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  • How to Correct for Heteroscedasticity and Autocorrelation with single command in a Fixed Effects Panel Data Model?

    Hello respected member,
    i have Balance panel data consist 300 observations. my model include five independent, three control and one dependent variable. after running hausman test i found fix effect reg is appropriate. further i use heteroscedasticity and autocorrelation test and found that these two problem exist in the data. my question is there any single command through which i can remove both these two problem.

  • #2
    welcome to the list.
    Your query creeps up quite frequently on this forum.
    If you're dealing with a large N, small T panel dataset (please note that you should provide the list with all the useful details concerning your query; please see the FAQ about this and other topics. Thanks) and you suspect autocorrelation and/or heteroskedasticity, you should simply robustifying/clustering your standard errors:
    xtreg <depvar> <indepvars>, fe vce(cluster panelid)
    Kind regards,
    (StataNow 18.5)


    • #3
      Hi Carlo Lazzaro

      I have a panel dataset with large N (N=230) and small T (T=15).

      My methods are nonlinear, like so:
       xtprobit <depvar> <indepvars>, re
      I have found that xttest commands are incompatible with xtprobit, so I am unable to conduct tests such as the Breusch-Pagan test for heteroskedastcity in the panel data residuals.

      Could I proceed and use clustered standard errors (just in case there is autocorrelation and/or heteroskedasticity, although I haven't been able to test for these)?

      Your advice would be much appreciated

      Thank you


      • #4
        the following thread may be interesting
        As an aside, please note that -xtest0- tests random effects, not heteroskedasticity (I assume you mistake it with -estat hettest-, which is included among -regress postestimation- commands).
        Kind regards,
        (StataNow 18.5)


        • #5
          Many thanks for your reply Carlo Lazzaro

          There were some good suggestions in the link, although I think most of them (such as oglm and clogit) apply to Logit models. The link helped to confirm that robust standard errors correct for both heteroscedasticity and autocorrelation.

          Apologies, I meant to refer to xttest2 (the Breusch-Pagan test for heteroskedastcity), which does not seem to work for panel data.

          Unfortunately, estat hettest returned the following error message:
          . estat hettest
          estat hettest not valid  
          So I suspect this is also incompatible with xtprobit.

          I am unsure of how to test for heteroskedasticity with xtprobit.
          As "heteroscedasticity has more severe consequences" for non-linear models (reference:, I wonder whether it is better to include robust standard errors anyway, just in case?

          Thank you
          Last edited by Rose Simmons; 06 Mar 2017, 10:11.


          • #6
            -estat hetest- works only after -regress-.
            I would compare both default and robust SEs, judge on their difference and then choose.
            However, using -vce(robust)- from scratch looks acceptable anyway.
            Kind regards,
            (StataNow 18.5)


            • #7
              Thank you very much for your suggestion Carlo, I have now conducted a comparison.
              Both default SEs (column 1 below) and robust (column 2 below) SEs are similar (some more than others, such as age):

              Variable     |    VCEoim    VCErob       
                    gender |   0.642     0.642      
                           |   0.209     0.250     
                       age |   0.001     0.001    
                           |   0.036     0.037
              I will proceed with -vce(robust)-
              Thank you for helping me with this


              • #8
                Carlo Lazzaro thank you so much for sharing your knowledge .. really appreciated


                • #9
                  @Carlo Lazzaro sir, could you please guide me what is (cluster panelid). i tried to run the command as you mentioned above but i found these results

                  xtreg ce npl car ppl lr clar bs ms roa, fe vce(cluster panelid)
                  variable panelid not found

                  note ce is dependent variable, npl car ppl lr clar are independent, bs ms and roa are control


                  • #10
                    -panelid- is the panel identifier of your panel dataset.
                    As you did not provide any clue about that (as you should have done, as per FAQ), I guessed that it was named -panelid-.
                    Put differently, it should be the first variable that you plugged in -xtset-.
                    Kind regards,
                    (StataNow 18.5)


                    • #11
                      thank you Sir Carlo Lazzaro. i got your point.


                      • #12
                        Carlo is enough!
                        Kind regards,
                        (StataNow 18.5)


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by Carlo Lazzaro View Post
                          -estat hetest- works only after -regress-.
                          I would compare both default and robust SEs, judge on their difference and then choose.
                          However, using -vce(robust)- from scratch looks acceptable anyway.
                          Carlo, is there a hetest for panel data? Or can I just do a regress and then hettest for my panel? It clearly rejects homosked.

                          For model choice between RE and POLS we use the xttest0? Can you elaborate a bit more on the difference between testing homoskedasticity and random effects? I am a bit confused by that.

                          Thank you in advance!


                          • #14
                            q1) as far as I know, there's no such a test. I would compare both default and robust SEs, judge on their difference and then choose.

                            q2) Jeff' s reply at showed that my idea about -xttest0- was wrong.
                            Kind regards,
                            (StataNow 18.5)


                            • #15
                              I used -xtreg y x1 x2, fe robust- regression code for my panel data whose N is 12 and T is 156 (T>N).

                              I did some tests and had results shown below:

                              -xtcsd, pesaran abs- (serially correlated)
                              -xttest2- (serially correlated) (as I know, better choice for T>N panel data)
                              -xttest3- (homoscedastic)

                              xtreg d_tuketici_aflow l.d_tuketici_aflow d.mev_tp_toplam d_real_gdp d_inf l.zk_c d_vix map_akim, fe robust
                              . xttest2

                              Correlation matrix of residuals:

                              __e10 __e12 __e15 __e32 __e46 __e62 __e64 __e67 __e99 __e111 __e123 __e134
                              __e10 1.0000
                              __e12 0.4936 1.0000
                              __e15 0.4714 0.3560 1.0000
                              __e32 0.3381 0.3759 0.4100 1.0000
                              __e46 0.3999 0.5731 0.2429 0.3609 1.0000
                              __e62 0.4509 0.4699 0.4326 0.4840 0.4548 1.0000
                              __e64 0.5542 0.6000 0.5253 0.4104 0.5826 0.6475 1.0000
                              __e67 0.5378 0.6343 0.3881 0.5938 0.5494 0.6398 0.6490 1.0000
                              __e99 0.4521 0.5185 0.3365 0.6366 0.4273 0.5940 0.5556 0.6063 1.0000
                              __e111 0.3237 0.4738 0.4344 0.5702 0.4116 0.5538 0.5078 0.5742 0.5195 1.0000
                              __e123 0.3938 0.4455 0.2742 0.4954 0.4274 0.4422 0.4343 0.5366 0.6093 0.4166 1.0000
                              __e134 0.3317 0.2583 0.4056 0.5079 0.3044 0.4909 0.3377 0.3991 0.5360 0.3887 0.2866 1.0000

                              Breusch-Pagan LM test of independence: chi2(66) = 1996.413, Pr = 0.0000
                              Based on 131 complete observations over panel units
                              I kindly request a way to solve (as codes) this cross-sectional dependence problem as I could not find the solution anywhere on the net.

