also fixed my problem as well.

        Thanks a ton.


        • #5
          Good, but in the original wording

          the number of events that occur at each center over the next 365 days for each person
          "for each person" is better omitted.


          • #6
            Ok, I see that now, sorry for confusion. Thanks again.

